Humans are diverse!

Is this a serious question?

This entire forum is an illustration as to how factions of Americans want completely different things.

Your thing is social issues, Jarod,

but politically,

progressives want a more comprehensive public sector and a more regulated private sector,
while conservatives operate on two levels.

The small controlling tier wants absolutely no restraints on corporatism at all,

and they get votes from working class people who don't benefit from that
by pandering to their socially regressive principles.
thinking that peopole should not kill their children is not limited to the religious.......

Stay on topic PostmodernIdiot as we are taking about Fetus.

Do you think the jewish religion should be able to force christians to do abortions just because their religion requires that option?

Is it only MIGHt that makes right in your opinion and whoever has the power should impose their rules on the other?

Or should the Christian follow their religion and let their god judge them, and the Jew do the same and let their god judge them?

You know, the 'judge not lest ye be judged' thing that was a corner stone of the christian religion when i was growing up in the church.

We understand perfectly what the right, especially the more religious right believes, with regards to abortion, birth control, dancing in public, etc and are fine with them living THEIR lives to their beliefs. But like the Taliban, the push to impose their beliefs on others, simply because they have achieved some power is very fascist and wrong.
The problem is that as a society we have to make rules and laws that apply to everyone so even though we are different we need to find a common ground.

A anarchist society with all different types of people running around is not possible.

Only in the ass stupid brains of racists
We can't have different laws for different groups of people.

It simply wouldn't work.

We have always had 2 judicial systems. We all know the wealthy and powerful do not pay for crime like the poor or average person does. It has worked somewhat for 250 years. But the wealthy are SO rich now, that they are above the law in almost every respect.
A stupid person might read that in to my post but i said or suggested no such thing.

So you think everyone should be able to rape others legally in your opinion (amidoingitright?)


Back on topic, there are many things the MagaTard right might never want to engage in and believe are immoral, that is fine within their beliefs, that they should NOT be able to force on to others, to dictate how they live.

If MagaTards want religious freedom to live their lives according to their beliefs, they should allow others to live to theirs.


- some religious people believe in minimal hospital care (some none) and zero medicines. Fine. But they should not be able to force us all to live that way
- some religious people believe abortion is wrong to do despite nothing in the bible saying so, other religious people (jews) can show their religion calls for abortion rights to be accessible. Neither should be able to force the OTHER to live to their way. They can BOTH follow their own morals and live their lives.
- Some republicans believe gays should not be able to marry and race mixing in marriage should not be allowed. NO one should force them to marry someone of the same sex, nor someone of another race.

TinkerPeach, when you read those few examples (i could write hundreds more) do you agree with me, that the right should not be able to force others to live to the way they want to live... OR... do you read the above and think 'as long as the right has the power to impose it, they absolutely should be allowed to force others to live the way, they chose to live their lives?

We don't care if people are gay or trannies until they start affecting our lives and the lives of our children with it.

Tell them to keep it to themselves and problem solved.

The problem is that they are activists trying to push their belief down everyone's throats, pointing fingers and saying we need to believe the way they do.
Is this a serious question?

This entire forum is an illustration as to how factions of Americans want completely different things.

Your thing is social issues, Jarod,

but politically,

progressives want a more comprehensive public sector and a more regulated private sector,
while conservatives operate on two levels.

The small controlling tier wants absolutely no restraints on corporatism at all,

and they get votes from working class people who don't benefit from that
by pandering to their socially regressive principles.

Right, but when they system is working, as it has been the last two years or so... both sides compromise to get progress. Look at Abortion, the states were free to prohibit it, but many state legislatures are paying the price for doing so. Sure Alabama and Florida are being very restrictive, but Alabama citizens can drive to Georgia and Florida is not going to tolerate it, watch the upheaval in the next election.

Alabama will grow even more poor and less educated.
Humans are sufficiently diverse to operate most comfortably in their own homogeneous enclaves,
and that is precisely what makes a culturally diverse nation such as ours
so difficult to exist without stressful turmoil.

Everything that we do in trying to cultivate inter-faction tranquility
should be addressed with this reality in mind
and not with the pipedream that our diversity is a strength.

Our diversity is a handicap with which we must learn to live much better than we do now.
We have always had 2 judicial systems. We all know the wealthy and powerful do not pay for crime like the poor or average person does. It has worked somewhat for 250 years. But the wealthy are SO rich now, that they are above the law in almost every respect.

Bernie Madoff anyone, Epstein?

Because a gun can and way too often is be used to kill people, the ultimate infringement of rights.

so you want to make people be less able to defend themselves from those who believe 'might makes right' in order for you to feel safer from those very people who want to be able to defend themselves better. and you don't see how that is an infringement of their rights?
pure bullshit.....
yes it looks like your post is. So lets go thru it.

.the left wants to control choices about smoking, vaping,
The history of the enactment of State by State smoking restrictions and city by city ones, shows it to be completely bipartisan. Only an idiot (congrats PostModernIdiot) thinks this is a Dem thing when a quick goggle search will you show you an endless list of GOP State and city admins imposing same.

light bulbs, flush toilets, gas stoves, the size of our beverages,
more garbage by you. As always MagaTards believe Making America great means any attempt at advancing in society (such as cars from horse buggy) is the eveil Dems trying to take away their choice and the US would be better if we reject all advancement. The arguments are so stupid they deserve the scorn they get.

how we define marriage,
This is a good one as it is one of the only valid ones you have posted that demonstrates the right mindset.

No one, NO ONE, stops the right from defining marriage in the way they want and living their life to that definition.

But the replubliclown mindset is to say if you do not let us define marriage not just for ourselves but also for YOU, then you are enforcing your view on us.

It is this retarded view, echoed by PostmodernProfit (waaaaa, we don't get to define marriage for everyone) that is the heart of the magatard complaints.

what sort of vehicles we may drive, even who we get to choose as our nominee for president......good lord......restricting choices is your life's goal.....
more stupidity by you.
When the proliferation of men wearing dresses is responsible for 40,000+ violent deaths a year, we can talk about that. Until it is the leading killer of our children and teens, you have no case for your paranoid need for defense going to the grocery store.

no, we need to talk about why you want to hold an entire demographic of society responsible for the criminal acts of a small percentage of the population.

what's hilarious is you calling people paranoid because they believe a mass shooting could happen at a grocery store, when mass shootings HAVE happened at grocery stores........

are you proud of your ignorance?
We have always had 2 judicial systems. We all know the wealthy and powerful do not pay for crime like the poor or average person does. It has worked somewhat for 250 years. But the wealthy are SO rich now, that they are above the law in almost every respect.

yet you willingly and wholeheartedly believe that hunter biden was treated like any other individual?????????
so you want to make people be less able to defend themselves from those who believe 'might makes right' in order for you to feel safer from those very people who want to be able to defend themselves better. and you don't see how that is an infringement of their rights?

I do not want them less able to defend themselves, I want those who believe might makes right not to be armed with human killing machines.
We don't care if people are gay or trannies until they start affecting our lives and the lives of our children with it.

Tell them to keep it to themselves and problem solved.

The problem is that they are activists trying to push their belief down everyone's throats, pointing fingers and saying we need to believe the way they do.

Ya that is complete BS.

As PostModernIdiot states above the right pushes a view that says 'if we cannot define marriage not just for ourselves but also for others who must follow it, then we are having your view forced on us'.

This is the type of dystopian flip of victimhood the right has accept so they can claim to be repressed.

it is simply not enough for those on the right to say 'we do not think condemns and other forms of birth control should be used so WE wont use them'.

Instead they think OTHERS using them, who believe differently are repressing them, and they then seek to use the force of law to get them to comply.
We don't care if people are gay or trannies until they start affecting our lives and the lives of our children with it.

Tell them to keep it to themselves and problem solved.

The problem is that they are activists trying to push their belief down everyone's throats, pointing fingers and saying we need to believe the way they do.

Nobody is or has affected your lives or your childrens lives "with it", you are just upset that some people do not follow the "rules" you felt you had to follow. Why should anyone have to keep anything to themselves if they do not want to keep it to themselves, I say express yourself. Nobody is trying to push anything down your throat just by expressing themselves, you just fell that way because you are so easily triggered by anyone different than you.

Everyone has a right to be OUT with who they are.
So you say.

Children need love, affection and guidance. To be taught acceptance and tolerance.

Obviously, your parents fucked up that portion of your upbringing.

I just love how you exude tolerance. I'd try to explain the irony to you but you're clearly a fucking moron.
It’s reality, not pretend land. We are not preprogrammed set predetermined bots as you people like to pretend… Deviation from the “norm” is often healthy and good for culture.

You're kidding right?

"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black"

Believe it or not but I REALLY do try to take you people seriously but just can't. You actually have the lack of awareness to post what you did when your leader said what he said. This is why I ridicule you people. You either act stupid or actually are, which is it?
You're kidding right?

"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black"

Believe it or not but I REALLY do try to take you people seriously but just can't. You actually have the lack of awareness to post what you did when your leader said what he said. This is why I ridicule you people. You either act stupid or actually are, which is it?

You are not making sense? What does the ancient Biden quote have to do with what we are discussing?