Hypothetical Situation


Loyal to the end
Let's say its just after 9 on a Friday evening, and you're at home, just cleaned up after some yard work before it started raining. It was hot as hell outside so you took a long cool shower. Your wife's out of town with your daughter looking at a colleges, and you just got off the phone with her that college #1 was nice, the hotel is great and they are looking forward to seeing College #2 tomorrow. Your son left for the weekend to hang out with some buddies at one of their parents homes. Got a movie on the tube and just filled up your second scotch. Then the doorbell rings.

Its your neighbor, and she's soaked from the rain. She's got a white blouse on and you can't hep but notice what's clinging underneath. Her garage door opener isn't working somehow and she doesn't have her house key, can she borrow yours to her house? Her husband just left for his night shift job, and both of their daughters are out for the evening. "No problem" you say, invite her in, and hand her a towel before you head into that kitchen to look around for the key.

There's a lot of keys in the drawer and your not sure which one it is. This ones for x, so that's not it, this other's for y, maybe it's this one here... You sense someone behind you, so turn around and there she is, and she's got her top off.

You've always admired her looks: tall, slender, in great shape. Fun gal to talk with too. But whoa- here she is, and she's drop-dead gorgeous. She grabs you, pushes you into the wall and plants a big-ol wet kiss firmly on your mouth. She whispers "take me to bed".

What do you do and why?
Nothing. If I wanted to be unfaithfull to my wife it wouldn't take a neighbor's wife to get it started. So, tell us, what did you do?
I'd thank her for the flattering offer, but I would tell her no.
I'd decline the offer and ask her to leave, because I love my girlfriend and cheating on her would result in unbearable guilt. Ultimately, I'd have to confess to her that I cheated and the relationship would be finished, at which point I'd probably become an alcoholic, lose my job, and live in my mom and dad's garage. In other words, I'd become like \(\(\(\/)/)/)/.

What answer are you fishing for, exactly?
Let's say its just after 9 on a Friday evening, and you're at home, just cleaned up after some yard work before it started raining. It was hot as hell outside so you took a long cool shower. Your wife's out of town with your daughter looking at a colleges, and you just got off the phone with her that college #1 was nice, the hotel is great and they are looking forward to seeing College #2 tomorrow. Your son left for the weekend to hang out with some buddies at one of their parents homes. Got a movie on the tube and just filled up your second scotch. Then the doorbell rings.

Its your neighbor, and she's soaked from the rain. She's got a white blouse on and you can't hep but notice what's clinging underneath. Her garage door opener isn't working somehow and she doesn't have her house key, can she borrow yours to her house? Her husband just left for his night shift job, and both of their daughters are out for the evening. "No problem" you say, invite her in, and hand her a towel before you head into that kitchen to look around for the key.

There's a lot of keys in the drawer and your not sure which one it is. This ones for x, so that's not it, this other's for y, maybe it's this one here... You sense someone behind you, so turn around and there she is, and she's got her top off.

You've always admired her looks: tall, slender, in great shape. Fun gal to talk with too. But whoa- here she is, and she's drop-dead gorgeous. She grabs you, pushes you into the wall and plants a big-ol wet kiss firmly on your mouth. She whispers "take me to bed".

What do you do and why?

I'd probably comment on her kiss and lips and explain that while I always believe in being a good neighbor I'm also married so going to bed with her is out of the question. I'd then tell her that in the spirit of being a good neighbor this was the best I could offer while proceeding to drop my pants.

Bear in mind my neighbor's husband is a lawyer so outright rejection of a lawyer's wife might not be the wisest course of action.

Sound like a plausible defense? :D
I would certainly not let my wife read my response to this thread.....

PMP, that would depend on your response...

A man went to his office xmas party, but his wife could not attend. He woke up the next morning hungover as hell. His head was pounding and he could barely open one eye. When he finally lifted his head he saw a glass of water and 2 aspirin on the nightstand next to him. When he staggered into the bathroom he saw he had a huge blackeye, and he saw a note from his wife that said, "Good morning darling, your breakfast is on the stove. I've gone shopping for some steaks to make your favorite dinner tonight. Be back soon. Luv You". He wandered down to the kitchen and found his son eating a bowl of cereal, and his breakfast waiting. Eggs, english muffins, bacon and coffee were all prepared.

He asked his son what all this was about. His son told him, "You came home smashed last night, staggered in and woke us up. You fell in the living room, broke the coffee table and gave yourself a blackeye". The man pointed at the breakfast, "what about this?". The sons replied, "Oh that, Mom took you upstairs and tried to put you to bed, but when she tried to take your pants off you screamed "Get off of me lady! I am a married man!".
Let's say its just after 9 on a Friday evening, and you're at home, just cleaned up after some yard work before it started raining. It was hot as hell outside so you took a long cool shower. Your wife's out of town with your daughter looking at a colleges, and you just got off the phone with her that college #1 was nice, the hotel is great and they are looking forward to seeing College #2 tomorrow. Your son left for the weekend to hang out with some buddies at one of their parents homes. Got a movie on the tube and just filled up your second scotch. Then the doorbell rings.

Its your neighbor, and she's soaked from the rain. She's got a white blouse on and you can't hep but notice what's clinging underneath. Her garage door opener isn't working somehow and she doesn't have her house key, can she borrow yours to her house? Her husband just left for his night shift job, and both of their daughters are out for the evening. "No problem" you say, invite her in, and hand her a towel before you head into that kitchen to look around for the key.

There's a lot of keys in the drawer and your not sure which one it is. This ones for x, so that's not it, this other's for y, maybe it's this one here... You sense someone behind you, so turn around and there she is, and she's got her top off.

You've always admired her looks: tall, slender, in great shape. Fun gal to talk with too. But whoa- here she is, and she's drop-dead gorgeous. She grabs you, pushes you into the wall and plants a big-ol wet kiss firmly on your mouth. She whispers "take me to bed".

What do you do and why?
I gently but firmly push her back with my arm and say. I'm sorry, I'm flattered......but I love my wife. I help her get inside her house, then I go back home and kill the bottle of scotch and curse God for testing me like that.
Let's say its just after 9 on a Friday evening, and you're at home, just cleaned up after some yard work before it started raining. It was hot as hell outside so you took a long cool shower. Your wife's out of town with your daughter looking at a colleges, and you just got off the phone with her that college #1 was nice, the hotel is great and they are looking forward to seeing College #2 tomorrow. Your son left for the weekend to hang out with some buddies at one of their parents homes. Got a movie on the tube and just filled up your second scotch. Then the doorbell rings.

Its your neighbor, and she's soaked from the rain. She's got a white blouse on and you can't hep but notice what's clinging underneath. Her garage door opener isn't working somehow and she doesn't have her house key, can she borrow yours to her house? Her husband just left for his night shift job, and both of their daughters are out for the evening. "No problem" you say, invite her in, and hand her a towel before you head into that kitchen to look around for the key.

There's a lot of keys in the drawer and your not sure which one it is. This ones for x, so that's not it, this other's for y, maybe it's this one here... You sense someone behind you, so turn around and there she is, and she's got her top off.

You've always admired her looks: tall, slender, in great shape. Fun gal to talk with too. But whoa- here she is, and she's drop-dead gorgeous. She grabs you, pushes you into the wall and plants a big-ol wet kiss firmly on your mouth. She whispers "take me to bed".

What do you do and why?

You would ask when her husband was going to be home; because he's really the one you've got the hots for. :)
You would ask when her husband was going to be home; because he's really the one you've got the hots for. :)

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