I Agree With The Founders About Healthcare

Healthcare was limited to nothing more than Midwives, a good bottle of white lightning, and volunteer people who knew anything about home remedies and could pull a bullet out of you, put a bandage made out of rags on you, hope for the best, and stitch you up- to our forefathers!

What a joke!

Our forefathers didn't know dick about healthcare!

That's precisely why they left healthcare up to the states and the people, (see amendment 10) The federal government STILL doesn't know DICK about healthcare and we're actually talking about "INSURANCE" here.
The other part of the problem is if you force government run healthcare on us, say goodbye to new life saving innovations and R&D because the profit motive which is essential to any research, will be gone.

That's bullshit, the US trails the rest of the advanced post-industrial world in healthcare outcomes despite being much more expensive and inefficient.
That's precisely why they left healthcare up to the states and the people, (see amendment 10) The federal government STILL doesn't know DICK about healthcare and we're actually talking about "INSURANCE" here.

Clearly, neither do the people or the states. Your "insurance" industry is a yuge part of the orchestrated problem.
The other part of the problem is if you force government run healthcare on us, say goodbye to new life saving innovations and R&D because the profit motive which is essential to any research, will be gone.

Like your signature that is total bull shit. If it were even close to being true there would be no research in the Nordic Countries with Democratic Socialism, yet many new cures come from those areas.
Like your signature that is total bull shit. If it were even close to being true there would be no research in the Nordic Countries with Democratic Socialism, yet many new cures come from those areas.

Cuba Has Made At Least 3 Major Medical Innovations That We Need

The trade embargo is holding up research in some crucial areas.


The power structure's indoctrination runs wide and deep.
That's precisely why they left healthcare up to the states and the people, (see amendment 10) The federal government STILL doesn't know DICK about healthcare and we're actually talking about "INSURANCE" here.

Well, that's precisely why we are called the United States- because when one state has a problem, it is a problem for all of us, and is a stain on our nation.

And when states don't take action to do something about their own problems, or give one squirt of runny crap about the healthcare of it's citizens, we take a federal approach at resolving these problems.

So, if you want to be one of the states that make up our United States, you will either get with the federal programs, or GTFO!
Well, that's precisely why we are called the United States- because when one state has a problem, it is a problem for all of us, and is a stain on our nation.

And when states don't take action to do something about their own problems, or give one squirt of runny crap about the healthcare of it's citizens, we take a federal approach at resolving these problems.

So, if you want to be one of the states that make up our United States, you will either get with the federal programs, or GTFO!

So you would rather shit on the Constitution and ignore the unique and individual needs of each state in favor of a cookie cutter assembly line approach?
That's what you say, I disagree!

You can't disagree on facts. Now we're getting into entitlement territory with you; you think you're entitled to make this argument. You're not. Entitlements are earned, and you've done nothing to earn accommodation of your perspective.
So you would rather shit on the Constitution and ignore the unique and individual needs of each state in favor of a cookie cutter assembly line approach?

No one I know is shitting on the Constitution. Our Constitution allows us to have whatever we want in this country- if that is what the majority wants.
We just amend the Constitution.

As an example, when we wanted to free the slaves and give them Civil Rights, we didn't shit on the Constitution- We amended it to incorporate the change!

We teach the 5th graders this in school, so they know and understand this process.

It's too bad that we still have idiots who don't understand the process!
I disagree with the idea that any government has any place in any "healthcare". Care for health is the responsibility of individuals. Now that government has got their evil fingers into the care for health; it is now the industry of human life management and since men are flawed with the "be like God" sin complex, the damned fight over being endued by the state with the power to manage human life. It is all horror.

So poor people and people with disabilities should just die? Every indiuustrialized nation has universal healthcare,but one. You think that one is right and those who jhelp their poor and injured are wrong?
So as a Communist shithead, you want a cookie cutter approach across the country? I think I'll take freedom and individual liberty instead of the Communism you want, Ghetto trash scumbag.

For health care, yes, because your case of diabetes doesn't become better or worse depending on what state you're in at any given time.
But you still can't tell us WHY a single state program WOULDN'T have portability, huh? Interesting!

Portability outside of your state is basically what single payer is.

What sense does it make to have one state that allows it and one state that doesn't? Why not just have one single health insurance plan that serves everyone in the country. What benefit to you as a patient is there to not having a single payer for all health care? None as far as I can tell. The whole part of the process happens after you get treatment anyway. So let's be clear what single payer means; it means one entity, as opposed to thousands, reimburses all providers across the country at the same rate, and that is funded by modest payroll taxes in lieu of premiums, deductibles, copays, coinsurance, hospital and ambulance fees, and prescription drug costs.
Another "Troll" who'd thought? Everyone knows the founders were idiots and snowflakes are far more intellectual today in invoking a historically documented failed system of social collectivism..i.e., communism. Truth: The health of the individual is a personal responsibility and seeking the HELP of a professional in the field of human healthcare is a free market decision......demanding the free services of any free individual who has studied half his/her life to achieve certain wisdom and knowledge is nothing short of "indentured servitude".

Demanding "free" health care is comparable to demanding wealth redistribution...…. on one hand we are addressing Slavery "demanding the free or regulated services of a professional"....on the other, income redistribution...unlimited taxation based upon class warfare....THEFT. I prefer to remain MORAL. ;)

No one has the RIGHT to make another person serve them (if you want their service, then PAY FOR THEIR SERVICES or educate yourself and serve yourself, do not spend the first part of your life engaging in activities that damage your health (no one forced you to pig out on pork, drugs, and sugar) and then demand free services of those who have dedicated the first portion of their life attempting to protect life...… theft of income......No one has the RIGHT to take the earned wealth of one citizen and give it to another "undeserving" citizen in order to purchase a political power base under the threat of fine and or imprisonment.....Fascists engage in such activity.

The COLLECTIVE enjoys spending money....OP money (other peoples money). Look at the elite that direct the lives of you SHEEPLE...… do they sent their children to public schools, do they elect to use this inferior health service called Obama Care.....do they erect low income housing in their own neighborhoods......do they build walls and hire security guards on the borders of their private property while they demand open borders and no security (take your right of self protection..i.e., the right to arms) for the public at large.

WAKE UP....stop being idiots. They PROMISE you everything and deliver nothing to you expect more poverty with less freedoms.

Completelly stupid post. All wrong. healthcare would be paid by taxes. that is not free. And it would be cheaper, not cost you more. We pay double what the next most expensive nation does and get worse care. We would eliminate the VA, Medicare , Medicaid and all health programs. We would eliminate the insurance companies that rip off customers and deny the care they paid for. Healthcare should be a right and not a for profit industry.,
The other part of the problem is if you force government run healthcare on us, say goodbye to new life saving innovations and R&D because the profit motive which is essential to any research, will be gone.

It's not government-run health care.

The only government-run part of single payer being proposed is the administration of reimbursements to your provider. Right now that has absolutely zero to do with how health care is delivered to you, personally.

Your doctor doesn't treat you with a higher level of quality because you have Aetna. Your doctor treats you the same regardless of who pays them once you've left their office. And if they don't, then they're committing malpractice.
That's precisely why they left healthcare up to the states and the people, (see amendment 10) The federal government STILL doesn't know DICK about healthcare and we're actually talking about "INSURANCE" here.

Yes, we are talking about insurance. So when you fucking liars say single payer is government-run health care, you're bullshitting. It's government-run health insurance which is nothing more than administration. How does tying a profit motive to the administration of reimbursements improve or enhance the care your doctor gives you? IT DOESN'T. It's a part of the process that has nothing to do with you. Which makes all your opposition to it that much more puzzling.
It is still the next step in full government takeover. Sorry but I don't need to provide Jamal his methadone because he's incapable of controlling his addictions.
So you would rather shit on the Constitution and ignore the unique and individual needs of each state in favor of a cookie cutter assembly line approach?

So cancer affects people in New Mexico differently than it affects people in Massachusetts?

I didn't realize that the cure for cancer was simply driving from one state to another.
Doesn't matter. It is not up to me to provide healthcare to some crackhead in Detroit.

You're already doing that if you pay taxes. Taxes pay for state and local hospitals. State and local hospitals treat people regardless of their enrollment status.

And this is assuming you even have a job where you pay taxes. Not entirely sure you do.