The Constitution is our primary rule of law, it's our warranty, our guarantee of life, liberty, private property and our pursuit of happiness.
That's not how it's worked! amendments for the most part are being purposely avoided by law makers and an apathetic "we the people" are ignorant of it or simply don't give a rat's ass. Law makers just do what they want and depend on biased judges in biased courts to back them up.
ROBO, thanks for having this civil debate. I am trying to agree with you everywhere we can find some common ground.
You know I said, the Constitution is not the Bible. But, I did "not" say, that we should "not" have faith in our Constitution, nor should we "not" have faith in our forefathers who penned it. I think we all agree that our Constitution was an honest attempt to try and look into the future as best they could, and build ways to amend it inherently from within it, as needed or desired by a Majority, and a check and balance of certain powers between the 3 branches of our government, and a certain amount of respect for what a "Majority Rule" is in America, and how we use the "Majority Rule" to make and pass bills, decide our elections, and make decisions for our country overall.
Where we loose faith 250 something years later, is in the leaders we have selected to represent our 3 branches of government, and how, certain politicians in powerful roles, can exploit the Constitution, abuse the power of their office or seat, cheat, and lie their way through elections, get elected only to shit on the "Majority Rule" and make decisions based on "Special Interests" or even "SeIf-interests" that have nothing to do with what a "Majority" wants for our country.
When our Constitution allows for this kind of corruption in our government, it becomes time to look at new ways to prevent this kind of corruption to exist, just because our forefathers could not imagine loopholes in the Constitution that allowed it to slip through the cracks and come into being.
Yes sir, even our forefathers did not see that kind of corruption coming, and they certainly did not write the Constitution to allow for corruption to take control of our country, or an Authoritarian to become our president, nor a checks and balance system that fails because of the corruption itself from inside the branches of our government that are working together in a conspiracy fashion to hijack our government and totally take it out of the hands of We The People!
So it appears to me that not enough checks and balances were written into the Constitution, or the powers given to the executive branch that have been abused, skirted around, exploited, and now corrupted may need to be changed, now that they have been defined.
We may have to look at how the "Majority Rule" has been replaced with "Big Money Rules" or "Special Interest Rules" and how our politicians are now allowed to select the voters they want instead of the taxpayers selecting the candidates they want.
When that is allowed to happen, we better take a closer look at our Constitution, and start looking for the loopholes, and amend it to put those back in check!