I Agree With The Founders About Healthcare

the end result of raising the min.. is all wages go up. The workers start to get a fairer share on the weath that they produce. And when workers have more money, they spend it. That stimulates the economy and creates more jobs.

I disagree friend! What you describe is government forced “inflation” When government legislates and mandates a minimum wage, everything that gets related to that wage goes up. The product cost more. Businesses that produce have two choices, eat some of their profit, or raise their prices. That’s the only effect a minimum wage has on an employer.

Demand that a company cannot keep up with, is what causes companies to expand and hire.

That’s the only thing you’ve said so far that I can agree with.

However demand is never increased by raising a minimum wage. Just the opposite is true. The minimum wage is raised by demand for a particular produce because the product is worthy of a larger demand, IT’S A GOOD PRODUCT. Now we need more people to supply it! Now we need to pay a higher wage to get more people. The government forced higher minimum wage doesn’t improve any product it makes it more rejectable for consumers because it cost TOO MUCH relative to its worth!

The businesses having piles of money does not translate into jobs. That hes been proven over and over .

By who?

They give bonuses to the execs or buy back stock, which also enriches the execs.

What you describe is NOT a general rule relative to businesses with high cash reserves. The majority will always increase their business equipment, the size and scope of their business and hire more workers. Aside from that, Publically owned businesses that do buy back their stock always generate a higher value for their stock and millions of American workers are invested in 401K’s that appreciate accordingly.

I disagree with your leftist propaganda!
I disagree friend! What you describe is government forced “inflation” When government legislates and mandates a minimum wage, everything that gets related to that wage goes up. The product cost more. Businesses that produce have two choices, eat some of their profit, or raise their prices. That’s the only effect a minimum wage has on an employer.

That’s the only thing you’ve said so far that I can agree with.

However demand is never increased by raising a minimum wage. Just the opposite is true. The minimum wage is raised by demand for a particular produce because the product is worthy of a larger demand, IT’S A GOOD PRODUCT. Now we need more people to supply it! Now we need to pay a higher wage to get more people. The government forced higher minimum wage doesn’t improve any product it makes it more rejectable for consumers because it cost TOO MUCH relative to its worth!

By who?

What you describe is NOT a general rule relative to businesses with high cash reserves. The majority will always increase their business equipment, the size and scope of their business and hire more workers. Aside from that, Publically owned businesses that do buy back their stock always generate a higher value for their stock and millions of American workers are invested in 401K’s that appreciate accordingly.

I disagree with your leftist propaganda!

Don't care what you agree with or disagree with. you don't know anything about economics but respond with sophistry. It makes sense to you that those impacts should happen, but they do not. Real data shows otherwise. You "arguments" ridiculous and wrong.

Our businesses have huge cash reserves. But they do not invest in wokers and equipment they do not need, in spite of that crazy belief of yours. You are a noisemaker. Your inane beliefs are incorrect. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/24/magazine/why-are-corporations-hoarding-trillions.html
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Don't care what you agree with or disagree with. you don't know anything about economics but respond with sophistry. It makes sense to you that those impacts should happen, but they do not. Real data shows otherwise. You "arguments" ridiculous and wrong.

You care what I agree with, if you didn't you wouldn't bother posting your pathetic leftist propaganda.

Our businesses have huge cash reserves. But they do not invest in wokers and equipment they do not need, in spite of that crazy belief of yours. You are a noisemaker. Your inane beliefs are incorrect. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/24/magazine/why-are-corporations-hoarding-trillions.html

You need to read something not endorsed by the DNC, CNN, MSNBC and leftist neo-commie web sites friend!
No, those folks go to Mexico for care and drugs. People in New Hampshire, Maine, Michigan, New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and pretty much everywhere north of the Mason-Dixon line and East of the Mississippi goes up to Canada.

How many Americans, in your mind, go abroad for medical care? Have you ever posed that question to yourself? Of course not, because you're a lazy and sloppy person who is more consumed with how people perceive you than what the truth actually is. That's why you lie about yourself on message boards; you want people to think you're better than you actually are. What a phony. What a coward. What a loser.

Yet I have something you are jealous of, boy.
I never made it out like that, so this is you lying again about what someone else says because you're an insecure piece of white trash.

The Canadians seeking treatment in the US aren't enrolling in health insurance, they're not paying co-pays. They're largely wealthy Canadians coming for elective and/or experimental treatment. They're not coming across the border because it's cheaper than Canada, like Americans do in the reverse. You understand that, right? That someone coming from Canada to get an elective procedure is wholly different than someone coming from America to buy cheaper drugs. Like, you understand the distinctive difference, right? Right? Or are you playing obtuse, which would belie an insecurity?

It is how you made it out. You provided a whole list of states where people either go to Mexico or Canada.

Jealousy is getting the best of you, boy.
I never implied that you piece of shit. You inferred that because you wanted to frame the debate in a certain way like the entitled brat you are.

What a fucking loser.

No, when you start naming state after state where you claim people are doing it, the implication is gone and the statement is made.
Kill yourself.


There is nothing of value you contribute to the world. You lie about yourself, then screech like a baby when called on your bullshitting. You regularly make things up, you incorrectly infer things from other people's posts, and you construct straw men.

You're pathetic. A total con job.

You sound like the one screeching when you're called out for the fag things you do.

I don't need to do that. You're jealousy is getting to you so much, you're about to stroke out. When you do, hopefully you'll be denied coverage.
If healthcare is a inalienable right, then every human has an inalienable right to the sweat and toil of every health provider. The concept is communistic.

Their claims of inalienable rights center around level of income which invalidates their claim.
If Robo agrees with what the founders thought of healthcare, he would not have started this thread. The concept did not exist They never ,ever thought of healthcare..