Verified User
the end result of raising the min.. is all wages go up. The workers start to get a fairer share on the weath that they produce. And when workers have more money, they spend it. That stimulates the economy and creates more jobs.
I disagree friend! What you describe is government forced “inflation” When government legislates and mandates a minimum wage, everything that gets related to that wage goes up. The product cost more. Businesses that produce have two choices, eat some of their profit, or raise their prices. That’s the only effect a minimum wage has on an employer.
Demand that a company cannot keep up with, is what causes companies to expand and hire.
That’s the only thing you’ve said so far that I can agree with.
However demand is never increased by raising a minimum wage. Just the opposite is true. The minimum wage is raised by demand for a particular produce because the product is worthy of a larger demand, IT’S A GOOD PRODUCT. Now we need more people to supply it! Now we need to pay a higher wage to get more people. The government forced higher minimum wage doesn’t improve any product it makes it more rejectable for consumers because it cost TOO MUCH relative to its worth!
The businesses having piles of money does not translate into jobs. That hes been proven over and over .
By who?
They give bonuses to the execs or buy back stock, which also enriches the execs.
What you describe is NOT a general rule relative to businesses with high cash reserves. The majority will always increase their business equipment, the size and scope of their business and hire more workers. Aside from that, Publically owned businesses that do buy back their stock always generate a higher value for their stock and millions of American workers are invested in 401K’s that appreciate accordingly.
I disagree with your leftist propaganda!