I am a professional ghost hunter

on the authority of jesus christ.

That's pretty. Like one of those illustrations in the Bible for Children books that they had at the hospital waiting rooms. Nice.
Husband's Prayers Answered When "Ghost Hunter" Wife Calls on Jesus' Name
https://www.breakingchristiannews.com › articles › display_art.html?ID=10929
"It really freaked her out, and she started realizing that there is power in Jesus' name . . . that He [is] the Son of God." Kristine McGuire had become what she thought was a "Ghost Hunter," but when she encountered an evil presence she never had before, she was compelled to call on the Jesus she knew as a child; and her whole world changed.
Ghost hunters come to Jesus! Gets delivered and baptized in Jesus name ...
https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=kOST75DMFVo
Ask Ghost hunter Gets deliverance, baptism and Recieves Holyspirit in Jesus name

Kristine McGuire: A Ghost Hunter Calls on Christ
https://cbn.com › 700club › features › amazing › Kristine-McGuire-110210.aspx
Tweet. CBN.com - Kristine McGuire was deeply involved in the occult and ghost hunting. But one night, she realized she was in way over her head. "I went in there and it was a very active night," Kristine Mcguire tells The 700 Club . "We had some very strange things happen, and I realized that there was a demon in this place.".
