I am a professional ghost hunter

Just because you don’t actively solicit your services doesn’t mean you aren’t bilking them, Tink

If your refrigerator is making a weird noise you pay a repair guy to fix it.

If you hear strange knocking in your attic you hire me to fix it.

Not sure what your issue here is
If your refrigerator is making a weird noise you pay a repair guy to fix it.

If you hear strange knocking in your attic you hire me to fix it.

Not sure what your issue here is
You repair nothing, Tink, by your own admission.

If I hear a strange knocking in the attic, I go up and look. If it’s not on the inside, then it’s on the outside. It’s either something loose or a critter.

My issue is I dislike scumbags, liars and charlatans. I’m truly surprised no one has put a rock through your trailer home window or broken any of your fingers.
You repair nothing, Tink, by your own admission.

If I hear a strange knocking in the attic, I go up and look. If it’s not on the inside, then it’s on the outside. It’s either something loose or a critter.

My issue is I dislike scumbags, liars and charlatans. I’m truly surprised no one has put a rock through your trailer home window or broken any of your fingers.

Many people cannot find the source of the strange knocking so they call in me.
Many people cannot find the source of the strange knocking so they call in me.

I understand you are bilking idiots just like Trump bilked millions of idiots with his “the election was stolen” bullshit. Again, it’s no surprise you support a scammer for President.

…and you don’t attempt to dissuade them, do ya, Tink? See, that’s my point.

Dissuade them from what?

They have an actual issue they need resolved

Am I supposed to tell them they aren’t really hearing strange sounds or seeing objects move and that they are crazy?
Dissuade them from what?

They have an actual issue they need resolved

Am I supposed to tell them they aren’t really hearing strange sounds or seeing objects move and that they are crazy?
Believing ghosts exist. The fact you keep dancing away from this indicates a lack of veracity on your part, Tink.

What does it usually turn out to be, Tink? A loose shingle? A drafty house? A rat nest?

You’re supposed to be a good Christian and be honest with them. You are neither.
Believing ghosts exist. The fact you keep dancing away from this indicates a lack of veracity on your part, Tink.

What does it usually turn out to be, Tink? A loose shingle? A drafty house? A rat nest?

You’re supposed to be a good Christian and be honest with them. You are neither.

You should know that many people actually do believe in ghosts and those people hire me to research their issue

Just because I find no actual evidence of one they still believe

41% of the US population believes in them and around 20% are unsure
You should know that many people actually do believe in ghosts and those people hire me to research their issue

Just because I find no actual evidence of one they still believe

41% of the US population believes in them and around 20% are unsure
”Many people” believe in Rainbows and Unicorns too. Bilking them for money would be both unChristian and immoral.

You milk them for money. The perfect scam: they think they got something for their money and you walk away laughing to the bank.
”Many people” believe in Rainbows and Unicorns too. Bilking them for money would be both unChristian and immoral.

You milk them for money. The perfect scam: they think they got something for their money and you walk away laughing to the bank.

No they hire me to figure out if it is a ghost or not so I research it, give them the results and now they can finally get a good nights sleep because they don’t have to listen to knocking all night.
No they hire me to figure out if it is a ghost or not so I research it, give them the results and now they can finally get a good nights sleep because they don’t have to listen to knocking all night.
You and I both know ghosts don’t exist. It’s a scam.

Nothing you do changes anything unless it’s a loose shingle, squirrel nest or something natural. Or do you just dance around, mumbling magic words and exorcise the house?
You and I both know ghosts don’t exist. It’s a scam.

Nothing you do changes anything unless it’s a loose shingle, squirrel nest or something natural. Or do you just dance around, mumbling magic words and exorcise the house?

There are spirit beings according to the Bible and in mark he even tells us they possessed a man to haunt a graveyard

While humans cannot die and remain as a ghost that doesn’t mean their image of them in the afterlife cannot
There are spirit beings according to the Bible and in mark he even tells us they possessed a man to haunt a graveyard

While humans cannot die and remain as a ghost that doesn’t mean their image of them in the afterlife cannot

They were primitive people in those days. They burned people for being witches and thought the mentally ill were possessed by demons.

How does that excuse you from scamming people over something that doesn’t exist and has zero evidence of existing?
Many people cannot find the source of the strange knocking so they call in me.

You're as mentally jacked-up as Hawkeye, whom you claimed sounded okay to you.

That's one diagnosis. The other one, which is most accurate, is that you're just some no-life troll who gets off by posting crazy shit and getting reactions from normal ppl.

We're your meth, baby. :laugh:
You're as mentally jacked-up as Hawkeye, whom you claimed sounded okay to you.

That's one diagnosis. The other one, which is most accurate, is that you're just some no-life troll who gets off by posting crazy shit and getting reactions from normal ppl.

We're your meth, baby. :laugh:

I got a reaction from you and your not normal so I must appeal to everyone
You and I both know ghosts don’t exist. It’s a scam.

Nothing you do changes anything unless it’s a loose shingle, squirrel nest or something natural. Or do you just dance around, mumbling magic words and exorcise the house?

The scam here is not what Stinker claims to be inflicting on others, but what she is trolling us here about. The thing is a troll. Never hunted for a single ghost, has no idea about religion or evolution or science or politics. It's just a troll. I will grant though that Stinkerpee is a bit of a cut above the usual trolls we're afflicted with here.

I bet Damo bought him/her/it/them on Ebay to bump up posts! :laugh: