I am a professional ghost hunter

Have you actually ever found a ghost? If so, what was the most convincing evidence of it?

Not yet.

I’ve seen some weird things but nothing actually conclusive.

The most convincing was in a ghost town in Calico, California.

I took one of their ghost tours which was just the usual fare but got permission to camp there overnight so I set up recorders in three small buildings and waited.

I didn’t see anything on video but around 11:00 at night the temperature dropped to 51 degrees in the room I was in, it was 72 degrees outside.

There was no air conditioning and no wind.

I noticed two little pools of water that appeared behind me that weren’t there the entire night and I could find no source where the water could possibly have come from.
Not yet.

I’ve seen some weird things but nothing actually conclusive.

The most convincing was in a ghost town in Calico, California.

I took one of their ghost tours which was just the usual fare but got permission to camp there overnight so I set up recorders in three small buildings and waited.

I didn’t see anything on video but around 11:00 at night the temperature dropped to 51 degrees in the room I was in, it was 72 degrees outside.

There was no air conditioning and no wind.

I noticed two little pools of water that appeared behind me that weren’t there the entire night and I could find no source where the water could possibly have come from.

….and you think it’s perfectly normal that no scientists have ever researched this.

BTW, remember when I said that if it was true, that people would be making money off of it but you disagreed?

Sweetie, even when it’s fake, people are making money off of it.

Demon baby takes a headed off his crib:

….and you think it’s perfectly normal that no scientists have ever researched this.

BTW, remember when I said that if it was true, that people would be making money off of it but you disagreed?

Sweetie, even when it’s fake, people are making money off of it.

Demon baby takes a headed off his crib:


I am sure they have just like many scientists have researched many things but that doesn’t mean research stops.

It’s an ever ongoing thing with new generations carrying on the research.

Not sure why you have such a problem with this.
I am sure they have just like many scientists have researched many things but that doesn’t mean research stops.

It’s an ever ongoing thing with new generations carrying on the research.

Not sure why you have such a problem with this.
The fact you are choosing to overlook, which I consider to be irrational, is the fact there is zero evidence of supernatural phenomena including ghosts, telekinesis or anything else that violates the laws of the Natural Universe.
The fact you are choosing to overlook, which I consider to be irrational, is the fact there is zero evidence of supernatural phenomena including ghosts, telekinesis or anything else that violates the laws of the Natural Universe.

Until someone finds evidence
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Until some finds evidence

It is interesting that the other poster appears to be starting with the null hypothesis and testing against it. That was something I was discussing with them earlier about the existence of God and supernatural things, etc.

It is, however, the scientific approach.

When you go ghost hunting do you START with the idea that "there are no ghosts" and then collect evidence dispassionately?

For instance: I live in a housing development in which the houses are spaced closer together but not right on top of each other. Occasionally while sitting in my living room I hear a pounding which appears to be coming from the room right above the living room. I have since figured out it is usually on Thursday nights when the neighbor is taking his trash cans out to the curb and it is along that side of the house. Other times I don't have an OBVIOUS source of it but I generally understand that if I can be fooled with one noise I can be fooled with many.

I see "ghost hunter" shows on TV and realize they are usually keeping themselves in darkened rooms and they've amped themselves up to interpret every single squeak as something of import. They have, effectively, "jacked up the gain" on their senses and primed themselves to scare themselves. It is intepretting noise for signal.

Could there be ghosts? I don't know. I tend to assume there aren't (I fail to reject the null hypothesis) and would FIRST assume any strange event like a random noise as purely natural. How do you keep yourself from falling into confirmation bias? How often do you DEBUNK ghost claims vs FIND EVIDENCE FOR ghost claims?
It is interesting that the other poster appears to be starting with the null hypothesis and testing against it. That was something I was discussing with them earlier about the existence of God and supernatural things, etc.

It is, however, the scientific approach.

When you go ghost hunting do you START with the idea that "there are no ghosts" and then collect evidence dispassionately?

For instance: I live in a housing development in which the houses are spaced closer together but not right on top of each other. Occasionally while sitting in my living room I hear a pounding which appears to be coming from the room right above the living room. I have since figured out it is usually on Thursday nights when the neighbor is taking his trash cans out to the curb and it is along that side of the house. Other times I don't have an OBVIOUS source of it but I generally understand that if I can be fooled with one noise I can be fooled with many.

I see "ghost hunter" shows on TV and realize they are usually keeping themselves in darkened rooms and they've amped themselves up to interpret every single squeak as something of import. They have, effectively, "jacked up the gain" on their senses and primed themselves to scare themselves. It is intepretting noise for signal.

Could there be ghosts? I don't know. I tend to assume there aren't (I fail to reject the null hypothesis) and would FIRST assume any strange event like a random noise as purely natural. How do you keep yourself from falling into confirmation bias? How often do you DEBUNK ghost claims vs FIND EVIDENCE FOR ghost claims?

Yes I am hired to find logical reasons for things people can’t explain so I always go in thinking there is no actual haunting going on and so far I’ve almost always been correct.

Very rarely do I ever end a case without finding a logical explanation.

There are a lot of people who are afraid of the supernatural so I put their minds at ease.

I have yet to find any conclusive evidence of supernatural phenomena so my research so far would conclude it doesn’t exist.

However, as a Christian I am protected from supernatural forces so that could be the reason I never experience it also.
The fact you are choosing to overlook, which I consider to be irrational, is the fact there is zero evidence of supernatural phenomena including ghosts, telekinesis or anything else that violates the laws of the Natural Universe.
Einstein gave us the wormhole that physics can't figure out. A window can open from another dimension right here on earth. It all depends on how deep you want to look into your mind.
Einstein gave us the wormhole that physics can't figure out. A window can open from another dimension right here on earth. It all depends on how deep you want to look into your mind.

Quantum entanglement has been proven and show that two particles can have the same reaction at the same time regardless of distance.

Even if they are at different sides of the universe.

Is it really that big of a stretch to think ghosts might exist?
Einstein gave us the wormhole that physics can't figure out. A window can open from another dimension right here on earth. It all depends on how deep you want to look into your mind.
Einstein gave us the wormhole? WTF, COgoat?
Quantum entanglement has been proven and show that two particles can have the same reaction at the same time regardless of distance.

Even if they are at different sides of the universe.

Is it really that big of a stretch to think ghosts might exist?
The human body makes DMT and some get more than their fair share. The mind is able to jump into a different dimension and travel the multiverse where one is confronted by all sorts of entities that force us to look at ourselves as a integrate part of the universe. Most are able to reach a higher level of consciousness with less fear of creatures from the unknown.

DMT studies show it works wonders on those with ptsd or dying from a terminal illness.