I am a professional ghost hunter

Did you file an FBI report or do they already track you after the discussion of your WSE militias seeking revenge against Pedo Don for his betrayal after 1/6?

#AmericanJihad, #WhiteSupremacist, #RAHOWA, #TrumptheBetrayer

Do you kick your dog more than you kick your cat?

Scratch that, no animal would stick around you.
That’s what all the people who end up dying of ass cancer always say. :)

Do you think God punishes evil, malicious people, Stretch?

I will die eventually but I’ve never been sick or injured so it will probably be an accident that takes me out or just old age.

God will eventually punish all who haven’t accepted Jesus but He doesn’t while they are here on Earth.

Earth was given to Satan and his minions so feel free to live in sin
I will die eventually but I’ve never been sick or injured so it will probably be an accident that takes me out or just old age.

God will eventually punish all who haven’t accepted Jesus but He doesn’t while they are here on Earth.

Earth was given to Satan and his minions so feel free to live in sin
Word to the wise: Never say never. :)

Is that why so many evil fuckwads like the pedophile Trump get away without punishment? They have to die and face judgement first?

You claimed God lied about Free Will and gave Satan dominion over the Earth. I disagree.
Word to the wise: Never say never. :)

Is that why so many evil fuckwads like the pedophile Trump get away without punishment? They have to die and face judgement first?

You claimed God lied about Free Will and gave Satan dominion over the Earth. I disagree.

A person couldn’t have free will if there was no choice to make so yes, God gave Satan the ability to tempt us on Earth.

He could have just made us all perfect angels but the Bible says He placed us above His angels.

This is why Lucifer rebelled because God commanded His greatest angel to bow before Adam and he wouldn’t do it.

The Bible also says that after Jesus returns it will be humans who judge the angels
A person couldn’t have free will if there was no choice to make so yes, God gave Satan the ability to tempt us on Earth.

He could have just made us all perfect angels but the Bible says He placed us above His angels.

This is why Lucifer rebelled because God commanded His greatest angel to bow before Adam and he wouldn’t do it.

The Bible also says that after Jesus returns it will be humans who judge the angels
Agreed on the concept, but that’s not what you said. You’ve repeatedly stated that God gave Satan control over the Earth. That’s not free will, that’s control.

You are free to state your beliefs, but the fact you refuse to supply Biblical quotes supporting those beliefs is interesting.
Agreed on the concept, but that’s not what you said. You’ve repeatedly stated that God gave Satan control over the Earth. That’s not free will, that’s control.

You are free to state your beliefs, but the fact you refuse to supply Biblical quotes supporting those beliefs is interesting.

He did give Satan free rein on earth.

I think you are confusing that with complete control which He doesn’t have.

God allows him to tempt us with sin and pull us away from God which is how God will know who His true followers are.

The stronger we can resist the greater our rewards will be
He did give Satan free rein on earth.

I think you are confusing that with complete control which He doesn’t have.

God allows him to tempt us with sin and pull us away from God which is how God will know who His true followers are.

The stronger we can resist the greater our rewards will be
Giving a near all powerful ex-angel free reign over the Earth negates free will. Humans would have no ability to fight such a supernatural being. Ergo, either God deliberately fucked us or, IMO, it never happened.

You’re the one who said “dominion over the Earth”. Do you know what dominion means, dear? Didn’t I provide you with a definition and link?

Tempt and dominion are two different things.

In order to exercise Free Will, there needs to be choice so I agree that the Universe would be set up to allow choice…but that’s not what you keep claiming in regards to Satan, Stretch.

What rewards? Money? Sex? Chocolate Bon-Bons?
Giving a near all powerful ex-angel free reign over the Earth negates free will. Humans would have no ability to fight such a supernatural being. Ergo, either God deliberately fucked us or, IMO, it never happened.

You’re the one who said “dominion over the Earth”. Do you know what dominion means, dear? Didn’t I provide you with a definition and link?

Tempt and dominion are two different things.

In order to exercise Free Will, there needs to be choice so I agree that the Universe would be set up to allow choice…but that’s not what you keep claiming in regards to Satan, Stretch.

What rewards? Money? Sex? Chocolate Bon-Bons?

Command of the English language is not my strong suit and it appears I phrased that wrong

The rewards are that the better you do the closer you will be to God just as those who choose not to accept Him will be separated from God
Command of the English language is not my strong suit and it appears I phrased that wrong

The rewards are that the better you do the closer you will be to God just as those who choose not to accept Him will be separated from God


Agreed that moving into the light is better than hiding in the darkness. :)
Been doing it about ten years now so feel free to ask me any questions you like.

I used to love watching tall those "Ghost Hunter" shows, but I got frustrated because everything always seemed to happen juuuuuuuust off camera.

Have you ever caught any significant activity on film or audio?
I used to love watching tall those "Ghost Hunter" shows, but I got frustrated because everything always seemed to happen juuuuuuuust off camera.

Have you ever caught any significant activity on film or audio?

A few times. Probably the weirdest one was I was hired by two parents because they noticed thing’s moving around in their child’s room, not actually moving but when they set something down it would be in a different spot the next day.

So I arrive and set up recording equipment in the child’s room and around his crib and head out to the living room and just monitor them.

The first night nothing happened but the second night at 3:13 in the morning I see the child who was just under two years old, wake up and grab the railing of his crib.

He then proceeded to climb up the railing of the crib and stand up on the edge in perfect balance for 15 seconds before climbing back down and going back to sleep.

Now the railing of the crib is only about 3/4 of an inch wide and you would need to be a professional gymnast to pull that off.

I showed the parents the video and they were shocked, I then informed them that whatever might be going on was something I am not equipped to handle and they may need the help of a Church to bless their home.

I never found out what happened
A few times. Probably the weirdest one was I was hired by two parents because they noticed thing’s moving around in their child’s room, not actually moving but when they set something down it would be in a different spot the next day.

So I arrive and set up recording equipment in the child’s room and around his crib and head out to the living room and just monitor them.

The first night nothing happened but the second night at 3:13 in the morning I see the child who was just under two years old, wake up and grab the railing of his crib.

He then proceeded to climb up the railing of the crib and stand up on the edge in perfect balance for 15 seconds before climbing back down and going back to sleep.

Now the railing of the crib is only about 3/4 of an inch wide and you would need to be a professional gymnast to pull that off.

I showed the parents the video and they were shocked, I then informed them that whatever might be going on was something I am not equipped to handle and they may need the help of a Church to bless their home.

I never found out what happened

