I am a professional ghost hunter

So in your mind everything is settled science?

There is nothing new for us to learn?

We are at the apex of human knowledge?

Do you realize we have tools available now that we didn’t have in the 16th century?

Not even sure what that is but I prefer my doctor who graduated from medical school
A lot of doctors are quacks. Science is finally allowed to use psychedelics to heal the mind. We believe what we want to believe. There is some evidence of the power of the mind.
There are some sensible natural remedies, but there are a lot of supplement pushers, too.
I use salt and bleach for all my ailments, even covid. There are so many pollutants in our water and food that half our population is sick with something. I'm recently new to supplements and willing to try all of them if it keeps me away from our failed medical system.
I use salt and bleach for all my ailments, even covid. There are so many pollutants in our water and food that half our population is sick with something. I'm recently new to supplements and willing to try all of them if it keeps me away from our failed medical system.
I still believe in our medical system, it saved my life.
I use nano silver, look into its benefits. It has so many uses.
Been doing it about ten years now so feel free to ask me any questions you like.

How do you control for interpretting noise for signal? For instance the various EVP's that people run usually just seem to be the artifacts of pumping up the gain and then trying to parse out random noises in the hiss as "words".
I used to love watching tall those "Ghost Hunter" shows, but I got frustrated because everything always seemed to happen juuuuuuuust off camera.

Have you ever caught any significant activity on film or audio?

Hi Zap! Great to be hearing from you again! Hope all is well with you and the family.
How do you control for interpretting noise for signal? For instance the various EVP's that people run usually just seem to be the artifacts of pumping up the gain and then trying to parse out random noises in the hiss as "words".

It’s the same thing as listening to a song backwards and hearing Satan talking.

It’s the individual’s belief not an actual recording of a spirit.

I have never heard a recording where a spirit was talking in clear words
It’s the same thing as listening to a song backwards and hearing Satan talking.

It’s the individual’s belief not an actual recording of a spirit.

I have never heard a recording where a spirit was talking in clear words
Of course not. Ghosts don’t exist. It’s a scam to say you are hunting something that doesn’t exist.
The beam was wide, but he could only do it for a short time before flipping over backwards. Still, the kid shows talent! :thup:

I never heard of this. What is it used for?
I use it to gargle when I get a sore throat, for cuts, burns, pink eye, ear aches, anything bacterial. It won’t fight viruses, but great for bacterial infections! I brush my teeth with a silver tooth paste, too!
He did give Satan free rein on earth.

I think you are confusing that with complete control which He doesn’t have.

God allows him to tempt us with sin and pull us away from God which is how God will know who His true followers are.

The stronger we can resist the greater our rewards will be

That ship has sailed!
I use salt and bleach for all my ailments, even covid. There are so many pollutants in our water and food that half our population is sick with something. I'm recently new to supplements and willing to try all of them if it keeps me away from our failed medical system.

Sounds great drink a 16 oz glass of bleach for breakfast Goat aka yurt
I use it to gargle when I get a sore throat, for cuts, burns, pink eye, ear aches, anything bacterial. It won’t fight viruses, but great for bacterial infections! I brush my teeth with a silver tooth paste, too!

I'll definitely check out the toothpaste because I'm tired of financing my dentist's luxuries. :D