I am a professional ghost hunter

And, like a scamming plumber or electrician, you milk them for all they are worth. Yes, I get your con, Stretch. I just don’t agree with it on moral grounds.

I doubt milk anyone, they pay for my expenses and that’s it, I don’t actually make any money doing this
I doubt milk anyone, they pay for my expenses and that’s it, I don’t actually make any money doing this
I say po-ta-toe, you say po-tah-toe. What are you expenses? Gas, wear and tear on your car, lunch, your time?

Why can’t the situation be handled over Zoom?
I say po-ta-toe, you say po-tah-toe. What are you expenses? Gas, wear and tear on your car, lunch, your time?

Why can’t the situation be handled over Zoom?

I live in Arizona so if I need to travel to Maine that’s expensive, I usually don’t need hotels once I arrive but I do need things like gas and meals.

If the situation requires me to film and set up cameras that is also an expense.

All of this is explained beforehand so there are no surprises and it’s agreed to

I need to be there to actually run experiments to figure out the source of the problem

For example I have miniature balloons I fill with helium and then let loose in the structure and I can see the wind pattern then trace them back to something that may be moving to a breeze causing the disturbance
I live in Arizona so if I need to travel to Maine that’s expensive, I usually don’t need hotels once I arrive but I do need things like gas and meals.

If the situation requires me to film and set up cameras that is also an expense.

All of this is explained beforehand so there are no surprises and it’s agreed to

I need to be there to actually run experiments to figure out the source of the problem

For example I have miniature balloons I fill with helium and then let loose in the structure and I can see the wind pattern then trace them back to something that may be moving to a breeze causing the disturbance

Milking. You set up cameras to record something you know doesn’t exist? WTF, Stretch?
I set up camera so I can find out if something exists.

I have seen some weird stuff but nothing conclusive

But you wrote that people paid you to figure it out.

People hire professionals if they hear their water heater knocking,
if they hear weird footsteps they hire me to figure it out.

Do you tell your customers you've never figured anything out, your success rate is zero percent, and you've never seen a ghost after a decade of trying?
But you wrote that people paid you to figure it out.

Do you tell your customers you've never figured anything out, your success rate is zero percent, and you've never seen a ghost after a decade of trying?

Of course and that’s why they hire me, to find explanations for what’s going on.

People want to be reassured that there is nothing spooky going on.

My last job I was hired by a nice young couple who had just moved into a newly built house in Northern California.

They were worried it was haunted because every night they would hear footsteps going up and down their stairs.

But they had just bought it so couldn’t move.

I showed up and asked if they could leave for a couple days and they did and I began my investigations.

Sure enough the first night I heard footsteps going up and down the stairs.

I investigated the entire house but couldn’t find anything that would cause it.

So I got a set of wind chimes from my car, put them upstairs and opened some windows to get a breeze.

When the breeze hit them it sounded normal but when I got to the stairs it got noticeably louder.

Apparently the way this new house was constructed was designed in a way that echoed and amplified sound in certain areas

So I used a ladder and investigated the outside of the house and sure enough I found a little access hole.

I go into the room where the access hole was and start searching and when I open the closet I see a raccoon sleeping.

Apparently the raccoon was living there and when it would run around its footsteps would echo and be amplified at the stairs location.

I informed the couple and they called animal control or something and probably got the hole fixed but they were so happy I solved their problem.
But you wrote that people paid you to figure it out.

Do you tell your customers you've never figured anything out, your success rate is zero percent, and you've never seen a ghost after a decade of trying?

$20 says she never said “That ain’t no such thing as ghosts! Stop doing drugs or go to a shrink!

One reason most people like Trump is because it justifies them to bilk people out of money. If Pedo Don can do it, why can’t they???
It’s been investigated for all of human history, dear.

So in your mind everything is settled science?

There is nothing new for us to learn?

We are at the apex of human knowledge?

Do you realize we have tools available now that we didn’t have in the 16th century?
So in your mind everything is settled science?

There is nothing new for us to learn?

We are at the apex of human knowledge?

Do you realize we have tools available now that we didn’t have in the 16th century?
No. Just the fact there are no ghosts, magic or other supernatural phenomenon. They only live in the province of schizos, charlatans and fantasy stories.

There’s plenty to learn in the Natural Universe.

Not by a long shot. Anyone chasing ghosts is simply jumping into a hole.

Yes. Still no ghosts.
People need help so I come in and solve the problem for them.

It should be noted that in ten years I have found no evidence of a haunting, although some strange things have occurred, but almost always I can find the reason for the mysterious event and it puts them at ease.
Do you believe in holistic medicine?
Update: Nash was clearly a wackadoodle….and a genius.

Thank you, Captain Obvious! :palm:
