I am bored AMA

If a chicken and a half laid an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick all the seeds out of a dill pickle?
what is your favorite dinosaur?

Can you do a handstand?
Yeah, but not for very long like I used to. Shit gives me a MAJOR headache.

What was your favorite MRE in iraq? Do you always get to choose what you want or are you randomly given whatever?
Either spicy penne pasta or chili mac. When you get MRE's they come in a box labled either 1-12 or 13-24. Chili mac was 10 I think and penne was 14. Anyways, you can typically pick what you want but you have to get to it first. If you're late you'll only have the choice of the Veggie Omelet....As you can imagine it's pretty shitty.

Are you impressed I know what an MRE is?
Not really, I'd be more surprised if you didn't.

What natural disaster would you most like to experience?
Already been through floods, sand storms (coolest by FAR), and hurricanes... does a riot count? If so then a riot. If not then a plague.

What makes you mad?
Oh so many things....but the biggest I deal with on a daily basis are shitty drivers, overly emotional proles, and any kind of work that should have been done by someone else instead of me.

What makes you sad?
Animal suffering/abuse. I love animals, even though I also love hunting and fishing. Also being away from my wife for long periods of time. I guess I'm a needy guy or something.

What makes you glad?
Drinking, annoying the shit out of my wife, distributing road justice, shooting (actually anything to do with guns), reading history books.

Do you like questions?

What is one pretentious thing you would like to have some understanding of so you could be pretentious?
I'm already pretentious about alcohol and guns....Ummm music I guess, since that's the most socially acceptable.

What would you need to be paid to be a vegetarian for a year?
What kind of vegetarian? If it's the kind that can have eggs and fish, then like $50,000 because that's already a large part of my diet (especially since Taco Bell no longer sells Volcano Tacos :( ). But if it's the vegan kind....at least $50,000,000,000.

Do you secretly kind of like darla?
No. I really don't like her, but I don't hate her near as much as say USF or Howey.

Favorite movie in the last year?
Hunger Games, no contest. And it'll be Hunger Games this year too, though I actually liked the Lone Ranger.
My favorite MRE was the jambalaya, personally.

I miss the old days when it was Nintendo vs. Sega. Then along came Sony, Nintendo lost its touch, Sega flopped on the Dreamcast and got knocked out by the arrival of X-Box (which sucked for like three years until finally Halo came out).
My favorite MRE was the jambalaya, personally.

I miss the old days when it was Nintendo vs. Sega. Then along came Sony, Nintendo lost its touch, Sega flopped on the Dreamcast and got knocked out by the arrival of X-Box (which sucked for like three years until finally Halo came out).

Halo was like the first thing that came out. And Dreamcast is still awesome, it's the biggest system for indie developers. Nowadays though I do mostly PC gaming, since mods are awesome and I have a PC that can run the shit out of any game.
No. I really don't like her, but I don't hate her near as much as say USF or Howey.

I think Howey is the worst, Darla is predictable whereas Howey just makes shit up. For example he tries to get people to think he is tall and slim whereas he is really short and fat.
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My favorite MRE was the jambalaya, personally.

I miss the old days when it was Nintendo vs. Sega. Then along came Sony, Nintendo lost its touch, Sega flopped on the Dreamcast and got knocked out by the arrival of X-Box (which sucked for like three years until finally Halo came out).

n64 was one the greatest consoles. I think it soundly beat ps1 and pretty sure it won in the marketplace as well but I might be wrong on that.
I would ask if you know what the lyrics to "Hang on Sloopy' mean...but I've been asking that for 20 years and no one has ever had an answer, plus you have me on ignore. I guess I am destined to always wonder.

Good question. Who the hell would name their daughter Sloopy? "Sloopy let your hair down girl, let it hang down on me."
I would ask if you know what the lyrics to "Hang on Sloopy' mean...but I've been asking that for 20 years and no one has ever had an answer, plus you have me on ignore. I guess I am destined to always wonder.
Ha...If Billy can't. I can. I actually know the songs author. Rick Derringer. He's from my home town area of Ft. Recovery,Ohio (A historically significant town. The first battle ever fought by the US Army was fought at that location). For those who don't know Rick was the lead guitarist for the Edgar Winters group and a prolific song writer and performer in his own right. He wrote Sloopy with his original group "The McCoys". It's also the Official State Rock Song of Ohio.

The song is simply about a young man who is in love with a poor girl from the wrong side of town.

When my wife first heard the song she thought they were singing "Hang on stupid!" LOL

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