I am hereby challenging Cypress to a bet for charity

Saving Christianity
If that's true, then that explains why Evangelicals are failing. The mission of every Christian is to grow closer to God through Jesus. If they put saving a "church" first, then they are dooming themselves to failure.
Agreed, but that reinforces the point that it's not just Trump. The Republicans have been screaming "Repeal! Repeal!" for over 10 years yet not a single replacement plan has ever been offered. Why? Because they have no plan....and that's why it won't be repealed.

It would be political suicide for every Republican who voted to repeal Obamacare without having a viable plan in which to immediately replace it. Ergo, no plan, no repeal. Just more hot air.

There are ppl on here that rely on it & support trump fully.........

I have asked some about it, they believe he won't do it......:|