I am sending this to the Creation Science Museum


Will work for Scooby snacks
The trip from amino acids to self-replicating cells is a long and mysterious one, but evidently progress is being made.

I am not sure how this new scientific knowlege will supplement the excellent work being done at the prestigious Creation Science Museum.

Take-away for me: cellular genetics is about as mind blowing as quantum physics, to me anyway.

Discovery boosts theory that life on Earth arose from RNA-DNA mix

Newly described chemical reaction could have assembled DNA building blocks before life forms and their enzymes existed.

In a study published in the chemistry journal Angewandte Chemie, they demonstrated that a simple compound called diamidophosphate (DAP), which was plausibly present on Earth before life arose, could have chemically knitted together tiny DNA building blocks called deoxynucleosides into strands of primordial DNA.

The finding is the latest in a series of discoveries, over the past several years, pointing to the possibility that DNA and its close chemical cousin RNA arose together as products of similar chemical reactions, and that the first self-replicating molecules -- the first life forms on Earth -- were mixes of the two.

The finding also nudges the field of origin-of-life chemistry away from the hypothesis that has dominated it in recent decades: The "RNA World" hypothesis posits that the first replicators were RNA-based, and that DNA arose only later as a product of RNA life forms.

The trip from amino acids to self-replicating cells is a long and mysterious one, but evidently progress is being made.

I am not sure how this new scientific knowlege will supplement the excellent work being done at the prestigious Creation Science Museum.

Take-away for me: cellular genetics is about as mind blowing as quantum physics to me.

I will pray for you.
Creation Science Museum may already be aware of this

The prestigious Creation Science Museum may already have this information, but I am forwarding to them just in case.

According to the principles of molecular phylogeny, the common hominid ancestor of chimpanzees and humans lived 5 to 8 million years ago

Molecular Clocks: Determining the Age of the Human–Chimpanzee Divergence

Michael Jensen-Seaman
Duquesne University

Although still dependent on assumptions of the model used, most recent estimates using the molecular clock give dates of approximately 5–8 million years ago for the human–chimpanzee divergence, in general agreement with the palaeontological evidence.

Facts are so beautiful

Lies dont have a chance

I think of science as provisional knowedge, subject to change and revision -- rather than facts.

Nevertheless, the scientific method is the strongest intellectual approach we have for acquiring knowlege of how the natural world works.

The genetic relationship between humans and other great apes is so firmly established though, it really is a tenet of science now. That general relationship is unlikely to ever change, though it may be revised and tweaked in the future.

Example- we did not know until about 10 years ago that bonobos are our closest primate relative, not chimps
Science is the best information at the time

An endeavor based in known facts

Ever searching to improve its self

Utterly beautiful
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The trip from amino acids to self-replicating cells is a long and mysterious one, but evidently progress is being made.

I am not sure how this new scientific knowlege will supplement the excellent work being done at the prestigious Creation Science Museum.

Take-away for me: cellular genetics is about as mind blowing as quantum physics, to me anyway.

A strand of DNA is not a cell, and is a long way from being a cell.

Here's the basic problem:
To replicate, a cell needs to acquire energy. Since photosynthesis requires a complex structure, that's out. The only way to get that energy is to eat another cell, but there is no other cell, so that's out.

What's this lone cell living on??
The prestigious Creation Science Museum may already have this information, but I am forwarding to them just in case.

According to the principles of molecular phylogeny, the common hominid ancestor of chimpanzees and humans lived 5 to 8 million years ago

That is not science. It's a religion. Science has no theories about any past unobserved events. They are not falsifiable. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
I think of science as provisional knowedge, subject to change and revision -- rather than facts.

Nevertheless, the scientific method is the strongest intellectual approach we have for acquiring knowlege of how the natural world works.

The genetic relationship between humans and other great apes is so firmly established though, it really is a tenet of science now. That general relationship is unlikely to ever change, though it may be revised and tweaked in the future.

Example- we did not know until about 10 years ago that bonobos are our closest primate relative, not chimps

Science is not a method or a procedure. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. No theory is ever proven True.
Science has no theory about a past unobserved event. It is not falsifiable. You are describing a religion known as the Church of Evolution, not science.
Science is the best information at the time

An endeavor based in known facts

Ever searching to improve its self

Utterly beautiful

Science is not based on facts nor is facts. Science is not information or knowledge. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Nothing more. Nothing less. No theory is ever proven True.
I just watched a documentary about the "ARK" creationist "replicated" for a museum in Kentucky on PBS. :palm: All that money and time for a monument to sheer idiocy. Gene Roddenberry had nothing on these clowns.
I just watched a documentary about the "ARK" creationist "replicated" for a museum in Kentucky on PBS. :palm: All that money and time for a monument to sheer idiocy. Gene Roddenberry had nothing on these clowns.

Rightwing Christian grifters have no remorse profiteering off their scriptures and prophets.

Whatever I think of Islam, I will say they at least treat their prophets and sacred texts with reverence and dignity. I seriously doubt there are any Muhammad-land Theme Parks.

Jesus Land Theme Park, Orlando Florida
Science is not a method or a procedure. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. No theory is ever proven True.
Science has no theory about a past unobserved event. It is not falsifiable. You are describing a religion known as the Church of Evolution, not science.

Even Karl Popper, the originator of the demarcation problem, ultimately came to believe that Darwinian evolution is falsifiable.

The minute we find chimpanzee fossils in Cambrian rock strata, Darwin's theory would be blown out of the water. Modern genetic techniques could easily demonstrate the null hypothesis if Darwinian evolution was incorrect.

We would immediately have to accept the null hypothesis concerning the big bang theory if we did not observe phenomena predicted by this theory, aka the cosmic background radiation, cosmic red shift of electromagnetic energy, nucleosynthesis and obseved cosmic proportions of hydrogen, helium, lithium.
Rightwing Christian grifters have no remorse profiteering off their scriptures and prophets.

Whatever I think of Islam, I will say they at least treat their prophets and sacred texts with reverence and dignity. I seriously doubt there are any Muhammad-land Theme Parks.

Jesus Land Theme Park, Orlando Florida

They got one detail wrong. The Romans didn't drive nails through the victim's hand; they drove them through his wrists.
They got one detail wrong. The Romans didn't drive nails through the victim's hand; they drove them through his wrists.

Yeah it makes no sense to drive nails through his hands because the nails would cut through and he falls off the cross.
Even Karl Popper, the originator of the demarcation problem, ultimately came to believe that Darwinian evolution is falsifiable.
Darwin didn't create the Theory of Evolution. The ancient Greeks did. Darwin created the Theory of Natural Selection. Neither is a theory of science. The Theory of Evolution is not falsifiable. We can't go back in time to see what actually happened. Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection fails the internal consistency check. It is not a valid theory of any kind, scientific or otherwise. It creates a paradox.
The minute we find chimpanzee fossils in Cambrian rock strata, Darwin's theory would be blown out of the water.
Not Darwin's theory. Finding chimpanzee fossils in Cambrian rock strata proves nothing. It does not falsify or prove the Theory of Evolution. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). Remember, it is YOU that is making these arbitrary assignments.
Modern genetic techniques could easily demonstrate the null hypothesis if Darwinian evolution was incorrect.
Nope. Again, arbitrary assignments. Not a proof either way.
We would immediately have to accept the null hypothesis concerning the big bang theory if we did not observe phenomena predicted by this theory,
Nope. It is not possible to prove any theory True. Attempted force of negative proof fallacy.
aka the cosmic background radiation,
Proves nothing either way.
cosmic red shift of electromagnetic energy,
Proves nothing either way.
Proves nothing either way.
and obseved cosmic proportions of hydrogen, helium, lithium.
Proves nothing either way.

Remember, all we can observe is our little corner of the Universe. What is going on elsewhere is completely unknown. All we know, for example, is that for the cosmic bodies we can observe, they do appear to moving away from us. Elsewhere in the Universe they could be very well moving closer. It is YOU that is assuming that what we observe is consistent across the entire Universe, and even assumes that the Universe has a boundary.

It is not possible to measure the total hydrogen, helium, or lithium in the Universe.

Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). The Church of the Big Bang is a religion. The Church of Evolution is a religion. The Church of Creation is a religion. The Church of the Continuum is a religion. The Church of Abiogenesis is a religion.

Science is not a religion. All religions are based on some initial circular argument with arguments extending from that. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Nothing more. Nothing less. Science has NO theories about past unobserved events. There is no way to test the null hypothesis of such a theory.

Testing never proves a theory True. Theories of science will remain a theory until it is falsified. Nonscientific theories will remain theories forever.
The Parrot Boy would say that a broken window with a baseball ball in the room doesn't prove anything.

For all we know, a goblin planted the ball there.