I am sending this to the Creation Science Museum

Honestly, I would be totally psyched if we could even just find evidence of non-sentient life.

That is most likely within our own solar system although the detection abilities of other planets is very amazing to me.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I just watched a documentary about the "ARK" creationist "replicated" for a museum in Kentucky on PBS. All that money and time for a monument to sheer idiocy. Gene Roddenberry had nothing on these clowns.

Rightwing Christian grifters have no remorse profiteering off their scriptures and prophets.

Whatever I think of Islam, I will say they at least treat their prophets and sacred texts with reverence and dignity. I seriously doubt there are any Muhammad-land Theme Parks.

Jesus Land Theme Park, Orlando Florida

:laugh: Classic! What's REALLY funny to me is the persistence of these people to portray Jesus as a caucasian a'la Woodstock era when Revelation 1:14-15 tells a tad different tale. Like I said, a classic laugh fest.
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That is most likely within our own solar system although the detection abilities of other planets is very amazing to me.

Yeah. It suggests that may be way more planets than we thought.

In my opinion, the process that gives rise to life is the same everywhere.
Yeah. It suggests that may be way more planets than we thought.

In my opinion, the process that gives rise to life is the same everywhere.

Most of them, like in our solar system, uninhabitable.

Agreed. So where are they? ;)
:laugh: Classic! What's REALLY funny to me is the persistence of these people to portray Jesus as a caucasian a'la Woodstock era when Revelation 1:14-15 tells a tad different tale. Like I said, a classic laugh fest.

That Americanized version of Jesus looks like he should be jamming with the Grateful Dead.

The iconography I have seen in Ethiopian Orthodox Churches interestingly depict Jesus and Mary with brownish skin.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Classic! What's REALLY funny to me is the persistence of these people to portray Jesus as a caucasian a'la Woodstock era when Revelation 1:14-15 tells a tad different tale. Like I said, a classic laugh fest.

Dude, the native peoples of the region are, indeed, "caucasian".


That's NOT what Revelation 1:14-15 says....and if you are a believer, you don't don't scripture or divine text. But putting that aside, here's a more accurate assessment that puts to rest this generational subliminal campaign to cement racial superiority to religious belief.
This is the Parrot Boy.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
That's NOT what Revelation 1:14-15 says....and if you are a believer, you don't doubt scripture or divine text. But putting that aside, here's a more accurate assessment that puts to rest this generational subliminal campaign to cement racial superiority to religious belief.

The Bible isn't very accurate, dude. Get a grip.

And yet you've got all these folks of various beliefs for a generation or two swearing on it (the Bible, that is) that Jesus was a Caucasian....just like you did (unless you were being sarcastic).
As my link demonstrates, that ain't the case. So buck up, get a grip and deal with it, dude.
And yet you've got all these folks of various beliefs for a generation or two swearing on it (the Bible, that is) that Jesus was a Caucasian....just like you did (unless you were being sarcastic).
As my link demonstrates, that ain't the case. So buck up, get a grip and deal with it, dude.

I listen to the scientists. You can listen to whomever you choose.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And yet you've got all these folks of various beliefs for a generation or two swearing on it (the Bible, that is) that Jesus was a Caucasian....just like you did (unless you were being sarcastic).

As my link demonstrates, that ain't the case. So buck up, get a grip and deal with it, dude.

I listen to the scientists. You can listen to whomever you choose.

No Dutch, you listen to whom ever tells you what you want to hear, then you tune out everything else or make excuses when your scientists are logically and factually proven wrong on a particular topic. The readers have already witnessed that with our previous exchanges. That's why you don't DARE try to produce any "scientific" counter-point to the content of my link, because it just won't stand up to scrutiny. That makes you insipidly stubborn...as you will now demonstrate by either repeating your generalized retort or posting a slew of links that essentially repeat each other....then doing the SOS when I post and or link a counter point that dismantles your conclusions.

But chew on this: The only reason why Jesus has any credibility with non-believers outside Bible stories is that the Roman occupiers of the region have a record of dealing with religious anarchists as they saw it. Nowhere does the Roman records give a ethnic/racial discription of Jesus, other than alluding to him being a Hebrew (King of the Jews). So where do your scientists get off thinking their genetic theory and speculation supplants the actual historical data of the people who lived in the areas at the time?

Carry on.