I am very proud of my white heritage,..VERY proud in fact!

They believe that all blacks are Democrats. Blacks are the most Jab resistant as a racial group. Yeah,.....their logic is laughable most of the time. It works like this........ If something supports their positions it is considered the gold standard of Gospel. If something doesnt support their positions they ignore it and pretend it doesnt exist. :laugh:

I would say that's a liberal philosophy more so than a black. But why blacks don't want the jab? Who knows.
My point is that liberals in general are also refusing the jab. My GF works at a hospital, a number of her co-workers refused the jab and quite a few of those are staunch lefties. The hospital is in a mostly liberal city.
Too late for what?

Talking to you about anything in the thread. You either didnt read the OP at all,....or you purposely twisted it into something it was not. I have no time for either. As an added bonus...LOL WHY have you NEVER called out the countless posts by LWers when they put all white people in one basket as if they were all somehow the same? Do you need examples? You KNOW I can pull up as many as you would like to read. Thousands in fact. Yet no scolding from you. Hmmmmmm. So,...yeah...no need for you to answer the questions I just posed,...we both ALREADY KNOW the answers. ;)
Talking to you about anything in the thread. You either didnt read the OP at all,....or you purposely twisted it into something it was not. I have no time for either.

So you are running from it, I understand. Run when you cant respond, typical. I was just starting to think you could carry a conversation.
So you are running from it, I understand. Run when you cant respond, typical. I was just starting to think you could carry a conversation.

Wont work. All the evidence is right here in this thread for all to see. You can play the silly "I WON WHEN I REALLY DIDNT "game if you want though. Doesnt mean it accomplishes anything .
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Let’s Put A Rocket in His Pocket!

Read the fine print.


You’re on the inside. That’s his women. That’s his niece. The zips are using him as a patsy.
He knows every little bit about beach 116 st. and the junk in the area. He can tell you the difference
in the wood from Arabic, Asian and European.

Who owned the pool hall? Why did it shut down.

This is one of the most important things you need to understand.
It’s not how many people you hit. It’s who you hit.
Duster Bouglas

Magilla Gorilla vs. Suck It misfits - eggy, desk, the 11th alley - this ch!t is stupid ;)
My pop pop is a magestrate. We’re friends with I live across the street and there pop pop is a magestrate.
The daughters got married. Government GPS info. That’s my fathers numbers. The women don’t fish.
That’s where I shot heroin.
Hey whatever floats your boat Stoney. I take pride in accomplishments. But since you don’t have any I guess being white is the next best thing.
Translation: you did not take into account it was crystal clear from the OP onward that the context being discussed was ethnicity and some imaginary collective European trans-national heritage and cultural mileu -- and you thought it would be clever to attempt to draw some truly bizarre analogy to a San Francisco hippy jam band

translation - I am a pathetic man child and can't admit I forgot what I said
Wont work. All the evidence is right here in this thread for all to see. You can play the silly "I WON WHEN I REALLY DIDNT "game if you want though. Doesnt mean it accomplishes anything .

You got nothing or you would explain your cryptic shit.
Yesterday, 02:33 PM
Senor Moron
This message is hidden because Stooge is on your ignore list.

Look how muscular I am.

Can you help me bring this in the house?
I picked it up and walked it in the house.

My union gives me a discount on flights with
this airlines. I can get you a flight really cheap.
That’s when I decided to fly a different airlines.

Hysterical! I was sitting next to the little people broad that runs around the park.

Ask him what he did?
Truth is,....we ALL should be, no matter what heritage we may happen to have. Who's with me?!! Lets get an actual head count. Certainly this is an idea we should ALL be able to agree on. Unless you are some racist idiot of course. ;)


From what I have found at forums, you can be proud to be anything. Except White. If you are, they will label you as a "racist."
So the white heritage is about the white slavery? :thinking:

Should be obvious SCOTUS in it's schizoid "one nation under God with equal justice under law" suicidal super ego Christiananality pedophilia mentality game playing "man is God" when it comes to maintaining the creation of Israel for Christian Nation preying to pay for whitewashing propaganda of fabricated misnomers & immaculate conceptions for their second coming more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" with Islam "death to the infidels" where Israel has to pay to pray while Christianity & Islam prey.
I am proud of a lot of things in my heritage.

But all of them are things my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents actually DID.

I am not proud of skin color, because it is a trivial aspect of who I am, like eye color or hair color.

If all you have to be proud of is the color of your skin, you should have tried to accomplish more with your life.
From what I have found at forums, you can be proud to be anything. Except White. If you are, they will label you as a "racist."

Bullshit. Anyone who is proud of an accident of birth is a fucking moron and should be called out on it. You're a fucking moron, douchebag.
What the f*ck is “white heritage?”

Maybe cause I live in the NorthEast, I never heard anyone describe themselves as white, I mean there are all kinds of ethnic, racial, cultural, and social groupings, but “white,” can’t say I’ve ever heard that one.
What is “white heritage?”

Same as black heritage..they even have a commemorative black heritage stamp

So the white heritage is about the white slavery? :thinking:

I don't know but white slavery is the best kind according the these guys:


FWIW, a Black Heritage stamp is institutionalized racism.


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