I am very proud of my white heritage,..VERY proud in fact!

Truth is,....we ALL should be, no matter what heritage we may happen to have. Who's with me?!! Lets get an actual head count. Certainly this is an idea we should ALL be able to agree on. Unless you are some racist idiot of course. ;)


None of them got it.
I am very proud of my white heritage,..VERY proud in fact!

As this is a Current Events forum can I ask if your whiteness came upon you suddenly and do you expect it to last .
Trying to get them to vaccinate for their safety and that of their families. That is pretty nice when rightys want us to die from it.

What makes you think only "rightys" aren't getting vaccinated? And what does this have to do with the topic anyway?
Good for you. You are in the right political party, the stonewalling rogue white nationalist dumb GOP. Stay there where you
belong NAZI.

Funny of it is I was born on George Washington's farmland and my mother is a DAR member. Outwardly I appear whiter than you if your
fat ass ugly picture is any indication. Yet I don't have white pride. I guess I identify as white on the census.
I have patriotic pride including love of the human race of which I am so briefly in this world a proud supporting cast member.

I certainly don't parade flaming ignorance and bigotry on an anonymous message board, if ever, at least intentionally.
Ya know what? I'll tell you what kind of pride I have. Pride in not being a fucking asshole like you. Jesus what a jerk.:palm:
What makes you think only "rightys" aren't getting vaccinated? And what does this have to do with the topic anyway?

They believe that all blacks are Democrats. Blacks are the most Jab resistant as a racial group. Yeah,.....their logic is laughable most of the time. It works like this........ If something supports their positions it is considered the gold standard of Gospel. If something doesnt support their positions they ignore it and pretend it doesnt exist. :laugh:
Good for you. You are in the right political party, the stonewalling rogue white nationalist dumb GOP. Stay there where you
belong NAZI.

Funny of it is I was born on George Washington's farmland and my mother is a DAR member. Outwardly I appear whiter than you if your
fat ass ugly picture is any indication. Yet I don't have white pride. I guess I identify as white on the census.
I have patriotic pride including love of the human race of which I am so briefly in this world a proud supporting cast member.

I certainly don't parade flaming ignorance and bigotry on an anonymous message board, if ever, at least intentionally.
Ya know what? I'll tell you what kind of pride I have. Pride in not being a fucking asshole like you. Jesus what a jerk.:palm:

How can anyone be proud of an accident of birth. Be proud of something you did, not something your parents gave you.
How can anyone be proud of an accident of birth. Be proud of something you did, not something your parents gave you.

Sometimes people like to see things that arent even there. Like in this thread. Go re read the OP. Every word of it. It is obvious to anyone who isnt a total political hack that I wasnt talking about THAT kind of pride. This has been quite an eye opener. Things really are MUCH worse then even I had thought.
There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of people in here making references to white people this or white people that or as some call us....White Pipo. YOU put us all into one basket, one group, and define us as such. You do this daily. No mention of any NO SHARED experience so no culture then for some reason though. Instead its.....White Pipo,...their all the same ;) So I do the same but in a positive way and suddenly it is WRONG TO DO THAT. If true,...then why havent you called out the people who have been doing it all along? Because you are FRAUDS. Frauds with no moral compass or true belief systems.
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Do you know how many "WHITE PEEEEEOPLE!!!" posts I could bring up and re post in here? Thousands. It should make many on the left ashamed of themselves, especially those in this thread. But it wont,... not one bit. For people who believe in NOTHING except partisan political hackery things like that dont bother you. You are shameless. You will say or do just about anything to advance your political positions. Scumbags all.
Bwaaaa ha ha ha ha ha.....It gets 11 pages long and just now one of the mods decides to move it to the off topic forum. :laugh: Too late now. Damage is already done. Everyone has seen it and knows the thread exists. I'd be ashamed of it too if I were you. ;) Psychologically speaking,.....all you have done by moving this now is prove my point for me. "OH OH,....I better move it,...he's making my fellow hacks look like a bunch of scumbag jackasses!" :laugh:

Too late. The shots already been fired and its a perfect strike to the heart. All thats left to do is call the slab truck ;) :cool:
Sometimes people like to see things that arent even there. Like in this thread. Go re read the OP. Every word of it. It is obvious to anyone who isnt a total political hack that I wasnt talking about THAT kind of pride. This has been quite an eye opener. Things really are MUCH worse then even I had thought.

Explain to me then the kind of pride you have in your heritage? I am proud of what I have accomplished, and respectful of where I came from (prevleged) parents, who gave me a better start than most got.

I think I had two of the best parents of their time. They gave me time, love, attention, an education, helped me to learn my own values, refused to try to impose their ideology or beliefs on me, helped me to navigate the world on my own terms. Helped me to find out who I am and what I believed in and what I wanted from life. I am proud of them.

I try to do the same as a parent, and I am very proud of the children I have been raising.
Explain to me then the kind of pride you have in your heritage? I am proud of what I have accomplished, and respectful of where I came from (prevleged) parents, who gave me a better start than most got.

I think I had two of the best parents of their time. They gave me time, love, attention, an education, helped me to learn my own values, refused to try to impose their ideology or beliefs on me, helped me to navigate the world on my own terms. Helped me to find out who I am and what I believed in and what I wanted from life. I am proud of them.

I try to do the same as a parent, and I am very proud of the children I have been raising.

Too late.......