I am very proud of my white heritage,..VERY proud in fact!

Mmmmmmm Hmmmm,....yeah, you guys are all very well known in here for your kind nice treatment of conservatives and Trump voters. :rolleyes: :laugh: Its not nice to LIE.

Trying to get them to vaccinate for their safety and that of their families. That is pretty nice when rightys want us to die from it.
Asia is the biggest continent. It has a wide variety of cultures. Anyone who tries to lump it together into one culture looks stupid. You are trying to lump together Japanese, Israelis, Indians, Russians... And a hundred other cultures.

I look at Black and Asian Americans who served this country with honor, and think they are more American than your lazy ass.

I guess you didnt read the part about sub cultures.;)
Oh yes, my band plays that song as well as several other Paul Revere & the Raiders tunes.

We seem to be stuck on 60's songs right now. Lot's of 60's Garage Band hits!

Did you get my MSG on the Cowboys?

Yep. Just didnt have time to respond yet. But I do agree with everything you said in it.
"White" isn't a heritage. Heritage would be like German, Eastern European, Russian, Norwegian, Italian, Viking, Mexican...

Instead you have an idiot "proud" of lesser melanin..

Tell that to the guys locked up in Maximum security State Pens. What happens almost instantly on arrival? They all separate into different groups. And what are those groups based upon again? ;) No heritage MY ASS.
I hate to break it to some of you but the truth is YES there is an Asian culture, Black culture, middle eastern, Hispanic, ect ect ect,...and yes a White culture as well. Obviously there are many sub cultures within each group. The FUCK is wrong with some of you idiots? You are the EXACT same people who seem to have problems figuring out who a man is or a woman is because of how they IDENTIFY. :laugh: Psssssst....if a pig says its a horse guess what? Its still a fucking PIG! Total idiots.

You need to get out more

Asia includes people and places like Russia, China, India, Turkey, Iran, Korea, etc

There is no imaginary trans-national Asian heritage and cultural mileu.

Hispanic might be a little closer to the mark, but Argentines would be shocked to know you are like lumping them in with Cubans, Mexicans, and Panamanians.

Black Americans can legitimately claim to have had a shared collective African-American experience because they originate from subsaharan Africa, and they were uniquely the only group to have been forcibly brought to North America, intentionally segregated and isolated by skin color, and collectively stereotyped and discriminated against for the better part of 400 years.
Truth is,....we ALL should be, no matter what heritage we may happen to have. Who's with me?!! Lets get an actual head count. Certainly this is an idea we should ALL be able to agree on. Unless you are some racist idiot of course. ;)


Heritage means little to me, I care about what you do with what you got. That and how you treat other people.
I guess you didnt read the part about sub cultures.;)

The many, extremely varied cultures of Asia are not sub cultures, but extremely different cultures. Some are Indo-European cultures, and others are the very basis of Christianity, and still others are buddhist... We could go on and on. Asia has as much cultural variety as the rest of the world combined. It is just stupid to say it is a single culture.
If this country ever is crazy enuff to go to war with itself you will see Balkanization like you cant believe. I truly hope that never comes. Case in point,.....lots of white people involved in BLM. If that day ever comes they will go POOF....GONE like a fart in the wind. They will tear off and burn those shirts faster than a rabbit gets fucked. Like the French saluting the Germans as they entered Paris in WW2. :laugh: BLM???? what BLM?? Not me! ;)
If this country ever is crazy enuff to go to war with itself you will see Balkanization like you cant believe. I truly hope that never comes. Case in point,.....lots of white people involved in BLM. If that day ever comes they will go POOF....GONE like a fart in the wind. They will tear off and burn those shirts faster than a rabbit gets fucked. Like the French saluting the Germans as they entered Paris in WW2. :laugh: BLM???? what BLM?? Not me! ;)

Or the other way around…
The many, extremely varied cultures of Asia are not sub cultures, but extremely different cultures. Some are Indo-European cultures, and others are the very basis of Christianity, and still others are buddhist... We could go on and on. Asia has as much cultural variety as the rest of the world combined. It is just stupid to say it is a single culture.

I know you know I am speaking in generalities for the purpose of conversation correct? I would hope so.

I used this version for my boy lefty so he could FEEL THE VIBE too!

Have a nice nite......................bastids. ;)
I know you know I am speaking in generalities for the purpose of conversation correct? I would hope so.

We seem to have different words for things. You call in "generalities", and I call it racism. You call it "testing freedom of speech", and I call it wearing a swastika and calling for genocide. You call it a "funny joke", and I call it murdering a child.

I am sure the Holocaust was just a laugh a minute for you, but the rest of us find it a sad part of human history.

And it all comes back to gravitas. I doubt anyone respects you, whether online or in your personal life.
We seem to have different words for things. You call in "generalities", and I call it racism. You call it "testing freedom of speech", and I call it wearing a swastika and calling for genocide. You call it a "funny joke", and I call it murdering a child.

I am sure the Holocaust was just a laugh a minute for you, but the rest of us find it a sad part of human history.

And it all comes back to gravitas. I doubt anyone respects you, whether online or in your personal life.

:whoa: HOLY STRAWMAN BATMAN!!!!!!!! :whoa:

Many of them are actually Scotch btw,....after being forcibly removed by the English and transplanted in Ireland eons ago.

It's Scots not scotch, shit for brains. Scotch is a drink ffs!

Wow, harsh words from Primavera for Stone. Do you think the Thai Government is repeating the Highlands Clearance? Basically wholesale stealing land from people?