I am very proud of my white heritage,..VERY proud in fact!

Dumbest post of the year.

What the fuck is "White Heritage"?

I have never worn a prom dress. When in Fiji, I wore a sulu, which is something like a kilt. It was hot, and they sill have the formalness of the British, so long pants or a sulu was required in an office setting. I went with the sulu.

I have not worn a kilt, but I definitely would not have a problem wearing one. I absolutely love bagpipe music, and have always wanted to learn to play. Obviously, there are always too many things I want to do, and never enough time.

Ha ha ha ha ha LMAO! I can just so picture a dumb fucker like you trying to play a set of bag pipes!

Maybe, you ought to concentrate on improving your deficient intellect, it might benefit you, if you would invest some of your pride in that area.

But I already have more in life than you will ever have. I could lay on a hammock for the next 15 years and still be better off than you in just about every way imaginable. :laugh:
I hate to break it to some of you but the truth is YES there is an Asian culture, Black culture, middle eastern, Hispanic, ect ect ect,...and yes a White culture as well. Obviously there are many sub cultures within each group. The FUCK is wrong with some of you idiots? You are the EXACT same people who seem to have problems figuring out who a man is or a woman is because of how they IDENTIFY. :laugh: Psssssst....if a pig says its a horse guess what? Its still a fucking PIG! Total idiots.
My Great Grandmother was a full blood Cherokee Indian.

After watching a lifetime of Cowboy and Indian movies, and reading every history book on the subject I could get my hands on, I am more proud of my Indian bloodline than my White Euro one!
I hate to break it to some of you but the truth is YES there is an Asian culture, Black culture, middle eastern, Hispanic, ect ect ect,...and yes a White culture as well. Obviously there are many sub cultures within each group. The FUCK is wrong with some of you idiots? You are the EXACT same people who seem to have problems figuring out who a man is or a woman is because of how they IDENTIFY. :laugh: Psssssst....if a pig says its a horse guess what? Its still a fucking PIG! Total idiots.

What is a white culture? Explain.
Main point in my OP was that everyone should be proud and feel good about who they are and their heritage. Yet you somehow found a problem with it despite no problem existing. Thank you for proving my point. I knew you would before I ever posted it. SMH..... :palm:
Main point in my OP was that everyone should be proud and feel good about who they are and their heritage. Yet you somehow found a problem with it despite no problem existing. Thank you for proving my point. I knew you would before I ever posted it. SMH..... :palm:

Proud about what? You haven't explained it.
My Great Grandmother was a full blood Cherokee Indian.

After watching a lifetime of Cowboy and Indian movies, and reading every history book on the subject I could get my hands on, I am more proud of my Indian bloodline than my White Euro one!

Thats fine...but they both are what made you...you.
Experiment over. No more need to explain anything.
Aka, you saw this theme somewhere else on the interwebs, decided to import it here and pass it off as your own idea, and assumed it would own the Libs -- rather than blowing up in your face.
My Great Grandmother was a full blood Cherokee Indian.

After watching a lifetime of Cowboy and Indian movies, and reading every history book on the subject I could get my hands on, I am more proud of my Indian bloodline than my White Euro one!

Remember this? You must...:)

Aka, you saw this theme somewhere else on the interwebs, decided to import it here and pass it off as your own idea, and assumed it would own the Libs -- rather than blowing up in your face.

Nope. Didnt blow up in my face either. Sure seemed to do that to you though. ;)
So in other words your OP was a trolling bait?

We already knew but we humored you anyway.

It accomplished what I wanted. From now on I can pull up this thread whenever I want when certain people choose to talk about certain things using certain terms.. Hilarity will soon follow. ;)