I am very proud of my white heritage,..VERY proud in fact!

The Irish, Finns, Greeks, Albanians, Spaniards, and Russians do not have a shared culture, nor did their immigrants have a shared "white" experience in America.

I have taken literally dozens of university-level history courses in the last 30 years, and not one single professor or text book taught about a white culture.

That is the kind of thing only Klansmen subscribe to

yeah,...Im a klansman alright. Hope nobody tells my wife! :laugh:
Why do you hate your Scottish Heritage so much that you want to hide it behind being a general "white"?

Is this to do with your family not trusting you to run the family business?

Im not Scotch....DUMMY.
Many of them are actually Scotch btw,....after being forcibly removed by the English and transplanted in Ireland eons ago.

Wow, getting even more bizarre, now we got the Irish are Scottish cause the English made them that way

Little history for you, the Scots, Irish, and Welsh are all Gaelic, and no one was forced to move anywhere, they were always right were they are today

Must be your “white heritage” is that you got nothing else that defines you other than your skin color, and you are only aware of that because other people have different skin colors
O.K.... So no such thing as white privilege then. check. Glad everyone is on board. Cant be,...WHITE does not exist,....and even if it did we have no shared culture so that would make it impossible. Like retards in a barrel , just doesnt get any easier.;)
yeah,...Im a klansman alright. Hope nobody tells my wife! :laugh:

Right, the sometimes Hispanic wife, sometimes Russian wife.

But you failed to explain why the dozens of university-level history courses I have taken do not teach anything about a white culture.
Wow, getting even more bizarre, now we got the Irish are Scottish cause the English made them that way

Little history for you, the Scots, Irish, and Welsh are all Gaelic, and no one was forced to move anywhere, they were always right were they are today

Must be your “white heritage” is that you got nothing else that defines you other than your skin color, and you are only aware of that because other people have different skin colors

Wrong on EVERYTHING you said. There are countless examples around the globe of people being forcibly relocated. For example.....DUH,...like how Blacks originally got here. :laugh:

Holy BALLS.....This is getting easier by the second!

Right, the sometimes Hispanic wife, sometimes Russian wife.

But you failed to explain why the dozens of university-level history courses I have taken do not teach anything about a white culture.

O.K.... So no such thing as white privilege then. check. Glad everyone is on board. Cant be,...WHITE does not exist,....and even if it did we have no shared culture so that would make it impossible. Like retards in a barrel , just doesnt get any easier. :laugh:
Says the guy with the racist sig line....:laugh:

Here....I can do it too. Weeeeeeeeeee aint it fun!

Black Lives matter,...but are overrated.

What a stupid thing to say about anyone. But yeah, you are pretty stupid so I suppose it cant be helped really.

It's not a reference to "anyone", but to the sad state of racial affairs in this country that causes people to feel they don't matter because of the genes they inherited. Something else, in other words, that went over your head. And a reference to the idiocy of marching white nationalists.
O.K.... So no such thing as white privilege then. check. Glad everyone is on board. Cant be,...WHITE does not exist,....and even if it did we have no shared culture so that would make it impossible. Like retards in a barrel , just doesnt get any easier. :laugh:
I accept your surrender.

Wrapping this up: crack open a dictionary because culture and social privilege are two different words with two entirely different meanings.
O.K,...so far nobody else is proud of their heritage. THAT MUST SUCK. I feel for you. But others will be no doubt.

You have nothing to do with the past. Zero. My scotch heritage was not my doing.I get emails from a Scottish newspaper, but it is more about whether they will leave the British isles.
O.K.... So no such thing as white privilege then. check. Glad everyone is on board. Cant be,...WHITE does not exist,....and even if it did we have no shared culture so that would make it impossible. Like retards in a barrel , just doesnt get any easier. :laugh:

So the white privilege didn't exist during the 1700's?
I accept your surrender.

Wrapping this up: crack open a dictionary because culture and social privilege are two different words with two entirely different meanings.

ironic. you should crack the dictionary yourself. the term culture is so generic it is everywhere. a business can have a unique culture. southern rednecks can be a culture

My grateful dead family - even with turds such as yourself claiming to belong - is a culture
You have nothing to do with the past. Zero.

Are you SURE of that? Think it over good because you cant even imagine the fun Im going to have pulling up this thread in reference to posts people make in other threads on different subjects for years to come. Thank you all so very much. ;) :laugh:
Wrong on EVERYTHING you said. There are countless examples around the globe of people being forcibly relocated. For example.....DUH,...like how Blacks originally got here. :laugh:

Holy BALLS.....This is getting easier by the second!


No, the Irish, Scottish, and Welch are all Celts and have a common Gaelic background, and I don’t know what TV program you watched on OAN, but the Irish were not chased out of Scotland, did you think Ireland was empty before the Anglo Saxons arrived in England

And as for the second point, it is true, you define your self by your skin color, and most importantly, you only know that cause you’ve recognized other people don’t have the same skin color, the “white heritage” crap is bullshit
You know. I can make most of you dumb fucks say and do just about whatever I want. Nothing you can do about it either it seems. All I have to do is ring the bell and you come running. Drooling like good little doggies.
