I am very proud of my white heritage,..VERY proud in fact!

No, the Irish, Scottish, and Welch are all Celts and have a common Gaelic background, and I don’t know what TV program you watched on OAN, but the Irish were not chased out of Scotland, did you think Ireland was empty before the Anglo Saxons arrived in England

And as for the second point, it is true, you define your self by your skin color, and most importantly, you only know that cause you’ve recognized other people don’t have the same skin color, the “white heritage” crap is bullshit

Read some books,....IF you can. You are wrong. as usual. Now... go lay down like a good boy. Maybe Ill be back later to throw a stick for you.
Read some books,....IF you can. You are wrong. as usual. Now... go lay down like a good boy. Maybe Ill be back later to throw a stick for you.

“Read some books,” classic

Prove it wrong, you can’t, your whole “white heritage” thing is bullshit, simple fact
If there is NO SUCH THING AS WHITE........Then by definition there can be NO SUCH THING AS WHITE PRIVILEGE. Words have meaning.......You dumb fucks you. Schools out. ;)
This is really difficult for you to grasp, isn't it? Did you eat paint chips as a kid?

Society privileges beautiful people over ugly ones, and privileges fit people over obese people.

Beautiful and fit are physical traits, not cultures.

But I accept your belated confession that white skin is not a culture.
“Read some books,” classic

Prove it wrong, you can’t, your whole “white heritage” thing is bullshit, simple fact

Your whole White Privilege thing is bullshit as well by your OWN ADMISSIONS,...on record BTW. ;)
O.K,...so far nobody else is proud of their heritage. THAT MUST SUCK. I feel for you. But others will be no doubt.

I am! followed my gene pool to England And Northwestern Europe, Wales, Scotland, Norway, Germanic Europe, Sweden and Denmark! I am a mutt like most! In bold are the ones that are highest in my ancestry
Stone is proud of being a Euro-American,
but I can guarantee as absolute fact that all Euro-Americans are not thrilled to claim him.
Im not Scotch....DUMMY.

Wow, you really hate that you have Scottish heritage, don't you? Is it the kilts(man skirts)?

I do not have Scottish heritage, but I love the culture.

When I was in Fiji, I wore a Sulu(another type of man skirt), and had no problem with it. If you are manly enough, you can wear a full on prom dress, and still look like a man.
Im betting you have experience at it too. Was little Ratface your date that night or was it some other fag?

I have never worn a prom dress. When in Fiji, I wore a sulu, which is something like a kilt. It was hot, and they sill have the formalness of the British, so long pants or a sulu was required in an office setting. I went with the sulu.

I have not worn a kilt, but I definitely would not have a problem wearing one. I absolutely love bagpipe music, and have always wanted to learn to play. Obviously, there are always too many things I want to do, and never enough time.
ironic. you should crack the dictionary yourself. the term culture is so generic it is everywhere. a business can have a unique culture. southern rednecks can be a culture

My grateful dead family - even with turds such as yourself claiming to belong - is a culture
Here is another paint chip-eater.

The premise from there OP is from the context of heritage.

Not musical taste.

Grateful Dead dead heads are not a heritage.
Cypress said:
There is no such thing as white culture
me said:
ironic. you should crack the dictionary yourself. the term culture is so generic it is everywhere.
Here is another paint chip-eater.

The premise from there OP is from the context of heritage.

Not musical taste.

Grateful Dead dead heads are not a heritage.

shitstain moron said:
There is no such thing as white culture

now fuck off. sorry you are too dumb to remember what you write. I am not the imbecile you appear to be.
now fuck off. sorry you are too dumb to remember what you write. I am not the imbecile you appear to be.

Culture is not generic and ill-defined if the OP made crystal clear we were talking about ethnic heritage ---- not shared musical taste, not shared culinary taste, not shared religious affiliation, not shared affinity for the Grateful Dead.
Truth is,....we ALL should be, no matter what heritage we may happen to have. Who's with me?!! Lets get an actual head count. Certainly this is an idea we should ALL be able to agree on. Unless you are some racist idiot of course. ;)


Maybe, you ought to concentrate on improving your deficient intellect, it might benefit you, if you would invest some of your pride in that area.
Culture is not generic and ill-defined if the OP made crystal clear we were talking about ethnic heritage ---- not shared musical taste, not shared culinary taste, not shared religious affiliation, not shared affinity for the Grateful Dead.

hey shit stain - I quoted you using the term culture. Sorry you can't defend your short bus branded take on life, but they were your words