What an egotistical load of shit! Considering you are a mod, you should be completely EXEMPTED from the reputation points! And what kind of messed up dynasty is it, where you, Soc, and Damo can award 50 points, while the rest of us can't? Basically, the rep points are just a measure of how much of a Grind/Soc/Damo ass kisser you are then, right? Glad we got that cleared up! Like I said (and I nailed it) the reputation points system is a bullshit farce!

Suck on my ass, PINHEAD!

What an egotistical load of shit! Considering you are a mod, you should be completely EXEMPTED from the reputation points! And what kind of messed up dynasty is it, where you, Soc, and Damo can award 50 points, while the rest of us can't? Basically, the rep points are just a measure of how much of a Grind/Soc/Damo ass kisser you are then, right? Glad we got that cleared up! Like I said (and I nailed it) the reputation points system is a bullshit farce!

Suck on my ass, PINHEAD!

Dixie, jeez guy, what does it matter?

You want to know why I have gotten a lot of my points? Because people laughed at my funny posts.

Nothing more sinister than a sense of humor, huh?

If the mods give each other 50 points every hour, why does it matter?
Dixie, jeez guy, what does it matter?

You want to know why I have gotten a lot of my points? Because people laughed at my funny posts.

Nothing more sinister than a sense of humor, huh?

If the mods give each other 50 points every hour, why does it matter?

You want to know why you've got a lot of points? Because you are Grind's ass kisser! You are more popular with the "in" crowd, so you get all the points. Me? I get slammed for 100 points in two days by Grind, who has special ability because he is a big shot here. It has absolutely nothing to do with your posts or your sense of humor.

As I said in my very first post, I am not pissed off, I am not whining, yet I continue to see pinheads post stupid shit about me being a crybaby. I don't give a flying fuck how many points I have or don't have!!!! If I did, would I post a thread slamming the people who can take mountains of points away? That's pretty fucking stupid of me, if I am concerned about my "Popularity Ass Kissing Points", isn't it?

I just wanted to express my opinion, and my opinion is, the "reputation" points are BULLSHIT! If Damo was even going to have such a thing, it should be where everyone gets to "award" the same amount of points, or "punish" the same amount, and MODERATORS shouldn't be allowed to even participate!!! They are supposed to be MODERATORS! But no, what we have is Damo's Merry Band of Misfits, who aren't much fucking different from SR's Regime of Pinheads, who "preside" over the rest of us commoners. At least in SR's system, people get to VOTE on who gets SPECIAL PRIVILEGES!
You want to know why you've got a lot of points? Because you are Grind's ass kisser! You are more popular with the "in" crowd, so you get all the points. Me? I get slammed for 100 points in two days by Grind, who has special ability because he is a big shot here. It has absolutely nothing to do with your posts or your sense of humor.

As I said in my very first post, I am not pissed off, I am not whining, yet I continue to see pinheads post stupid shit about me being a crybaby. I don't give a flying fuck how many points I have or don't have!!!! If I did, would I post a thread slamming the people who can take mountains of points away? That's pretty fucking stupid of me, if I am concerned about my "Popularity Ass Kissing Points", isn't it?

I just wanted to express my opinion, and my opinion is, the "reputation" points are BULLSHIT! If Damo was even going to have such a thing, it should be where everyone gets to "award" the same amount of points, or "punish" the same amount, and MODERATORS shouldn't be allowed to even participate!!! They are supposed to be MODERATORS! But no, what we have is Damo's Merry Band of Misfits, who aren't much fucking different from SR's Regime of Pinheads, who "preside" over the rest of us commoners. At least in SR's system, people get to VOTE on who gets SPECIAL PRIVILEGES!

I am Grind's ass kisser? Where the fuck have you been? Grind has not given me any rep points. Grind and I basically tolerate each other. He does not like me at all, and I am not particularly concerned about it.

The IN crowd?? lmao Can you hear yourself? I have not done anything except come in and have some fun here. I try not to slip into name calling and harrassment unless there is a good reason. Most of my posts are light hearted. Could THAT be a reason for my not attracting the rancor that you do?? You think???

Get a grip Dixie.
Latest Reputation Received
Thread Date Posted By Comment
Republicans and... 01-09-2009 10:37 AM Grind modding me down is mean. say you're sorry and i might give you your points back
I call BULLSHIT! 01-09-2009 09:10 AM Superfreak because who really cares about this shit
I call BULLSHIT! 01-09-2009 06:49 AM Grind how rude
I call BULLSHIT! 01-09-2009 01:00 AM Beefy
I call BULLSHIT! 01-09-2009 12:00 AM Damocles The libs are hanging together and repping each other up. Don't sweat it man, it all comes around eventually.
Harlem Globetrotters in... 01-08-2009 11:54 PM Grind i can be your best friend or your worst enemy. get on the right side dixie O_O
I call BULLSHIT! 01-08-2009 11:35 PM Grind of course it's bullshit. have fun being in the red
I call BULLSHIT! 01-08-2009 06:49 PM Chloe heres some pos rep cry baby
Grind has now issued me -150 points in less than 24 hrs.

Is THAT fair?

Does it matter??

Grind, you numbnutted idiot! Hand be -175 points!! Please!!!

Dam, would you plead give me as many negative points as your system will allow? Since Dixie is whinning about my kissing Grind's ass and being with theIN crowd, would you PLEASE slap me with all you can???/
I just wanted to express my opinion, and my opinion is, the "reputation" points are BULLSHIT! If Damo was even going to have such a thing, it should be where everyone gets to "award" the same amount of points, or "punish" the same amount, and MODERATORS shouldn't be allowed to even participate!!! They are supposed to be MODERATORS! But no, what we have is Damo's Merry Band of Misfits, who aren't much fucking different from SR's Regime of Pinheads, who "preside" over the rest of us commoners. At least in SR's system, people get to VOTE on who gets SPECIAL PRIVILEGES!

Remember that argument a long time ago how I said I was tongue in cheek over the whole sr thing and you were a psycho? This helps to illustrate the difference between me and you.

Yes you are right, you discovered the grand secret - rep points are bullshit. Do you want them to be more serious? Is there a true demand on this board for serious rep points? Because if there was, I'm sure it would be instituted.

However, Right now no one is crying (and yes that's what you are doing) over rep points other than you, because IT'S A FUCKING NUMBER ON A SCREEN. It doesn't DO anything. It's MEANINGLESS.

Point 2: Rep power is determined by a few different factors. One is your post count, another is how long you've been a member. The logic is, the more active community member you are, the more weight you should have. That's why some have more than others.

Lastly, why wouldn't moderators be allowed to rep people? It's pretty much our job to sanction anyone that would break a rule by posting private information etc . . .repping people comes with the whole sanctioning territory.

Put it to a vote dixie. If you want serious rep points and all your demands met, if it means THAT much to you, I have ZERO problem doing that. I'm sure damo and soc don't have a problem either. Start a poll. I'll even give you an edge, just try and get 40%.
You want to know why you've got a lot of points? Because you are Grind's ass kisser! You are more popular with the "in" crowd, so you get all the points. Me? I get slammed for 100 points in two days by Grind, who has special ability because he is a big shot here. It has absolutely nothing to do with your posts or your sense of humor.

As I said in my very first post, I am not pissed off, I am not whining, yet I continue to see pinheads post stupid shit about me being a crybaby. I don't give a flying fuck how many points I have or don't have!!!! If I did, would I post a thread slamming the people who can take mountains of points away? That's pretty fucking stupid of me, if I am concerned about my "Popularity Ass Kissing Points", isn't it?

I just wanted to express my opinion, and my opinion is, the "reputation" points are BULLSHIT! If Damo was even going to have such a thing, it should be where everyone gets to "award" the same amount of points, or "punish" the same amount, and MODERATORS shouldn't be allowed to even participate!!! They are supposed to be MODERATORS! But no, what we have is Damo's Merry Band of Misfits, who aren't much fucking different from SR's Regime of Pinheads, who "preside" over the rest of us commoners. At least in SR's system, people get to VOTE on who gets SPECIAL PRIVILEGES!

It wasn't Grind's ass I had to kiss.
Grind has now issued me -150 points in less than 24 hrs.

Is THAT fair?


What a friggin loser... If I could neg rep you again I would.

Grind, Damo, Socrtease... feel free to neg rep me over an over again until my 'rep' is lower than Dixie.... Maybe then he will stop crying.
Remember that argument a long time ago how I said I was tongue in cheek over the whole sr thing and you were a psycho? This helps to illustrate the difference between me and you.

Yes you are right, you discovered the grand secret - rep points are bullshit. Do you want them to be more serious? Is there a true demand on this board for serious rep points? Because if there was, I'm sure it would be instituted.

However, Right now no one is crying (and yes that's what you are doing) over rep points other than you, because IT'S A FUCKING NUMBER ON A SCREEN. It doesn't DO anything. It's MEANINGLESS.

That's not true! Ever since I got this new, fabulous cyber-rep, my hair has been shinier, my lips poutier, and I could swear I've lost five pounds!
I like ya, don't know where you got that from.

No place in particular and I was not even being serious. I just figured since we haven't chatted on the boards Dixie would have to take it as gospel.