It wasn't Grind's ass I had to kiss.

Oh Darla, you have sunk so low as to do that for rep points?

Well, maybe that is why your hair is shinier, your lips are poutier and you feel slimmer?
Oh Darla, you have sunk so low as to do that for rep points?

Well, maybe that is why your hair is shinier, your lips are poutier and you feel slimmer?

Listen, it was well worth it to drive Dixie over the edge and get to witness this cyber meltdown. Not that it was a far drive.
I'm not WHINING over a goddamn thing! IF I gave a rat's ass about how many points I have, why the fuck would I post a thread to slam the whole damn system and those who REALLY control the points? I don't give a shit, but if you want to think that, I can't help it!

I just wanted others to know and understand what is going on here, and how this shit is rigged. It's a completely bogus and inaccurate system, full of corruption and cheating. There is NOTHING fair about it, there is NOTHING ethical about it, and if Damo had any sense at all, he would either abandon this stupid idea, or at least modify it to not allow MODERATORS to award/negate ALL THE POINTS!
I'm not WHINING over a goddamn thing! IF I gave a rat's ass about how many points I have, why the fuck would I post a thread to slam the whole damn system and those who REALLY control the points? I don't give a shit, but if you want to think that, I can't help it!

I just wanted others to know and understand what is going on here, and how this shit is rigged. It's a completely bogus and inaccurate system, full of corruption and cheating. There is NOTHING fair about it, there is NOTHING ethical about it, and if Damo had any sense at all, he would either abandon this stupid idea, or at least modify it to not allow MODERATORS to award/negate ALL THE POINTS!

You have totally exposed it! I smell Pulitzer!
That's not true! Ever since I got this new, fabulous cyber-rep, my hair has been shinier, my lips poutier, and I could swear I've lost five pounds!
Well, there is that. I've noticed that I am stronger and faster and I believe that soon I will be able to fly.

Can't stop laughing...that photo is awesome
you just cried your little eyes out about how "Grind just slamed me for -150 points in 2 days :( :( :("

why would that be relevant?

"I just wanted others to know and understand what is going on here, and how this shit is rigged. It's a completely bogus and inaccurate system,"

I'm not WHINING over a goddamn thing! IF I gave a rat's ass about how many points I have, why the fuck would I post a thread to slam the whole damn system and those who REALLY control the points? I don't give a shit, but if you want to think that, I can't help it!

I just wanted others to know and understand what is going on here, and how this shit is rigged. It's a completely bogus and inaccurate system, full of corruption and cheating. There is NOTHING fair about it, there is NOTHING ethical about it, and if Damo had any sense at all, he would either abandon this stupid idea, or at least modify it to not allow MODERATORS to award/negate ALL THE POINTS!

Dixie, get a grip. Now think about it, they are called REPUTATION points. They are given either positive or negative.

Can you name someone who you consider a friend on this forum? Can you name the friendly posts you have made?

Now, can you name someone who you think might dislike you? Can you name the unfriendly posts you have made (like ones where you called people names?)

That is what it boils down to. If you are hostile to people, they will be hostile back.

The fact that a few people can nail you for bigger point loses is just added nonsense.
That's not true! Ever since I got this new, fabulous cyber-rep, my hair has been shinier, my lips poutier, and I could swear I've lost five pounds!

nah.... the five pounds just snuck around to ur ass. ya dubble digiter....just cause you can't see it doesn't mean its gone.
I'm not WHINING over a goddamn thing! IF I gave a rat's ass about how many points I have, why the fuck would I post a thread to slam the whole damn system and those who REALLY control the points? I don't give a shit, but if you want to think that, I can't help it!

I just wanted others to know and understand what is going on here, and how this shit is rigged. It's a completely bogus and inaccurate system, full of corruption and cheating. There is NOTHING fair about it, there is NOTHING ethical about it, and if Damo had any sense at all, he would either abandon this stupid idea, or at least modify it to not allow MODERATORS to award/negate ALL THE POINTS!

It has nothing to do with "ethics". It's a reputation system, it's inaccurate as all heck I told you all it would be when I turned it on, and people are having fun playing with it. Negging and Possing with glee all over the board.

Once it settles in and people are used to it, it won't see quite as much activity, but right now people are just shuffling their feet, building up static, then touching an ear here or there...

It has nothing to do with "ethics". It's a reputation system, it's inaccurate as all heck I told you all it would be when I turned it on, and people are having fun playing with it. Negging and Possing with glee all over the board.

Once it settles in and people are used to it, it won't see quite as much activity, but right now people are just shuffling their feet, building up static, then touching an ear here or there...

Here's the deal, you've got a MOD who thinks that means GOD! Your "REP" system is not about "REP" at all, it's not even based on anything legitimate or fair! It is Grind's personal way to pick and choose who he likes and dislikes, and your "regular" posters have to live with that shit, attached to their every post, because GOD thinks he is being cute! It is total and utter BULLSHIT, and what it will ultimately do, is run off the credible posters you have somehow managed to hang on to here.

This is NOT about me! It's not about how many points I have or don't have! I don't give a fuck if Grind gives me 10,000 fucking ASS KISSING points! It's still a bogus and corrupt system and you should still get rid of it... and get rid of Grind as a Mod too, for that matter.
Here's the deal, you've got a MOD who thinks that means GOD! Your "REP" system is not about "REP" at all, it's not even based on anything legitimate or fair! It is Grind's personal way to pick and choose who he likes and dislikes, and your "regular" posters have to live with that shit, attached to their every post, because GOD thinks he is being cute! It is total and utter BULLSHIT, and what it will ultimately do, is run off the credible posters you have somehow managed to hang on to here.

This is NOT about me! It's not about how many points I have or don't have! I don't give a fuck if Grind gives me 10,000 fucking ASS KISSING points! It's still a bogus and corrupt system and you should still get rid of it... and get rid of Grind as a Mod too, for that matter.

Dixie, wouldn't it have been easier to do like BB did and just opt out of the rep system?
Here's the deal, you've got a MOD who thinks that means GOD! Your "REP" system is not about "REP" at all, it's not even based on anything legitimate or fair! It is Grind's personal way to pick and choose who he likes and dislikes, and your "regular" posters have to live with that shit, attached to their every post, because GOD thinks he is being cute! It is total and utter BULLSHIT, and what it will ultimately do, is run off the credible posters you have somehow managed to hang on to here.

This is NOT about me! It's not about how many points I have or don't have! I don't give a fuck if Grind gives me 10,000 fucking ASS KISSING points! It's still a bogus and corrupt system and you should still get rid of it... and get rid of Grind as a Mod too, for that matter.

im not the only one slamming people and modding people up for random reasons. all mods are doing it so quit singling me out asshole.

Also, no other credible poster has complained about this. Again, As I have stated many times, if there is a demand for a serious reputation system, damo, soc, and myself would have no problem whatsoever putting it into place.
im not the only one slamming people are modding people up for random reasons. all mods are doing it so quit singling me out asshole.

Also, no other credible poster has complained about this. Again, As I have stated many times, if there is a demand for a serious reputation system, damo, soc, and myself would have no problem whatsoever putting it into place.

quit being such a puss.... you big meanie... picking on poor lil dixie like that. you bully.