im not the only one slamming people are modding people up for random reasons. all mods are doing it so quit singling me out asshole.

Also, no other credible poster has complained about this. Again, As I have stated many times, if there is a demand for a serious reputation system, damo, soc, and myself would have no problem whatsoever putting it into place.

Really, Damo hasn't given me anything.

I don't care anyway. I just assumed I would have a red rep because of my bitch status, and I honestly don't care if it eventually happens that way when all of the fun wears off. Onceler positive repped me. That was special. lol
It would have been a hell of a lot easier on the rest of us.

Oh please Darla, you are like a kid playing that mole game at Chuckie Cheese. You wait for him to pop his head up and WHAM.

Laughing all the while.
Here's the real deal. We have two options really.

1. We can take rep points seriously and go about parsing it all and making it unpleasant, moderating how and to whom it is given.


2. We can just let it be fun, play with the system and joke about it, letting people do as they will within the "rules structure" that existed when I turned it on.

I prefer number 2. We shouldn't let the "ethics" of little green or red lights ruin the simple enjoyment of a new feature that in the bigger picture mean nothing.
Really, Damo hasn't given me anything.

I don't care anyway. I just assumed I would have a red rep because of my bitch status, and I honestly don't care if it eventually happens that way when all of the fun wears off. Onceler positive repped me. That was special. lol
I haven't?

It must be a subconscious desire to not make it appear as if I don't have a cyber-crush on you.

I'll fix that, someday...

This is way too funny...see Damo Like I said, this would turn into another old USMB forum...when ya bring rep points into the equasion it always turns into a dog pile!:cof1:
This is way too funny...see Damo Like I said, this would turn into another old USMB forum...when ya bring rep points into the equasion it always turns into a dog pile!:cof1:
I'm glad you posted. I forgot about the group I created...


I can add you to the same group as BB here. The 'no-rep' group. Nothing anybody does can effect you, all you have to do is ask.
I'm glad you posted. I forgot about the group I created...


I can add you to the same group as BB here. The 'no-rep' group. Nothing anybody does can effect you, all you have to do is ask.

LOL...save the dix...he is cool...just misunderstood...kinda/sorta like me...eh'?
You want to know why you've got a lot of points? Because you are Grind's ass kisser! You are more popular with the "in" crowd, so you get all the points. Me? I get slammed for 100 points in two days by Grind, who has special ability because he is a big shot here. It has absolutely nothing to do with your posts or your sense of humor.

He's not part of the rep alliance so no.
I call BS on waterbaby..he and grind are akin to tossing cow pies and cow tipping...they haven't a clue why the do it...they just think it's cool!:ouch: