For that matter, she probably didn't write "ready from day one" either.
Just sayin'.
Look, I realize that you're already in full-blown, general election, attack-everything-about-the-Democrat-even-if-he/she-is-a-great-candidate mode, but it's a bogus charge, and you pretty well know that.
How much of what we have heard over the past 7+ years do you think your hero actually wrote, WRL?
Hey, I just posted it for laughs, but it was funny him copying the other guys speech.
True. I often feel sorry for you...No one laughs at deranged partisan hacks.
They feel sorry for them, but they seldom, if ever, laugh.
"Change you can Xerox"...
Whether or not she wrote it, it is funny.
Yeah, and whether or not they like it Hillery has already coined Obama for Republicans...
There will be 527's running around while McCain denies everything...Well, I'll certainly send out a prayer tonight that McCain latches onto "change you can Xerox" and runs his campaign around it...
There will be 527's running around while McCain denies everything...
"Kinko's clerks for the truth"?
Been down that road...
The ragged and beaten candidate (whichever one that is) will stand up and "demand" that the other candidate denounces the 527 that is giving them the beating."Kinko's clerks for the truth"?
Been down that road...
Well I doubt that, but I'm sure the phrase 'xerox' will resurface...
Hillary and the republicans are working together to take down Obama. shes a detriment to her party.