I Graduated

Congrats man. I've got one year left in undergrad before I start law school.

Nice. I think nearly every history/poli sci major considers law school at some point before or during college, but I decided it wasn't for me. Good luck with that. My US History prof last year, fresh out of Berkeley, and extremely hot incidentally, left us after one year to go to Stanford Law School. Darn professional students!!! I was so used to having ample breasts to gaze upon during US History lectures that it sucked getting a new guy out of the UW to replace her. Cool guy though, and a lot of fun - just not hot with a flair for sexy clothing style (leather boots, long skirt, etc.) and ample breasts...
Congratulations on your graduation. :clink:

Teaching? Master's? I'm battling through an MEd but it's a specialisation in adult education. Will you be teaching school or higher ed?

Tell me to piss off if I'm being too nosey :cool:
Well done, mate.

May the sky be turned black with tossed hats.

Now get out there and celebrate by popping your cork over a lady's chest.


What did you think i meant? You filthy oik. ;)

But you haven't truly graduated until you come the realization that in the grand scheme of knowledge you don't know anything.

But you haven't truly graduated until you come the realization that in the grand scheme of knowledge you don't know anything.
If he's going to teach, he'll never come to that realization.

There is nothing that I have noticed about teachers more than their ability to think they are the smartest person in the room at all times. Even when they aren't in the classroom.

Yes, this is a generalization. leaningright is the exception that proves the rule!

is a great minor to have...however if you are set on teaching then the major was a good choice...congrads!
If he's going to teach, he'll never come to that realization.

There is nothing that I have noticed about teachers more than their ability to think they are the smartest person in the room at all times. Even when they aren't in the classroom.

Yes, this is a generalization. leaningright is the exception that proves the rule!

Really? I can't say the same. I feel a lot of tech people are like that.
Yeah, us too. However, I overcame that by use of this board. All the teachers I know always assume this. Seriously.

I know a few teachers and granted, we don't usually talk about anything deeper than entertainment news, I can't say I've seen the same. I still think techy's have the biggest egos. Most of them think that their company would fall to shreds if they left and that no one else can take their place.
Congratulations on your graduation. :clink:

Teaching? Master's? I'm battling through an MEd but it's a specialisation in adult education. Will you be teaching school or higher ed?

Tell me to piss off if I'm being too nosey :cool:

Yeah, the MIT, unlike the MED, is designed for people who don't already have teaching experience. Thus, there are no special emphasis curriculums such as technology specialization. Just the usual elementary/secondary/special education focuses. Mine will of course be secondary ed.

I want to teach high school for now and continue to study history on my own until such a time that I may feel that I am ready for a graduate degree in history.

Congrats there 3D. Sounds like you have picked a real liberal profession there :clink:

Balanced out by my profession in arms :)


But you haven't truly graduated until you come the realization that in the grand scheme of knowledge you don't know anything.

I'm already there. Even without studying Socrates in my intro philosophy class, I had pretty well come to that conclusion. :cof1: