I Graduated

Pay no mind to asshat. Teaching is an awesome career choice, you have my high five. I actually used to teach community college, and while it's not the best money around, it was actually the most fun and rewarding job I ever had. I wouldn't mind doing it again. What is it, like 3 semesters to get a teaching credential?

No. He should pay heed. He should examine his own fascist nihilist human hating brainwashing before infecting others.
Congrats 3D! No back to the books. It will be over before you know it. Good luck and rest up before gradual school
Pay no mind to asshat. Teaching is an awesome career choice, you have my high five. I actually used to teach community college, and while it's not the best money around, it was actually the most fun and rewarding job I ever had. I wouldn't mind doing it again. What is it, like 3 semesters to get a teaching credential?

Yeah, its right around that. I think in my case it will be three semesters of classes and then student teaching, which counts as a 12 credit semester.

Congrats BIG TIME threedee!

I can remember when you were in high school and 17! :eek:


Yeah, I remember those days. Went into the Shorecrest library one day and typed in politics.com to the url, and the rest is history. Its been fun chatting with you lot.
Hey Asshate, internationalism and fascism are words that contradict one another. I would reccommend international corporatism. I would also reccommend shoving a broomstick up you're rear. You are an incorrigible nationalist internationalist stooge for the dhimmist conspiracy to force us to all pay infidel taxes to Mecca.
If he's going to teach, he'll never come to that realization.

There is nothing that I have noticed about teachers more than their ability to think they are the smartest person in the room at all times. Even when they aren't in the classroom.

Yes, this is a generalization. leaningright is the exception that proves the rule!

As a teacher I have come to the realization that I will forever be a student. I learn something everyday...often FROM my students :)

Congrats 3D!!
Hey Asshate, internationalism and fascism are words that contradict one another. I would reccommend international corporatism. I would also reccommend shoving a broomstick up you're rear. You are an incorrigible nationalist internationalist stooge for the dhimmist conspiracy to force us to all pay infidel taxes to Mecca.

Not necessarily. Sometimes the language needs to stretch to accomodate emerging realities. Historically, fascism has been around a nationalist core, but with the emergence of multinational/international corporations and governing bodies, a new type of internationalist fascism is possible. And it's become the ruling meme of the world's elite. They're fascists, as are you. You can call yourself a corporatist, if you want; but that's just more of your wordplay.
Threedee calls his car his "growling wagon".

I dunno. My friends all call it ('94 Lincoln Continental) my pimp-mobile...

Also, words don't need to stretch and adapt. That is where new words come into play, and eventually enter the official lexicon. I am not a corporatist, because I oppose corporate welfare and bailouts. I say let the market decide, and we should all respect Natural Rights, period.
I dunno. My friends all call it ('94 Lincoln Continental) my pimp-mobile...

Also, words don't need to stretch and adapt. That is where new words come into play, and eventually enter the official lexicon. I am not a corporatist, because I oppose corporate welfare and bailouts. I say let the market decide, and we should all respect Natural Rights, period.

But you also believe that the economy is good just because corporations are doing lots of business, regardless of the economic positions of people in that society. That lopsided way of viewing the situation makes you a fascist, period.
Oh. And there is a term for internationalist fascism; It's called the New World Order, but people get all riled up about that one. Internationalist Fascism works fine too.
Oh. And there is a term for internationalist fascism; It's called the New World Order, but people get all riled up about that one. Internationalist Fascism works fine too.

What about national fascism?

Only kind of fascism that has actually existed and is not only supported by some flimsy conspiracy.
What about national fascism?

Only kind of fascism that has actually existed and is not only supported by some flimsy conspiracy.

What about it. It exists too. The new fascism is internationalist, and it's not a theory, it's the rationale behind the globalization movement, you know, the free movement of people, goods and capital between nations, regardless of the consequences? I'm sure you've heard of it.
Since it is a market, and not a political movement, it is inconsequential.

And for the 1 billionth fucking time, not ALL business and GDP is corporate. Have you ever even heard of a small business, like an LLC? And its not you're right to enterfere with someone else's enterprise or property. You are such a fucking emo, even Watermark thinks you are too emotional!!! You are also a populist, so thanks for screwing up this country while we're at it!
Since it is a market, and not a political movement, it is inconsequential.

And for the 1 billionth fucking time, not ALL business and GDP is corporate. Have you ever even heard of a small business, like an LLC? And its not you're right to enterfere with someone else's enterprise or property. You are such a fucking emo, even Watermark thinks you are too emotional!!! You are also a populist, so thanks for screwing up this country while we're at it!

Globalization is a market? No it's not, it's a political ideology which worships market forces.

Ok. Some are llc, and some are small. Businesses have no right to subvert national policies designed to protect americans just because they want more profit. They're the ones overstepping here, coprophilic douchey suckface.
I would have thought the fact that I am better than all of you people was prood that I'm from Seattle :) My other favorite talkshow host, Lt. Bryan Suits used to live in Seattle as well, but he moved down the LA several months back. The guy was a hoot, but his cynicism and childishness didn't appeal to the idiot Baby Boomer douches in the audience, and we X'ers and Millenials couldn't carry him through...