I had sex

You should try immediately stopping taking the SSRIs. All that stuff about it causing people to commit suicide...well, don't pay any attention to that.

Hm why would you tell me that if you really wanted me to kill myself? Very sweet, you actually do care about me underneath it all. ��
I'm also on ssris which probably has a lot to do with it tbh.

Side Effects

Most people who use SSRI antidepressants don’t have major problems, but every kind of medical treatment carries some risk. The possible side effects of these antidepressants include:
● Insomnia
● Headaches
● Rash
● Blurred vision
● Drowsiness
● Dry mouth
● Agitation or nervousness
● Feeling dizzy
● Pain in the joints or muscles
● Upset stomach, nausea, or diarrhea
● Reduced sexual desire
● Problems with erection or ejaculation

Coupled with your "self-amusement" habit, this could very well be your problem.
You should try immediately stopping taking the SSRIs. All that stuff about it causing people to commit suicide...well, don't pay any attention to that.


Stopping Treatment

Even though SSRIs aren’t habit-forming, it can be dangerous to stop them suddenly or miss several doses in a row. Doing this can lead to a condition called discontinuation syndrome that causes withdrawal-like symptoms.

● Nausea
● Dizziness
● Uneasiness
● Fatigue or lethargy

That’s why it’s important to work up to your prescribed dosage slowly with the help of your doctor, and to step down gradually if you agree it’s time to stop.
If you do experience discontinuation syndrome, you might start to feel like you have the flu and/or notice symptoms like:
Does that Kratom work? I hear good things.

It is the most opiate like substance you can buy that's not illegal. It has some pain relieving abilities, but the ceiling of effect is much lower than typical opiates of course. It also has different effects at different dosage levels, too much will make you feel nauseous and not have much more effect. That makes it almost impossible to od on though.
Tbh I couldn't come, probably due to decades of death grip masturbation. I stopped after 20-30 minutes, helped her masturbate, and we just cuddled afterward because I didn't just want to screw her to exhaustion.
When I next masturbated it took like a minute to get to orgasm and I basically jizzed a puddle. Kind of weird, my balls were producing all the semen in the world due to instinct, but my dick has been trained to only orgasm through that specific type of feeling.

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