"I hate Taylor Swift"

Nope,...not fat at all. Lets go for a run together some day so I can show you first hand. You can run right? I would sure hope so,...If not it might be time to cut back on pork chops and gravy some fat man.
Offers a challenge then expects me to do all the work of setting it up in Texas. What a chickenshit Fatboy continues to prove to be. Not the first time either. Sad.
Yes,...I can and do run. What about you, when is the last time you could run? Heck,...when the last time you could walk at a good clip? Or even get your ass off the recliner? Look at your post count ,.....THIS board IS your life. Im trying to help you,......stop being so afraid and get up off your ass and get back to living. This place was meant as a place where you can waste a little time before dinner, or do a quick drive by post. This place was not intended as a somewhere where you sit on your ass all day long and half the night posting random bullshit. Get out and smell the open air, take a walk,...do SOMETHING, anything! You have it all backwards . Instead of spending an hour a day in here once in a while and living life the rest of the time you spend your whole day in here and an hour living life. STOP IT,....before you cant.
Gives life advice to others yet is the family leech spending half days at the office posting online, playing video games and ogling the secretary's ass.

Does your Black mixed-race wife know you lust after other women, Fatboy? Does she know you've cheated on her or do you have an "open" marriage like the Trumps?

Your lack of morals tells me you've broken both state and Federal laws. Do your brothers know? I expect MAGAt criminals like yourself would do something stupid. You've been guilty of doxxing members on this forum. Have you ever doxxed a military officer? Do you know what Federal laws are involved in attacking someone over 65 in Texas, son?
So what, TOP?
The opposite may be a troubling thing,
but older girl/young boy is NEVER a thing.

I wanted to fuck Brigit Bardot when I was thirteen.

As much as we believe in gender equality,
certain things just don't match up.
Well Ok...and Good Morning Nifty... Long time no see... hope you're well...
I can see why. He's a pedo and Trump loves him.

Trump and Combs have been photographed together at several events over the years, though Trump has made little comment about their relationship. Combs, on the other hand, has been more candid about how he feels about the former president.

In an October 2015 interview with The Washington Post, Combs discussed his friendship with Trump, then a longshot candidate in the 2016 Republican presidential primary.

"Donald Trump is a friend of mine, and he works very hard," he said.
Every time I see trump smile, the word "rictus" comes to mind.