I hate this place II

Describe how an apple tastes to somebody who can't taste? Why would I ask that in an interview? That's just silly.
Describe how an apple tastes to somebody who can't taste? Why would I ask that in an interview? That's just silly.
You've never been asked a completely stupid and irrelevant question at an interview?

You have to be real careful in a panel interview when that happens. It's usually one person on the panel that has these asinine questions. It's imperative you find out where that person is in the organizational structure cause if they're going to be your boss you need to tank the rest of the interview. You do not want to work for that asshole.

You know when I was early in my career I would get asked moronic questions like these during a job interview but at midcareer if I had a job interview, and usually wasn't unemployed, I would usually answer questions like that by saying "I beg your pardon?" and a look of utter confusion on my face. If they asked the question again I would say something like "I heard you the first time, I just don't understand the relevance of your question.".

I'm of the opinion that wasting a persons time with such questions is unprofessional.
In cricketing parlance, it is the equivalent of bowling a googly!
Unexpected questions during an interview are fine but they should relevant and job related. In the past I've been a dick when asked such a question as I don't appreciate having my time wasted. Of course it goes with out saying that you can afford to be a dick when you're currently employed and the fact that they would play nonsense games like that during an interview would indicate to me that this is probably not a company you want to be associated with.
Describe how an apple tastes to somebody who can't taste? Why would I ask that in an interview? That's just silly.

I think it's kind of rude to eat an Apple in front of a person who can't taste and gloat about how awesome this experience is that they can't ever replicate.
Unexpected questions during an interview are fine but they should relevant and job related. In the past I've been a dick when asked such a question as I don't appreciate having my time wasted. Of course it goes with out saying that you can afford to be a dick when you're currently employed and the fact that they would play nonsense games like that during an interview would indicate to me that this is probably not a company you want to be associated with.
Didn't Google used to ask candidates if manholes were better square or round?
Guess who didn't get the job!

Don't give up, keep trying! You'll get better at the interview process.

Yeah, I can comfort myself that I've gotten to the final stages of at least two interview processes. If no one were taking me seriously, I would never get this far. Just gotta keep playing the interview lottery.

But it's still so frustrating. It's like beating my head against the wall.
My "failure at life" skill just dinged.
Don't let it get you down Po. Keep on keeping on...you're probably going to have to do what I did when I was your age. Just get the hell out of the small hick farm town you were raised in and go where the opportunities are. You may have to work some minimum wage shit job for a while but if you're motivated it will work out.
Don't give up, keep trying! You'll get better at the interview process.
IT's not even really a matter of that. It's a numbers game. Knock on enough doors and eventually someone will hire you.

Just don't be to picky. The local gay bar has an opening for a wash room attendant. I hear the tips are good.