I hate this place II

It's pointless to try to remember anything in an interview. The more of your working memory you devote to trying to self-consciously remember some tip you read online, the less of it is devoted to answering their questions.
If I would've read those PHP interview questions the day before the last interview, I would've gotten at least one of those questions right. It can't hurt.
Alex Tsiparas doesn't wear a tie:


Why should I? Ties are tools of the bourgeoisie, used to keep the workers down.
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Your dad was in the military and doesn't know how to make a Full Windsor knot?

My dad's in Georgia.

Every time I try to make the knot it looks retarded, and the tie's way too short. Guess I have all of tomorrow to figure out how to do this. In the worst case I'm just going to have to go tieless.
If they are introduced to you by their first name use that. If they are introduced to you as Mr. So&so or Ms. So&so then use that. Make sure that when you speak to someone, assuming you are seated, lean towards that person and make eye contact and maintain eye contact while you speak with them. Don't make it a bloody staring contest...it's ok to blink and smile. Just imagine that your Damo and try to be the exact opposite of that. :)

Yeah..... watch out for looking creepy. Act normally and hold a conversation.
Univ. of Connecticut designating dorms "BLACK MALE ONLY"

Sorry but that's not true. Blacks come in last in all standardized tests. Even rich blacks do poorly. Most blacks can't read and cannot learn how to read. When your IQ is under 80, and that is half of american blacks, you are permanently illiterate.
Yet countries like Nigeria have people with very high IQs, why is that?
Probably a bit late now as his Skype interview is tomorrow but maybe you could give some guidance on potential PHP and MySQL questions?
By the time Damo would do that the interview would be over. He just needs to keep lining up interviews like this and someone will hire him.
If I'm to be optimistic I'd say they already like me and are just doing a Skype interview because they need something in person.

If I'm to be pessimistic, I'd say that they're going to drill me about questions I dodged in the last interview.

I don't know what they're going to do. They asked technical questions in the last interview, so I can't assume that that's what this is about. I can't do anything but a cursory overview anyway.
Preparing for the interview. Took valerian root, st. john's wort, a quarter of a valium, my special high theanine brew of green tea, tylenol, and an Imodium (TMI?). Going over PHP questions again.
If I'm to be optimistic I'd say they already like me and are just doing a Skype interview because they need something in person.

If I'm to be pessimistic, I'd say that they're going to drill me about questions I dodged in the last interview.

I don't know what they're going to do. They asked technical questions in the last interview, so I can't assume that that's what this is about. I can't do anything but a cursory overview anyway.

Prepare anyway. If I were interviewing I'd ask those questions you mucked with last time just to see if you are somebody that learns quickly. Arrays are not that difficult you know what they were talking about they just used unfamiliar terminology. Relax, flow, have a conversation and, if you can, enjoy yourself. You will win them over by being more relaxed and working through whatever they ask.
It wasn't good. Won't bother to go on about everything that went wrong this time. Most of my experience wasn't in web development languages, not much I can do about that. We'll see.
We had severe technical problems, and the call dropped several times. For about 10 minutes of the interview I didn't have any video feed from them and just had to carry on as if nothing was wrong. I hadn't had any of these problems when conversing with me brother, it's very unfortunate.
We had severe technical problems, and the call dropped several times. For about 10 minutes of the interview I didn't have any video feed from them and just had to carry on as if nothing was wrong. I hadn't had any of these problems when conversing with me brother, it's very unfortunate.

It's the nature of Skype and Mississippi. I wouldn't sweat that too hard.