I have a bad feeling

yes your world is about to change

the dems are going to win and stop your party from cheating the people ou of the power the founders gave them.

the ideas you tout will be heaved in the trash heap of history.

where they belong

you will think your going to die

then yours and most other Americans lives will be much better.

you like the liar you are will claim it is a horrible thing.

It is over for you. Then off to the reeducation camps you go
I just have a bad feeling about things. I think we are on the edge of some major disaster

Can't shake it. Shit might be going down soon. The world is giving me bad vibes.

Typical, the media and the Republicans, despite the relatively good economic news and world situation, is running down the mood and so people who pay too much attention... have a "feeling".
yes we have a job creation RECORD being made under Obama

remember they don't like math ( its why they are Austrians)
Well let's see, China is suffering heart seizure, Russia is going broke, Iran and Saudi are in an economic war over oil, which may result in a real war. In addition, the stock market is going into freefall and Wall Street has apparently learnt precious few lessons from last time. Apart from that, everything rosy!

The stock market is in free fall due to the prolonged oil glut the Saudi's are creating. They want to end our progress with oil production and alternative energy by making it less profitable. They are very smart, they know that if you want to manipulate America, just make what you want them to stop doing less profitable and it will end.
to classify, the "shit going down" thing I mentioned has nothing to do with me. I am speaking generally. Bad vibes. The world is ready to consume itself. Nature is indifferent. The weeds want to cover us all up and the earth wants to swallow us.

Bad shit is coming. This is not a happy time.
Eat a taco, your paranoia will dissipate.
The stock market is in free fall due to the prolonged oil glut the Saudi's are creating. They want to end our progress with oil production and alternative energy by making it less profitable. They are very smart, they know that if you want to manipulate America, just make what you want them to stop doing less profitable and it will end.

Isn't that kind of like the Democrats and their wanting to GIVE stuff to people.
Thanks for admitting that liberals are trying to manipulate America.
The stock market is in free fall due to the prolonged oil glut the Saudi's are creating. They want to end our progress with oil production and alternative energy by making it less profitable. They are very smart, they know that if you want to manipulate America, just make what you want them to stop doing less profitable and it will end.

Alternative energy?? Don't make me laugh, the low oil price just means that it is even more uncompetitive with oil and gas hence the need to subsidise even more. Oh and don't even get me started with that peak oil bullshit.
The stock market is in free fall due to the prolonged oil glut the Saudi's are creating. They want to end our progress with oil production and alternative energy by making it less profitable. They are very smart, they know that if you want to manipulate America, just make what you want them to stop doing less profitable and it will end.

I think it is far more likely that they are helping to "punish" Russia. Our sanctions don't work if all they have to do is sell expensive oil to Europe to avoid it.
The stock market is in free fall due to the prolonged oil glut the Saudi's are creating. They want to end our progress with oil production and alternative energy by making it less profitable. They are very smart, they know that if you want to manipulate America, just make what you want them to stop doing less profitable and it will end.

You are so fucking stupid. Yeah. The Saudis are afraid of bullshit wind farms

yes your world is about to change

the dems are going to win and stop your party from cheating the people ou of the power the founders gave them.

the ideas you tout will be heaved in the trash heap of history.

where they belong

you will think your going to die

then yours and most other Americans lives will be much better.

you like the liar you are will claim it is a horrible thing.

not banning desh - not even once
People need to learn that we all have a story to tell. The rich, the poor, all races, ethnicities and religions, or those who don't believe at all. Accepting our difference without hating on each other, and trying to get along, I know is a pipe dream. But how great could this world be if we tried a bit harder?

so true

keep the faith

people are mostly good
Well let's see, China is suffering heart seizure, Russia is going broke, Iran and Saudi are in an economic war over oil, which may result in a real war. In addition, the stock market is going into freefall and Wall Street has apparently learnt precious few lessons from last time. Apart from that, everything rosy!

2008? Obama doubled down. Our media are jackasses, who won't report the truth about unemployment numbers or job creation.

Yeah, economic doomsday is a very real possibility.