I have an few thoughts on guns.

No, you're not on the ignore list. Yet. lol

Interesting that you see ppl who want to protect America's children as "traitors." There is something deeply wrong with you. Get help.

interesting that you see restricting and removing the rights of Americans as protecting our children. We protect our politicians and money with guns, why not our children?
I am very pro gun. I am very antiNRA. Here is why. I truly believe all responsible adults should be allowed or even encouraged to carry all the time. Anywhere. With this comes great responsibility. If guns are going to be part of out culture, and they are, responsible gun ownership should be too. As far as I can tell, the NRA just wants nearly everyone, including incompetent (remember the VA taking guns) and nonviolent (reluctantly) felons to be able to carry, not just responsible adults. I think there should be a culture with people who carry to train, not only with the mechanics and target practice, but fully indoctrinate oneself in the use of deadly force. It should be common to hit the range on Saturday night and books on deadly force should be best sellers. The NRA is just like a guy (Don) that had a gun shop back home and had TV commercials all the time, he just wanted to sell guns.

I'm not an NRA fan either, but you have the wrong viewpoint on the NRA here. Having been working on restoring open carry here in TX, I can tell you that the NRA and the TSRA have been some of our biggest opposers. the NRA seems more interested in creating job security for it's certified instructors instead of championing gun rights
1. make gun owners register, and insure them when they purchase them, like the vehicles they compare to
2. New gun taxs, that will be paid. It goes to fund mental health control, advancement, and study.
3. If all else fails, require assault weapons to be renamed, and sold as penis extenders. They come with a free hug I.O.U.

1. no. they don't compare to vechicles at all, we have a sacred right to guns, we dn't have a sacred right to a honda. I don't have to register anytime I post a political comment somewhere. That is the equivalent to registering guns. Finally, it makes it easier for the government to round up gun owners and confiscate property. Gawker also once doxxed all gun owners in NYC. Major privacy issue violations here.

2. No. Taxing the second amendment would be like taxing the first. Are poll taxes acceptable?

3. w/e
1. no. they don't compare to vechicles at all, we have a sacred right to guns, we dn't have a sacred right to a honda. I don't have to register anytime I post a political comment somewhere. That is the equivalent to registering guns. Finally, it makes it easier for the government to round up gun owners and confiscate property. Gawker also once doxxed all gun owners in NYC. Major privacy issue violations here.

2. No. Taxing the second amendment would be like taxing the first. Are poll taxes acceptable?

3. w/e

There is nothing “sacred” about the 2nd, idiot. The entire Bill of Rights was a political tool. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This society comes to a grinding halt without vehicles. Western societies do very nicely without guns.

Taxing guns is taxing a commodity, dumbshit. It has ZERO to do with your right to possess a peashooter
how do you mean biggest opposes? I just think they are more pro manufacturer and not so concerned with good guys with guns.
I'm not an NRA fan either, but you have the wrong viewpoint on the NRA here. Having been working on restoring open carry here in TX, I can tell you that the NRA and the TSRA have been some of our biggest opposers. the NRA seems more interested in creating job security for it's certified instructors instead of championing gun rights
I am very pro gun. I am very antiNRA. Here is why. I truly believe all responsible adults should be allowed or even encouraged to carry all the time. Anywhere. With this comes great responsibility. If guns are going to be part of out culture, and they are, responsible gun ownership should be too. As far as I can tell, the NRA just wants nearly everyone, including incompetent (remember the VA taking guns) and nonviolent (reluctantly) felons to be able to carry, not just responsible adults. I think there should be a culture with people who carry to train, not only with the mechanics and target practice, but fully indoctrinate oneself in the use of deadly force. It should be common to hit the range on Saturday night and books on deadly force should be best sellers. The NRA is just like a guy (Don) that had a gun shop back home and had TV commercials all the time, he just wanted to sell guns.

Who do you think conducts firearm training? We train in a variety of disciplines (rifle, pistol, self defense, etc.) and train law enforcement as well. We hold sanctioned matches from air rifle through long range service rifle. We are not interested in selling firearms, but rather interested in training those who purchase them. I know, I was a NRA certified instructor for over 20 years.
I'm not an NRA fan either, but you have the wrong viewpoint on the NRA here. Having been working on restoring open carry here in TX, I can tell you that the NRA and the TSRA have been some of our biggest opposers. the NRA seems more interested in creating job security for it's certified instructors instead of championing gun rights

You are incorrect, we are not paid.
how do you mean biggest opposes? I just think they are more pro manufacturer and not so concerned with good guys with guns.

the NRA board persuades it's politicians that unlicensed carry has problems, that concealed carry is the perfect method for good guys with guns, creating job security for it's certifications.
the NRA board persuades it's politicians that unlicensed carry has problems, that concealed carry is the perfect method for good guys with guns, creating job security for it's certifications.

I love living in AZ; where open carry was the norm for years and then, no so long ago, it was decided that open or concealed were appropriate, with no need for a "certificate".