I hope you die tonight Tom


you don't have common sense

your sense is below average
You should kill yourself. You're a nobody. You'll always be a nobody. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.

straight out of the GRU (the new KGB) basic cookbook of bot behavior

you will NEVER DIE

as you were NEVER alive russo bot hole boy
I saw what you did there. :cool:


I don't know if you've seen my "tribute thread" yet. Our favorite smarmy little stalker bimbo bumps it because the idiot thinks it's a flame war thread against guess whooo lol. I'm thinking of bumping it and plumping it out with emojis and copied posts from other threads. That Grind one from this morning is classic. What do you think, should it be more widely shared?

I don't know if you've seen my "tribute thread" yet. Our favorite smarmy little stalker bimbo bumps it because the idiot thinks it's a flame war thread against guess whooo lol. I'm thinking of bumping it and plumping it out with emojis and copied posts from other threads. That Grind one from this morning is classic. What do you think, should it be more widely shared?

please do
please do

LOL -- here you go. Toxic is begging for your vote.

top talks like a retard

she also acts like a retard. Some assholes doxxed her and had a massive info dump on her up on imgur for 3 years that was being repeatedly posted on other forums.
Out of the kindness of my heart, I personally messaged IMGUR and got the whole dox dump removed in like 2 days. If top was smart or industrious at all, she probably should have been on that. But I digress.

I have nothing personal against top. I just don't think i've ever had a sentient conversation with her.

To answer your question, I think the entire goodreads crew is kinda spazzy. It's hard to pick favorites. Maybe jack is my favorite.

owl is pretty chill. So I think top is more stalker-y and obsessed-y. Perhaps. but i don't really know the two's history to make an educated judgment. Neither do most of the people in this thread, we are all just dicking around. lets not pretend otherwise.

Watermark is hardly right-wing, it's just that he's got older but his trolling is still JV.

I'm glad to not know him. He seems childish, not-too-bright, and pretty rotten. I mean, I don't like you either but I'm not going to wish for your death. Your suffering in this realm is too pleasing. :laugh: