I hope you die tonight Tom

I'm glad to not know him. He seems childish, not-too-bright, and pretty rotten. I mean, I don't like you either but I'm not going to wish for your death. Your suffering in this realm is too pleasing. :laugh:

Well in that regard the feeling's mutual. However Mark is far from stupid, but his trolling is getting old. He is one of the 'Trinity' of young'uns along with Grind, Billy and 3D.
Watermark is hardly right-wing, it's just that he's got older but his trolling is still JV.

It's weird, archives thought Watermark was a right-winger as well. I mean he has almost 60K posts on this board, it's not like we don't know who he is. And you remember, he used to post normally for years. Participated in regular discussions and actually had interesting insight (and has never been a right-winger or Republican).

One day he flipped the switch and said 'F you guys, I'm just here to troll' and the rest is history.
It's weird, archives thought Watermark was a right-winger as well. I mean he has almost 60K posts on this board, it's not like we don't know who he is. And you remember, he used to post normally for years. Participated in regular discussions and actually had interesting insight (and has never been a right-winger or Republican).

One day he flipped the switch and said 'F you guys, I'm just here to troll' and the rest is history.

I guess I missed those times. He's always seemed trollish and squirrely to me and more akin to the typical RWers here than to the LWers.
I guess I missed those times. He's always seemed trollish and squirrely to me and more akin to the typical RWers here than to the LWers.

I think idiocy, trolling and wishing death upon others on this board transcends political beliefs or "teams". If you look back at threads from the late 'aughts you can see WM was a good kid. At some point he just flipped.
I think idiocy, trolling and wishing death upon others on this board transcends political beliefs or "teams". If you look back at threads from the late 'aughts you can see WM was a good kid. At some point he just flipped.

That wishing death thing doesn't just belong to him.
How many Russian botholes live in Ventura, dopey bint?

how did I know your assholes lied us to war in Iraq?

how did I know your assholes would crash the entire world economy?

How did I know your assholes would Cheat again in elections?

its called clinging to the facts no matter what else occurred

facts say the russians have and will cheat in American elections and that the republican party welcomes that attack on our nation

they sealed that deal yesterday by saying

"don't look at the FACTS"

Bot holes live in Putins heart no matter where they claim to live

Im sure you are in his right ventricle
That's why I said it transcends political beliefs because you find multiple people doing it. In fact, sadly, you find a fairly good number of people doing it.

mostly on your side

You know the republican party which your daughter will some day ask you why you backed a party that killed its self with racism and hate