I just got Karened


On my own street.
I am sitting in my truck trying to normalize my nicotine and caffeine levels at the end of a dead end street which is also a town way to water(public property).
This twat approaches my truck and start a the usual Karen bullshit then backs off and leaves before I can switch to camera mode.
What the fuck is up with these self righteous women?
I live on a Dead End street. If I see a Truck 'parked', I go out and write, in a very visible way, their License number down.
On my own street.
I am sitting in my truck trying to normalize my nicotine and caffeine levels at the end of a dead end street which is also a town way to water(public property).
This twat approaches my truck and start a the usual Karen bullshit then backs off and leaves before I can switch to camera mode.
What the fuck is up with these self righteous women?

Was she yelling at you for not wearing a mask outside?
I live on a Dead End street. If I see a Truck 'parked', I go out and write, in a very visible way, their License number down.
This is the same as parking at a beach. In fact it is Beach Road and I was two houses down from my own house, where I have lived for 30 years, and never seen her before.
This is the same as parking at a beach. In fact it is Beach Road and I was two houses down from my own house, where I have lived for 30 years, and never seen her before.

:) I have trouble with Pick-Up trucks parking at my Dead End road that are filled with trash. Once I take their License number, they seem to make a quick decision to leave. After a while, I don't see too many vehicles that 'park' at the Dead End.
On my own street.
I am sitting in my truck trying to normalize my nicotine and caffeine levels at the end of a dead end street which is also a town way to water(public property).
This twat approaches my truck and start a the usual Karen bullshit then backs off and leaves before I can switch to camera mode.
What the fuck is up with these self righteous women?

Dead end? Normalize nicotine and caffeine levels? I wish you could normalize your mental retardation. You got OWNED you dumb fuck. :palm:
God d*mn white woman, they are nothing but trouble. Just like OJ, I knew I shouldn't have married one.
Quote Originally Posted by Truth Detector View Post
Dead end? Normalize nicotine and caffeine levels? I wish you could normalize your mental retardation. You got OWNED you dumb fuck.

Do you need someone to explain things better from now on? He was drinking a coffee and having a cigarette. It's pretty normal in society and smokers are often directed to the outside. Sometimes this happens even in your own residence due to a spouse, especially lately with the respiratory illness COVID.
God d*mn white woman, they are nothing but trouble. Just like OJ, I knew I shouldn't have married one.

I was playing around on Wikipedia and learned this little factoid on the entry for The Terminator:

Cameron was dubious about casting Schwarzenegger as Reese as he felt he would need someone even more famous to play the Terminator. Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson were offered the Terminator role, but both turned it down.[23] The studio suggested O. J. Simpson for the role but Cameron did not feel that Simpson would be believable as a killer.

:) I have trouble with Pick-Up trucks parking at my Dead End road that are filled with trash. Once I take their License number, they seem to make a quick decision to leave. After a while, I don't see too many vehicles that 'park' at the Dead End.

I used to live on a dead end road but then I left the Republican Party and life got better.
Keep an empty coffee cup in your car in case You get approached by a Karen. If they come up to you and start their shit say “Thank god you’re here!” Hand them the cup and dismissively say something chauvinistic like “Be a good Karen and get me a cup of coffee.”. That usually rattles em. If that doesn’t work and they persist say something like “maybe you should fetch your husband so we can discuss this intelligently.”. Usually by that point they’re so pissed off at you chauvinist pig act that they forgot what they came to hassle you about.
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Keep an empty coffee cup in your car in case You get approached by a Karen. If they come up to you and start their shit say “Thank god you’re here!” Hand them the cup and dismissively say something chauvinistic like “Be a good Karen and get me a cup of coffee.”. That usually rattles em. If that doesn’t work and they persist say something like “maybe you should fetch your husband so we can discuss this intelligently.”. Usually by that point they’re so pissed off at you chauvinist pig act that they forgot what they came to hassle you about.

Won't they just throw the mug at you?
This is why you should always have idiot / bug repellant in reach...
