I just got Karened

:) I have trouble with Pick-Up trucks parking at my Dead End road that are filled with trash. Once I take their License number, they seem to make a quick decision to leave. After a while, I don't see too many vehicles that 'park' at the Dead End.

Do you mean a cul de sac?
Do you need someone to explain things better from now on? He was drinking a coffee and having a cigarette. It's pretty normal in society and smokers are often directed to the outside. Sometimes this happens even in your own residence due to a spouse, especially lately with the respiratory illness COVID.

Yoy live in another world, dont you?
You're exceedingly dim witted at times, it was a test to see if you were up to snuff, you failed!


A 'cul de sac' is a street with a 'circle' at the end. It's planned, and more upscale than 'Dead End' roads. 'Dead End' roads just end abruptly, making exiting a little more difficult, necessitating backing into Private Property to successfully turn around.
(I'm beginning to wonder if you really ever left your small hamlet ... the "I live in Thailand" storyline is becoming suspect)
A 'cul de sac' is a street with a 'circle' at the end. It's planned, and more upscale than 'Dead End' roads. 'Dead End' roads just end abruptly, making exiting a little more difficult, necessitating backing into Private Property to successfully turn around.
(I'm beginning to wonder if you really ever left your small hamlet ... the "I live in Thailand" storyline is becoming suspect)

Yeh bullshit Mr. Meoff, one day you'll learn not to bring a knife to a sword fight.

On my own street.
I am sitting in my truck trying to normalize my nicotine and caffeine levels at the end of a dead end street which is also a town way to water(public property).
This twat approaches my truck and start a the usual Karen bullshit then backs off and leaves before I can switch to camera mode.
What the fuck is up with these self righteous women?

You really don't get the irony of this post do you?


You have defended and allegedly lived or live with one of the biggest fucking Karen's around. Darla, Rana and Christiefan were the JPP Karens before being a Karen was cool


Keep an empty coffee cup in your car in case You get approached by a Karen. If they come up to you and start their shit say “Thank god you’re here!” Hand them the cup and dismissively say something chauvinistic like “Be a good Karen and get me a cup of coffee.”. That usually rattles em. If that doesn’t work and they persist say something like “maybe you should fetch your husband so we can discuss this intelligently.”. Usually by that point they’re so pissed off at you chauvinist pig act that they forgot what they came to hassle you about.

Oh the mysogyny is flowing this morning isn't it

Way to impose your patriarchal behavior. Are you going to mansplain it to her too?


The problem with Karen’s is that they think they’re person is sacrosanct because they are a woman and ergo they can act as entitled as they want and can’t be touched.

In the past I’ve freaked a couple of Karen’s out by getting about two inches from their face and yelling at them as loudly as I could in the most physically agrresive manner without actually touching them. Made one cry and the other ran off and called the police on me.
Oh the mysogyny is flowing this morning isn't it

Way to impose your patriarchal behavior. Are you going to mansplain it to her too?


only if I’m trying to piss her off. :)

I’m always a gentleman towards a lady. If she’s not behaving like a lady, that is being respectful, I could care less if I hurt her feelings. The other exception is in regards to safety. I can be a first class prick about that and I’ll get fucking nasty if that’s what I have to do to get someone’s attention.
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No, she thought I might be a vandal or a trouble maker.
Yelling at strangers abiding the law is bullshit. Was she an old retired but nutty school teacher? Was she drunk? Did she scream to you that the End of Times was fast approaching while carrying a box of wine?
The problem with Karen’s is that they think they’re person is sacrosanct because they are a woman and ergo they can act as entitled as they want and can’t be touched.

In the past I’ve freaked a couple of Karen’s out by getting about two inches from their face and yelling at them as loudly as I could in the most physically agrresive manner without actually touching them. Made one cry and the other ran off and called the police on me.

That's what "Karenism" is? I thought it was Trumpism. Such people, male or female, often have mental problems which include phobias. Yelling at a mentally ill person "Get better! Heal now, stupid!" doesn't work.

IMO, although I disagree with his TDS, Bill Barr has always presented a calm demeanor in trying circumstances. He calmly listens while men and women scream at him. It's quite impressive to watch his self-control.
Yeh bullshit Mr. Meoff, one day you'll learn not to bring a knife to a sword fight.


"A cul de sac is a dead-end street, particularly one with a circle for turning around at the end. ... The French cul de sac was originally an anatomical term meaning "vessel or tube with only one opening." It literally means "bottom of a sack," from the Latin culus, "bottom." "
from Google

(you've brought a knife to a gunfight)