I just got Karened

The problem with Karen’s is that they think they’re person is sacrosanct because they are a woman and ergo they can act as entitled as they want and can’t be touched.

In the past I’ve freaked a couple of Karen’s out by getting about two inches from their face and yelling at them as loudly as I could in the most physically agrresive manner without actually touching them. Made one cry and the other ran off and called the police on me.
I just tell them I hate their shoes. That completely throws them off.
That's what "Karenism" is? I thought it was Trumpism. Such people, male or female, often have mental problems which include phobias. Yelling at a mentally ill person "Get better! Heal now, stupid!" doesn't work.

IMO, although I disagree with his TDS, Bill Barr has always presented a calm demeanor in trying circumstances. He calmly listens while men and women scream at him. It's quite impressive to watch his self-control.
It’s because he, like Trump, has no heart or soul.
It’s because he, like Trump, has no heart or soul.
That would certainly explain it.

I've often wondered what Trump has on Barr but the Epstein connection seems to have the weight necessary for Barr to demean himself at the end of his career.
You really don't get the irony of this post do you?


You have defended and allegedly lived or live with one of the biggest fucking Karen's around. Darla, Rana and Christiefan were the JPP Karens before being a Karen was cool


You are the idiot, who even now doesn't understand the meaning of Karen, you ignorant old fool. Shut the fuck up or I'll start blocking you again.
That would certainly explain it.

I've often wondered what Trump has on Barr but the Epstein connection seems to have the weight necessary for Barr to demean himself at the end of his career.
I think Barr just finally gets a chance to implement his notion that the President has more power than the other branches of government. He’s been known for this stance in Washington since Nixon. I just can’t figure it out as well, why accomplished men are willing to sacrifice their reputation on the altar of Trump. I think it will be debated for sometime. I wish they didn’t have the 50 year rule.
I think Barr just finally gets a chance to implement his notion that the President has more power than the other branches of government. He’s been known for this stance in Washington since Nixon. I just can’t figure it out as well, why accomplished men are willing to sacrifice their reputation on the altar of Trump. I think it will be debated for sometime. I wish they didn’t have the 50 year rule.

No doubt that's a factor, but Barr has gone far beyond that. My first impression was that Trump offered Barr a shitload of money (<--industry term) to do his bidding for him.
"A cul de sac is a dead-end street, particularly one with a circle for turning around at the end. ... The French cul de sac was originally an anatomical term meaning "vessel or tube with only one opening." It literally means "bottom of a sack," from the Latin culus, "bottom." "
from Google

(you've brought a knife to a gunfight)

Here's a logical conundrum. I grew-up on a cul de sac as properly defined (it's on a hill, so, when I was a kid, I thought that was a requirement).

I now live in the last house on the left of a dead end street. Right before you get to my house, there is a large circular space in the road that people continuously use to turn around.

But, when you get to the last two houses (mine, and an elder lady named KAREN across from me), the road straightens out again, and then promptly ends in front of some trees (and a path with a "no trespassing" sign that is frequently ignored, particularly by street junkies).

Is it a cul de sac?
Here's a logical conundrum. I grew-up on a cul de sac as properly defined (it's on a hill, so, when I was a kid, I thought that was a requirement).

I now live in the last house on the left of a dead end street. Right before you get to my house, there is a large circular space in the road that people continuously use to turn around.

But, when you get to the last two houses (mine, and an elder lady named KAREN across from me), the road straightens out again, and then promptly ends in front of some trees (and a path with a no trespassing signs that is frequently ignored, particularly by street junkies).

Is it a cul de sac?

:) Interesting.
(Hmmmm ...) I would say 'Yes'. It's a 'Dead End' and has a place to 'turn around'.

I live in the last house on the right of a Dead End street. I own the adjacent four Lots, so that's about 2 acres, with a large Driveway one Lot away. Which is where Trash trucks, Lawn Maintenance crews and their Trailers, Lost People, Postal Delivery (along with Fed Ex and UPS), etc. use for 'backing in and turning around'. There's a large 'dip' in the Driveway where the weight of the back wheels have caused the ground to compact in that one specific area. If you look close, you'll see a large pile of gravel I've had delivered to fill and grade the Driveway. Should I send the Parish (County) a Bill for providing the 'Turn About' service?
:) Interesting.
(Hmmmm ...) I would say 'Yes'. It's a 'Dead End' and has a place to 'turn around'.

I live in the last house on the right of a Dead End street. I own the adjacent four Lots, so that's about 2 acres, with a large Driveway one Lot away. Which is where Trash trucks, Lawn Maintenance crews and their Trailers, Lost People, Postal Delivery (along with Fed Ex and UPS), etc. use for 'backing in and turning around'. There's a large 'dip' in the Driveway where the weight of the back wheels have caused the ground to compact in that one specific area. If you look close, you'll see a large pile of gravel I've had delivered to fill and grade the Driveway. Should I send the Parish (County) a Bill for providing the 'Turn About' service?

Nails and barbed wire might be more interesting....or just an old couch. If people bitch, tell them the solution to fixing it. :)
Nails and barbed wire might be more interesting....or just an old couch. If people bitch, tell them the solution to fixing it. :)

:) I don't have a problem with it.
When the Kids come over with their Families, there's lots of Parking.
Plus, there's an Old Woman up the street that has 'Card Parties' with her friends. We talk on occasion, she asked me about 'parking', I told her to tell her friends to park on my Property if they want.
Here's a logical conundrum. I grew-up on a cul de sac as properly defined (it's on a hill, so, when I was a kid, I thought that was a requirement).

I now live in the last house on the left of a dead end street. Right before you get to my house, there is a large circular space in the road that people continuously use to turn around.

But, when you get to the last two houses (mine, and an elder lady named KAREN across from me), the road straightens out again, and then promptly ends in front of some trees (and a path with a "no trespassing" sign that is frequently ignored, particularly by street junkies).

Is it a cul de sac?

I thought a cul de sac was when French Feminist castrate a large number of men.
On my own street.
I am sitting in my truck trying to normalize my nicotine and caffeine levels at the end of a dead end street which is also a town way to water(public property).
This twat approaches my truck and start a the usual Karen bullshit then backs off and leaves before I can switch to camera mode.
What the fuck is up with these self righteous women?

block me fuckface

you are a pussy

Don't worry, Donnie, I won't block you even if you are a self-admitted douche. You're too fun to miss! LOL

Normally I think leftists making grand pronouncements about who they have on ignore is pretty lame. However at the risk of being a hypocrite, I am announcing my ignore list to spare them the trouble of posting to someone who won’t respond

Dutch Uncle

The above fore mentioned posters committed the worst possible offense on JPP. They are boring and unimaginative

The only question now is which douche starts a thread about it?
How French it is that in a harem, it's the women who castrate the male attendants.

Julius Caesar once said that if you give a man the key to knowledge he will use it to conquer. If you give the key of knowledge to women they will use it to emasculate. There is some truth to that.