I just got Karened

A 'cul de sac' is a street with a 'circle' at the end. It's planned, and more upscale than 'Dead End' roads. 'Dead End' roads just end abruptly, making exiting a little more difficult, necessitating backing into Private Property to successfully turn around.
(I'm beginning to wonder if you really ever left your small hamlet ... the "I live in Thailand" storyline is becoming suspect)
I've been watching his epic fail for 3 posts now. You saved me quite a few keystrokes.
"A cul de sac is a dead-end street, particularly one with a circle for turning around at the end. ... The French cul de sac was originally an anatomical term meaning "vessel or tube with only one opening." It literally means "bottom of a sack," from the Latin culus, "bottom." "
from Google

(you've brought a knife to a gunfight)
More like a shovel. He just keeps on digging.
Men are still threatened over 2000 years later. :D

It’s our nature. A problem with many western women is that for centuries they were terribly repressed sexually for hundreds of years and then the pill was discovered and the Western sexual revolution happened and it has lead to extremes in our culture of deeply insecure men and radicalized feminism.

Where as you travel to modern East Asian countries that have not had the history of sexual repression and you’ll find women, in general, more feminine than their Western counterparts yet embracing women’s rights. Conversely Asian men tend not to be as domineering (Japan being an exception) or as insecure or as virulently conservative about Women’s role.

For example one of the reason that Western working class men are so hostile towards feminism is that with growing access to higher education and equality in the work place many working class men are being out educated and out earned by their wives and it makes them feel Powerless and emasculated.

In general in western society as you go up the ladder of educational achievement and socioeconomic status you’ll find men less threatened and even apathetic about feminism. As far as radical feminists are concerned you just have to look around you and see who is building and running our society to see that radical feminist are largely blowing smoke. With political freedom they argued for equality of outcomes and what really happened is women took those freedoms and have achieved different outcomes. Just look at how women have come to dominate the health care industry. It was these types of outcomes that radical feminists didn’t expect. They expected an equality of outcome across the board which hasn’t happened. Women have shown they have different interests and therefore different outcomes then men.
It’s our nature. A problem with many western women is that for centuries they were terribly repressed sexually for hundreds of years and then the pill was discovered and the Western sexual revolution happened and it has lead to extremes in our culture of deeply insecure men and radicalized feminism.
Some argue that it started with condoms.

. They expected an equality of outcome across the board which hasn’t happened. Women have shown they have different interests and therefore different outcomes then men.
And that should be all anyone could ask for. To have the freedom to excel at that which interests you. Nurses/doctors make a hell of a lot more money than telephone operators and women in the typing pool.

What was that non fiction movie about the women mathematicians who worked at NASA? Great story.
But, apparently ... NOT English. (BAM!)

As Voltaire said about the execution of Admiral Bing, maybe JPP should execute a poster now and then to encourage the others?

"Mais dans ce pays-ci il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un Amiral pour encourager les autres"

Candide by Voltaire aka François-Marie Arouet.
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