I just got lucky


Willin to be Chillin
Dog starts barking. Normal, she likes to bark at almost anything. Then she starts barking like I've never heard her bark. And she is barking at the back door. I live in town so pretty sure it wasn't a bear.

I normally ignore her, but her intensity and coming to me made me look.

TWO fucking burglars literally trying to break into my house. I of course go knee jerk and start yelling all sorts of shit, they (thankfully) ran off.

I called the cops.


I believe in the second, but I don't own a gun nor want one. Goddamn, my mother owns a gun. And I don't. Maybe I should. Fuck me. What a night
What is weird, I am not even shaking. I really wanted to hurt them.

Go damn police aren't even here yet.
I am pro 2nd. Yet have never felt the need or desire to own a gun. I have shot only two guns : glock 9 and some 30 ought (sp) rifle, and I did kill that can on my first shot!

Should I get one now? Apparently seeing me and me shouting worked.
I am pro 2nd. Yet have never felt the need or desire to own a gun. I have shot only two guns : glock 9 and some 30 ought (sp) rifle, and I did kill that can on my first shot!

Should I get one now? Apparently seeing me and me shouting worked.

If they didn't leave, when your dog was barking, it stands to reason that they must have had something to "take care of" the dog, will have no reservations on silencing you the same way, and they may just come back.

For home defense, may I suggest one of these:


4 rounds if you have one in the chamber and you can get loads all the way from birdshot to double 00.

If you want to go for just disabling someone, you might even be able to find bean bag shells; but I wouldn't recommend using them for anything but the first shot.

There is a semi-auto, that is also available:;


It's just a little longer then the pump and it takes a 5 round magazine.
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I don't want to own a gun USF. So thanks, but no thanks. Unfortunately, it may (in the future) come down to your advice. I hope not.

Hopefully my size and yelling works
I don't want to own a gun USF. So thanks, but no thanks. Unfortunately, it may (in the future) come down to your advice. I hope not.

Hopefully my size and yelling works

Best thing to do is harden your house.

Reinforce your door jambs with steel and get high impact windows installed.

Then keep them locked all the time.
I don't want to own a gun USF. So thanks, but no thanks. Unfortunately, it may (in the future) come down to your advice. I hope not.

Hopefully my size and yelling works

With the number of druggies committing crimes, I hope they don't return.
I would build a wall around your house.
Don’t forget the flood lights.
Buy couple more guard dogs to patrol the grounds.

The burglars will return, be attacked by your dogs and sue the shit out of you.
If you hurt them during the break-in, it is possible you will be arrested and they will sue you for their injuries.

Hopefully they are not minorities. You will make national news, your character smeared and called racist.

In today’s world, sounds like your fucked no matter what you do.
Many people don't want to own guns but it is imperative with the Democrat's open borders to drugs, drug dealers, MS-13 and other criminals.

Our home grown thugs are enough but with what is coming across our borders, thanks to Democrats and sanctuary cities, thanks to Democrats, gun ownership is a given.
Dog starts barking. Normal, she likes to bark at almost anything. Then she starts barking like I've never heard her bark. And she is barking at the back door. I live in town so pretty sure it wasn't a bear.

I normally ignore her, but her intensity and coming to me made me look.

TWO fucking burglars literally trying to break into my house. I of course go knee jerk and start yelling all sorts of shit, they (thankfully) ran off.

I called the cops.


I believe in the second, but I don't own a gun nor want one. Goddamn, my mother owns a gun. And I don't. Maybe I should. Fuck me. What a night

good DOG

I have four ranging from 100 lbs to 50 lbs

no one is getting in my house