I just graduated

I believe the concern, WM, is that as fast as programming language evolved from 1975-2005 (C - C++), how fast/much faster will it evolve from 2013-2043? Will it not perhaps evolve from C++ to 32DDD - the mother of all visual representation?

I believe the concern, WM, is that as fast as programming language evolved from 1975-2005 (C - C++), how fast/much faster will it evolve from 2013-2043? Will it not perhaps evolve from C++ to 32DDD - the mother of all visual representation?


C++ was developed around 1990. Whether or not it was an improvement is debatable, for large projects, sure, for smaller projects you're probably better off sticking with good old trusty C, rather than the mammoth and confusing C++.
It appears I made a D in "Computers and Society", a pointless class that I nevertheless needed to complete in order to graduate with my degree.

Threfore, I, Watermark-kun, am going to have to commit suicide to restore the honor of my family. Goodbye, friends.
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Doesn't suicide just probe a defective product, and thus reflect great dishonor upon the family which produced it? You should just go into a college rating blog and unfairly badmouth the class and professor like any self respecting college student in 2013.
Doesn't suicide just probe a defective product, and thus reflect great dishonor upon the family which produced it? You should just go into a college rating blog and unfairly badmouth the class and professor like any self respecting college student in 2013.

I was informed I got a D in an e-mail informing me that I had a week to rectify things or else they wouldn't give me a degree. I double checked my scores online, and found that I had to evaluate my professors before they would give me the scores - fair enough, if they hadn't of been stupid and given the score beforehand. I gave her the most negative evaluation possible. Hopefully, she gets fired one day, and I contributed to that.
Doesn't suicide just probe a defective product, and thus reflect great dishonor upon the family which produced it?

I am already a defective product, if I do not commit suicide, I have not even realized this, and thus bring greater shame upon my family. Suicide is required in these instances.
I made an A in fucking Compilers. An A in fucking Object Oriented Programming. Even a C in hard as fuck Artificial Intelligence. A D in stupid fucking retarded pointless Computers and Society, in which there is nothing to learn and I learned nothing, the only fucking D I've gotten in my entire fucking time here...
I made an A in fucking Compilers. A D in stupid fucking retarded pointless Computers and Society, in which there is nothing to learn and I learned nothing, the only fucking D I've gotten in my entire fucking time here...
It happens man. I got a C in one of my industrial processes classes. Apparently the theoretical way of doing things is worth more than the practical.
It happens man. I got a C in one of my industrial processes classes. Apparently the theoretical way of doing things is worth more than the practical.

I would be happy as fuck with a C. I would get a degree with a C. But for required classes, such as the utterly necessary Computers and Society, require a C and above to count towards your degree.

I am a failure as a human being. I want to die.
I would be happy as fuck with a C. I would get a degree with a C. But for required classes, such as the utterly necessary Computers and Society, require a C and above to count towards your degree.

I am a failure as a human being. I want to die.

Just retake it. Or talk to one of your advisors and get a substitution.
Variable name: A name of a variable. For instance, in C

int x = 3;

int is the kind of variable, 3 is the value being assigned to the variable, x is the name. Oldskool programmers would write names like this:

int tmp = tmpctrllr.crrtmp;

Modern programmers would make variable names like this:

int theCurrentTemperatureReadingFromTheTemperatureGuage = theClassThatControlsTheTemperatureGuage.aMethodThatRetrievesTheCurrentTemperatureGaugeReading;

Clearly, the second example is much preferable.

Global: A kind of variable accessible from any part of the program. This is bad practice, because you don't want a function in some obscure part of the program modifying the value of a variable that might be being used elsewhere, in a function, a class, or the main part of the program (the main part is the part that starts running when the program launches, from which all the other classes and functions used in the program are first called).

You've just been skooled.

There was a good reason for variables being like that as most compilers had a truncation limit of 8-16 characters. As for global variables, they still have their uses, programming code that is to reside in an EPROM is one example.
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Just retake it. Or talk to one of your advisors and get a substitution.

Substitute computers and society? With what?

My university is deeply confused about this issue anyway, because in the same e-mail they complained about me not having taken a bunch of classes I had already OK'd substitutions for. God my university sucks.
Substitute computers and society? With what?

My university is deeply confused about this issue anyway, because in the same e-mail they complained about me not having taken a bunch of classes I had already OK'd substitutions for. God my university sucks.

I don't know man, ask your adviser. Mine would let me sub out whatever I wanted for whatever I needed.
Take me to your Jew-gold.

I think it is preferable to use global variables rather than use some artificial constructs (like passing pointers around) which would only mask the real intent. Good examples where global variables are used are singleton pattern implementations or register access in embedded systems.
Is suicide a common Chinese thing like it is in Japan?

Suicides exist in Chinese history and aren't necessarily condemned, but it's really not any more common than in, for instance, Roman history, where suicide was sometimes thought of as necessary and the best action a person could take at a time. Neither idolized it to the crazy extent that the Japanese did. The Japanese are weird. However, the Chinese still do have a high modern suicide rate, comparable to Japan (22 vs. 23 per capita).
The amount of pressure to succeed in China is crazy. When you fail to achieve straight A's, it can literally be seen as the condemnation of your life to one of inevitable failure. Consider how much stress Western teenagers will sometimes crack under, and resort to suicide.