I just graduated

The amount of pressure to succeed in China is crazy. When you fail to achieve straight A's, it can literally be seen as the condemnation of your life to one of inevitable failure. Consider how much stress Western teenagers will sometimes crack under, and resort to suicide.

Pretty indicative of how badly we need to rework education.
The amount of pressure to succeed in China is crazy. When you fail to achieve straight A's, it can literally be seen as the condemnation of your life to one of inevitable failure. Consider how much stress Western teenagers will sometimes crack under, and resort to suicide.

It is because the Chinese believe in the ability of everyone to succeed. In the west, if someone fails, we say they are naturally stupid and shrug it off. In China, if someones fails, they say that they did not work hard enough and are not utilizing their full abilities.
Well, 10% of my grade consisted of a report on Aaron Swartz, a pansy that killed himself a while back. I wasn't in class the day she announced it, so I didn't do it. I'm thinking of setting my computers clock to Febuary 3rd (so that the "modified date" of the file will appear to be then), doing it now, then e-mailing it to her. If she asks for more proof, I'll edit the HTML of a gmail page to make it appear as though I sent the report earlier and on time, and that she must not have received it due to an error. This is really terrible behavior, but I don't care at this point.
On the other hand, I know I used some terms for logical fallacies different than the ones my teacher preferred on the test, and I'm wondering if they just thoughtlessly marked them off without double checking. So I'll certainly look into that.
Well, 10% of my grade consisted of a report on Aaron Swartz, a pansy that killed himself a while back. I wasn't in class the day she announced it, so I didn't do it. I'm thinking of setting my computers clock to Febuary 3rd (so that the "modified date" of the file will appear to be then), doing it now, then e-mailing it to her. If she asks for more proof, I'll edit the HTML of a gmail page to make it appear as though I sent the report earlier and on time, and that she must not have received it due to an error. This is really terrible behavior, but I don't care at this point.

Do it.
Well, I completed the paper, and she accepted it, so it looks like I am going to pass. I am perhaps not a failure after all. You may all now address me as Watermark-san (for social equals) rather than Watmark-kun (for young boys and social inferiors). I honestly did deserve a D in that class, I feel extremely guilty about that evaluation, it was, again, really terrible behavior, even I knew at the time that it was all my fault, it was just a pathetic act of spite. I'm going to contact the department and tell them that they revealed my grades to me before I had taken the evaluation, hopefully they can drop it.

At the time I was taking the class, I didn't even want to graduate, I didn't feel like I had any future (besides maybe working 80 hours a week as a code monkey), I was extremely depressed, and barely trying. I didn't work hard enough, Threedee's comment "it's like you tried to fail that class..." was basically spot on, the teacher was not responsible at all. However, a few weeks ago I decided what I wanted to do: to go to China. That may make no sense, and not even sound like any sort of a plan, but I don't give a damn. I had spent all of my time in class halfway hoping that I'd fail, and so postpone the future a little bit longer. When I got that E-Mail a few days ago, though, the thought of spending another 7 months making a couple of hundred a month at Popeye's and mooching off of my father, and generally being a socially useless individual, while telling everyone "Thanks for the congratulations, but I was wrong, lol, I'm still a failure! Come on, you all knew this was coming, didn't you?", and to know that it was all my fault, that I hadn't worked hard enough in an easy class, made me practically suicidal. I don't think I've ever been that depressed. Now it's all over.

Plus, I got my script for Adderall today, as you can probably tell from the rambling, overly long nature of this post.
A D is honestly not much better than failing here, it is slightly less bad for my GPA, but my GPA's high enough that it wouldn't really hurt that much either way. I'd get the same amount of degrees either way, though.