I knew it! Trump won't do any more debates.


Verified User
He's backing out of the virtual one next week...

I seem to recall making the prediction that he'd do terribly in Debate #1 and come up with some bullshit excuse not to do the other two.

The bullshit excuse this time is that he just doesn't want to do it.

What a little bitch.
He's backing out of the virtual one next week...

I seem to recall making the prediction that he'd do terribly in Debate #1 and come up with some bullshit excuse not to do the other two.

The bullshit excuse this time is that he just doesn't want to do it.

What a little bitch.

This might be the best decision he ever made.
This might be the best decision he ever made.

Based upon the last one, I see your point, and Trump knows he can't take questions directly from Americans especially virtually where he can't howler and hoot or filibuster time while Biden is responded

But, giving he seems to be behind in some many indicators, refusing any opportunity to reach millions of Americans is dumb, having rallies entertaining his lemmings ain't going to win him any new votes
Based upon the last one, I see your point, and Trump knows he can't take questions directly from Americans especially virtually where he can't howler and hoot or filibuster time while Biden is responded

But, giving he seems to be behind in some many indicators, refusing any opportunity to reach millions of Americans is dumb, having rallies entertaining his lemmings ain't going to win him any new votes

It won't win him any more votes, but after the last debate, he actually lost support. So really the best thing he could do now is catch a severe case of laryngitis.
It won't win him any more votes, but after the last debate, he actually lost support. So really the best thing he could do now is catch a severe case of laryngitis.

Never know, Biden might falter enough to give the right wing media an opportunity to spin innuendo, and with the status quo it appears Trump ain't going to win, worth the gamble
He's backing out of the virtual one next week...

I seem to recall making the prediction that he'd do terribly in Debate #1 and come up with some bullshit excuse not to do the other two.

The bullshit excuse this time is that he just doesn't want to do it.

What a little bitch.

Why debate? Trump has no policy plans which actually help the people...just more destruction and dismantling of the ones that do.
He's backing out of the virtual one next week...
Nope. You can't "back out" of something to which you never agreed.

I knew it! The Democrats are trying to cheat AGAIN, like mo-fos. Cheat, Cheat, cheat ... it's all they know how to do ... aside from lying, like you are doing. Democrats want a "virtual" debate in which they can electronically pipe responses into Biden's ears, have visual aids for Biden off camera, control the volume of the candidates and shut off Trump whenever they want.

The Democrats are aiming to get out of the debates and make it look like Trump is the one backing out. How totally dishonest.
Nope. You can't "back out" of something to which you never agreed.

I knew it! The Democrats are trying to cheat AGAIN, like mo-fos. Cheat, Cheat, cheat ... it's all they know how to do ... aside from lying, like you are doing. Democrats want a "virtual" debate in which they can electronically pipe responses into Biden's ears, have visual aids for Biden off camera, control the volume of the candidates and shut off Trump whenever they want.

The Democrats are aiming to get out of the debates and make it look like Trump is the one backing out. How totally dishonest.

Trump is backing out, fact, and the Democrats didn't switch the debate to virtual, it was the Commission on Presidential Debates, which by the way is currently headed by a prior RNC chairman

And to show you how far your hate of anything but Trump, Trump himself, who was never noted for his honesty, is probably the one who would be more likely to "electronically pipe responses into his ears," and "have visual aids for him off camera"
Nope. You can't "back out" of something to which you never agreed.

He agreed to a debate.

I knew it! The Democrats are trying to cheat AGAIN, like mo-fos. Cheat, Cheat, cheat ... it's all they know how to do ... aside from lying, like you are doing. Democrats want a "virtual" debate in which they can electronically pipe responses into Biden's ears, have visual aids for Biden off camera, control the volume of the candidates and shut off Drumpf whenever they want.

Trump can have all those things too.

Biden's advantages are Trump's advantages in a virtual debate.

The Democrats are aiming to get out of the debates and make it look like Drumpf is the one backing out. How totally dishonest.

Biden agreed to the debate. Trump refused.

Is it safe for a COVID-infected superspreader to not be in quarantine?
He's backing out of the virtual one next week...

I seem to recall making the prediction that he'd do terribly in Debate #1 and come up with some bullshit excuse not to do the other two.

The bullshit excuse this time is that he just doesn't want to do it.

What a little bitch.

What a chickenshit
He's backing out of the virtual one next week...

I seem to recall making the prediction that he'd do terribly in Debate #1 and come up with some bullshit excuse not to do the other two.

The bullshit excuse this time is that he just doesn't want to do it.

What a little bitch.

Biden to hold solo town hall as Trump out on virtual debate

"Joe Biden was prepared to accept the CPD's proposal for a virtual Town Hall, but the President has refused, as Donald Trump clearly does not want to face questions from the voters about his failures on COVID and the economy. As a result, Joe Biden will find an appropriate place to take questions from voters directly on October 15th, as he has done on several occasions in recent weeks," the Biden campaign said in a statement.

Nope. You can't "back out" of something to which you never agreed.

I knew it! The Democrats are trying to cheat AGAIN, like mo-fos. Cheat, Cheat, cheat ... it's all they know how to do ... aside from lying, like you are doing. Democrats want a "virtual" debate in which they can electronically pipe responses into Biden's ears, have visual aids for Biden off camera, control the volume of the candidates and shut off Trump whenever they want.

The Democrats are aiming to get out of the debates and make it look like Trump is the one backing out. How totally dishonest.

Any such cheating that this would allow Biden would also be available to Trump.

In fact, I think Trump would be the only one cheating in such a debate.

But who cares? I don't. One debate was enough for the undecided voters.
Yep, just run his game, uninterpreted..

No one will miss the dishonest tyrants constant crying & lying like the 145 times in the first debate............

Let him tweet his responses to the only ones that matter, his adoringly slavish fans.............
Trump is backing out, fact,
Nope. Biden is trying to pull a fast one. Fact.

You are trying to confuse the matter with bullshit. Fact.

Trump never agreed to any virtual debate. Fact.

Democrats are trying to cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat. Fact.

... and the Democrats didn't switch the debate to virtual,
"The Commission" ... I am so not buying it.

Nonetheless, thank you for acknowledging that Trump never agreed to it and that you were being totally dishonest about Trump "pulling out." Did you think I somehow wouldn't notice?

And to show you how far your hate of anything but Trump, Trump
Nice diversion. You are pulling the standard Leftist mantra of switching the topic to petty personal attacks against me by assuming that I am some sort of mindless robot ... and you think it's going to work. I'm certain you are totally missing the irony here.

Anyway, we are all keeping an eye on the Democrats' fabrication and manipulation of mail-in balloting. We are all paying attention to the Democrats' attempt to manipulate and cheat on the debates. We are all keeping a close eye on everything to ensure we maintain a free and fair election despite the Democrats' desperation to take dishonesty to extreme levels.

We are watching. I assure you.

Where will you be when you pull a snowflake on November 4? What will you be wearing? Have you given it any thought?

He agreed to a debate.
Awesome dishonesty! You're good at this, I can tell.

I'll take that as an admission that you fully understand that Trump never agreed to any virtual debate and that you really thought I wouldn't notice your lexical chicanery. I think we can agree that Trump is absolutely right to refuse this obvious attempt to cheat by the Democrats.

Trump can have all those things too.
Trump neither needs nor wants those things.

Biden's advantages are Trump's total disadvantages in a virtual debate whereby others are in complete control of Trump's environment and Biden is alleviated of all his debilitations.

Trump is right to refuse.

Is it safe for a COVID-infected superspreader to not be in quarantine?
Is there any reason to impose restrictions on someone who not only does not have COVID but who is now completely immune to it?

In just a few days, Trump will be COVID-19-immune. Biden should not be rewarded for cowering in his basement. In fact, Biden should just drop out of the race as being unfit for the Presidency.