Trump is backing out, fact,
Nope. Biden is trying to pull a fast one. Fact.
You are trying to confuse the matter with bullshit. Fact.
Trump never agreed to any virtual debate. Fact.
Democrats are trying to cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat. Fact.
... and the Democrats didn't switch the debate to virtual,
"The Commission" ... I am so not buying it.
Nonetheless, thank you for acknowledging that Trump never agreed to it and that you were being totally dishonest about Trump "pulling out." Did you think I somehow wouldn't notice?
And to show you how far your hate of anything but Trump, Trump
Nice diversion. You are pulling the standard Leftist mantra of switching the topic to petty personal attacks against me by assuming that I am some sort of mindless robot ... and you think it's going to work. I'm certain you are totally missing the irony here.
Anyway, we are all keeping an eye on the Democrats' fabrication and manipulation of mail-in balloting. We are all paying attention to the Democrats' attempt to manipulate and cheat on the debates. We are all keeping a close eye on everything to ensure we maintain a free and fair election despite the Democrats' desperation to take dishonesty to extreme levels.
We are watching. I assure you.
Where will you be when you pull a snowflake on November 4? What will you be wearing? Have you given it any thought?