I left part of my body in Iraq

I think we're all safe in agreeing that the dead guy did not have our best interests at heart. Like most American soldiers, he was loyal to his homeland. I also suspect that the citizens of Iran think about our generals and fighting ppl the same way our govt. is trying to get us to see Soleimani -- as a "terrorist." This guy was not a terrorist; he was a military officer in the armed forces of a sovereign nation.

How would you feel if they droned one of our high-ranking military officers when he was in another country?

I agree he wasn't a terrorist but he was directing terrorists, that alone made him a legitimate target.

As to your question on one of our generals being droned. We are totally different in that the public of Iran get's almost all their info from the government,
Reporters Without Borders described Iran as “one of the world's most repressive countries for journalists for the past 40 years”. In the Freedom House Index, Iran also scores low on political rights and civil liberties and is classified as “not free”. Iran is one of the countries most strongly with Internet censorship.

Thus they only know that the US droned him. We on the other hand have access to both sides. So your question is unfair.
I agree he wasn't a terrorist but he was directing terrorists, that alone made him a legitimate target.

As to your question on one of our generals being droned. We are totally different in that the public of Iran get's almost all their info from the government,
Thus they only know that the US droned him. We on the other hand have access to both sides. So your question is unfair.

I don't think that it is unfair at all. "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter," eh? We have had "advisers" in Syria for a long time, "advising" the brave freedom-fighting Kurds on how to resist ISIS and the Syrian govt. -- same as Solemani. *We* see them as brave allies. Others see them as terrorists. Now that we've set the precedent, don't be surprised if our "advisers" are targeted like we targeted Solemani. I can't speak for others, obviously, but that is my objection to fragging a citizen of a sovereign nation, no matter how evil we believe him to be. It's also my objection to mistreating prisoners of war. We do not want OUR guys mistreated if captured.
No, General Eisenhower did that. The employees might be fine ppl, but the corporations do not have our best interests at heart. They only care about the almighty $$$$. BTW, Mr. Owl and myself both worked for McDonnell-Douglas (now Boeing) in the mid-1980s although we didn't know each other back then. and worked in completely different plants. He was with the division that makes the jets; I was with the missile facility that made SLAM and Tomahawk missiles. You're right; quite a few of the guys I worked with were vets. Remember when we bombed Libya in a failed attempt to get Qaddafi? My coworkers were super excited and were hoping it led to all-out war: more contracts for McD-D, more job security for us. All I could think of at the time was that we killed Qaddafi's children. (I was pregnant with my youngest child at the time and feeling maternal.)

War is good for defense contractors, very very good. And there's your military-industrial complex at work.

War is good for defense contractors, very very good.
That is a no brainer, combat uses up munitions and equipment that is a given. Contractors are no different than any other corporation the whole output is geared for max profit.

You say your coworkers were hoping for war with Libya. That was men talking I am here to tell you no defense contractor is or has lobbied for this country to go to war. If you have proof I'm wrong then I would love to see it.
I don't think that it is unfair at all. "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter," eh? We have had "advisers" in Syria for a long time, "advising" the brave freedom-fighting Kurds on how to resist ISIS and the Syrian govt. -- same as Solemani. *We* see them as brave allies. Others see them as terrorists. Now that we've set the precedent, don't be surprised if our "advisers" are targeted like we targeted Solemani. I can't speak for others, obviously, but that is my objection to fragging a citizen of a sovereign nation, no matter how evil we believe him to be. It's also my objection to mistreating prisoners of war. We do not want OUR guys mistreated if captured.

Are you telling me that our military advisors are the same as Solemani? That is a direct insult to our military and vets which I fine extremely offensive. This from Reuters
(Reuters) - In mid-October, Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani met with his Iraqi Shi’ite militia allies at a villa on the banks of the Tigris River, looking across at the U.S. embassy complex in Baghdad.

The Revolutionary Guards commander instructed his top ally in Iraq, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and other powerful militia leaders to step up attacks on U.S. targets in the country using sophisticated new weapons provided by Iran, two militia commanders and two security sources briefed on the gathering told Reuters.
The strategy session, which has not been previously reported, came as mass protests against Iran’s growing influence in Iraq were gaining momentum, putting the Islamic Republic in an unwelcome spotlight. Soleimani’s plans to attack U.S. forces aimed to provoke a military response that would redirect that rising anger toward the United States, according to the sources briefed on the gathering, Iraqi Shi’ite politicians and government officials close to Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi.
That is a no brainer, combat uses up munitions and equipment that is a given. Contractors are no different than any other corporation the whole output is geared for max profit.

You say your coworkers were hoping for war with Libya. That was men talking I am here to tell you no defense contractor is or has lobbied for this country to go to war. If you have proof I'm wrong then I would love to see it.

I realize that it was just blowhards shooting off their mouths. That being said, our congresscritters both (R) and (D) worked hard for contracts for the company, because contracts = jobs. Our economy is inextricably intertwined with the armaments industry now.
Why? I think it's because of capitalism, money, possibly greed as well. Before WWII American industry was nearly all based on peace time manufacturing. One of the world's most amazing turnovers happened after we entered that war and converted civilian manufacturing plants to war materiel production.

If we went back to that today, think of how much defense budget we would save. I suppose that's a pipe dream as production time for the complex weaponry that we have now would take far too long in case of imminent attack.
Are you telling me that our military advisors are the same as Solemani? That is a direct insult to our military and vets which I fine extremely offensive. This from Reuters

He was by all accounts a man dedicated to his nation, a brilliant strategist, and a worthy foe. I like to think that our guys are the same. You're experienced and sophisticated enough to know that our military and govt. employees dozens -- maybe thousands -- of ppl who do the same type of work as Soleimani. The only difference is, of course, that they are on our side. Soleimani wasn't evil; he was a general fighting for his people. Did you notice in your article that he was targeting *MILITARY* targets, not civilians? When you sign up, isn't that kind of what you expect -- to be a target of an enemy? Keep in mind that I'm not defending him in the least; I'm merely pointing out that he's no different than the ppl we have on our side. Personally I would not want them droned when they are not within our borders or in a war zone, do you?

I've always thought it was pretty stupid to paint our enemy as lesser-than-us. So then you kill them and what -- you stepped on a worm? Ooooh, how brave!
I realize that it was just blowhards shooting off their mouths. That being said, our congresscritters both (R) and (D) worked hard for contracts for the company, because contracts = jobs. Our economy is inextricably intertwined with the armaments industry now.
Why? I think it's because of capitalism, money, possibly greed as well. Before WWII American industry was nearly all based on peace time manufacturing. One of the world's most amazing turnovers happened after we entered that war and converted civilian manufacturing plants to war materiel production.

If we went back to that today, think of how much defense budget we would save. I suppose that's a pipe dream as production time for the complex weaponry that we have now would take far too long in case of imminent attack.

Oh I agree Washington loves defense contractors they bring good paying jobs which =re-election.
He was by all accounts a man dedicated to his nation, a brilliant strategist, and a worthy foe. I like to think that our guys are the same. You're experienced and sophisticated enough to know that our military and govt. employees dozens -- maybe thousands -- of ppl who do the same type of work as Soleimani. The only difference is, of course, that they are on our side. Soleimani wasn't evil; he was a general fighting for his people. Did you notice in your article that he was targeting *MILITARY* targets, not civilians? When you sign up, isn't that kind of what you expect -- to be a target of an enemy? Keep in mind that I'm not defending him in the least; I'm merely pointing out that he's no different than the ppl we have on our side. Personally I would not want them droned when they are not within our borders or in a war zone, do you?

I've always thought it was pretty stupid to paint our enemy as lesser-than-us. So then you kill them and what -- you stepped on a worm? Ooooh, how brave!

Owl you are romanticizing the guy, just like many on the left did with OBL. You have no idea what the man was like. Here are a few articles relating what a nice guy he really was.
Who Was the Vicious Criminal Qassem Soleimani - NCR-Iran

Qasem Soleimani brutalised the Middle East, but the …

Bret Stephens: Iran's Qassem Soleimani was an evil man who …

Now do you really think our people are like that monster?

I don't believe there is anyone in the CIA like Solemani.

I'm merely pointing out that he's no different than the ppl we have on our side.
I know of no operations involving stirring up the masses to attack a sovereign nations embassy but he sure did it per the Reuters column, reporting what witnesses present said.

I am sure we pull dirty tricks but not on the scale that Iran does.

I would hope reading the articles you see what an evil monster he was.
Owl you are romanticizing the guy, just like many on the left did with OBL. You have no idea what the man was like. Here are a few articles relating what a nice guy he really was.

Now do you really think our people are like that monster?

I don't believe there is anyone in the CIA like Solemani.

I know of no operations involving stirring up the masses to attack a sovereign nations embassy but he sure did it per the Reuters column, reporting what witnesses present said.

I am sure we pull dirty tricks but not on the scale that Iran does.

I would hope reading the articles you see what an evil monster he was.

I believe Trump is a narcissistic monster,who would throw the country his family anyone under the bus to save his own ass.
So Trump assassinated Arch Duke Soleimani and almost caused a terrible war. He was evil? He was a person like anyone else. Good and bad. A nation that is fighting a superpower from destroying them used the methods they have available. He had an ugly job until the end when Trump saw killing him as a symbol of US reach. Now a new guy has that job.
The US has happily overthrown governments around the globe for money and resources. That is exactly what we did in Iran. We overthrew a Democratically elected government and installed a dictator who crushed and killed the people for over 2 decades. It was Iran's fault. They had our oil.
How should Iran treat the US? The US has caused terrible havoc and destruction in a country that is far away. Trump is starving the people now. He essentially says "take your starvation and like it".
Bush claimed he wanted to take over Iraq to show the Middle East what democracy looks like. BS. Iran had one germinating and we destroyed it. War is about money.
Owl you are romanticizing the guy, just like many on the left did with OBL. You have no idea what the man was like. Here are a few articles relating what a nice guy he really was.

Now do you really think our people are like that monster?

I don't believe there is anyone in the CIA like Solemani.

I know of no operations involving stirring up the masses to attack a sovereign nations embassy but he sure did it per the Reuters column, reporting what witnesses present said.

I am sure we pull dirty tricks but not on the scale that Iran does.

I would hope reading the articles you see what an evil monster he was.

She and other Democrats get confused easily. Guess they have no problem with Iran killing over 200 protestors in December. No evil there.......
Owl you are romanticizing the guy, just like many on the left did with OBL. You have no idea what the man was like. Here are a few articles relating what a nice guy he really was.

Now do you really think our people are like that monster?




Shit happens in war zones. Our guys are probably not nearly as bad as some other country's ppl are, but we're no angels either. Having an IMPOTUS pardoning war criminals tells everyone else that "Hey, we can do whatever the fuck we want -- we'll get pardoned!" Do you really want that?

I am sure we pull dirty tricks but not on the scale that Iran does.
I would hope reading the articles you see what an evil monster he was.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." We have had sanctions on Iran for decades; they know that they are not in our league when it comes to warfare. So what tactics *can* they use to counter us? What would *you* do if you were an Iranian official trying to protect your nation?

Like I said, I don't care about Soleimani and whether or not he was as evil as we are told. Most likely he did far worse shit that we don't know about. What I care about is setting the precedent that it's okay to frag a foreign govt. official outside of his/her sovereign nation. Do we want other nations doing that to our guys?

Note: I hope you noticed that I'm not saying a word about droning true terrorists like Al-Queda, ISIS, etc. They are not working on behalf of the govt. of a sovereign nation. They want war with us? Okay, fine. Here, have a Hellfire up your ass.



Shit happens in war zones. Our guys are probably not nearly as bad as some other country's ppl are, but we're no angels either. Having an IMPOTUS pardoning war criminals tells everyone else that "Hey, we can do whatever the fuck we want -- we'll get pardoned!" Do you really want that?

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." We have had sanctions on Iran for decades; they know that they are not in our league when it comes to warfare. So what tactics *can* they use to counter us? What would *you* do if you were an Iranian official trying to protect your nation?

Like I said, I don't care about Soleimani and whether or not he was as evil as we are told. Most likely he did far worse shit that we don't know about. What I care about is setting the precedent that it's okay to frag a foreign govt. official outside of his/her sovereign nation. Do we want other nations doing that to our guys?

Note: I hope you noticed that I'm not saying a word about droning true terrorists like Al-Queda, ISIS, etc. They are not working on behalf of the govt. of a sovereign nation. They want war with us? Okay, fine. Here, have a Hellfire up your ass.
Did you even look the articles I linked to. The bastard killed his own people and you not only support his evil you accuse Americans of the same things. Thanks we now know where your loyalties lie.