I saw the Hulk Movie this weekend

You usually grow out of it at about 27. Of course, not my friends and I. We are all into martial arts and hold tournaments of our own, we have for decades now and I don't see it changing and it has nothing to do with how we are "men". Most of our wives and kids participate as martial arts are part of their lives too...

You usually grow out of it at about 27. Of course, not my friends and I. We are all into martial arts and hold tournaments of our own, we have for decades now and I don't see it changing and it has nothing to do with how we are "men". Most of our wives and kids participate as martial arts are part of their lives too...


Key word: arts and learning how to defend yourself is a whole nother ball of wax. Do you and your family members come out of practice looking Brad Pitt in Fight club?

Fighting for the sake of fighting is ridiculous.

Unless you're going to win money. Then it becomes perfectly acceptable.
When was the last time you saw fight club?

This movie is roundly loved by young men.

There is a reason it is loved.

Its like the color purple for the men folk.

Watch it again and listen to some of the lines.
"Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off. "
When was the last time you saw fight club?

This movie is roundly loved by young men.

There is a reason it is loved.

Its like the color purple for the men folk.

Watch it again and listen to some of the lines.

Possibly, but on the other hand they could just be transfixed by Meatloaf's massive norks.
Tyler Durden: We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

If we are ever really going to evolve as a species there are things about the nature of man all of us need to understand, even us women folk.
When was the last time you saw fight club?

This movie is roundly loved by young men.

There is a reason it is loved.

Its like the color purple for the men folk.

Watch it again and listen to some of the lines.

I actually really like 'Fight Club'. I also like 'Saw', but that doesn't mean I'm going to become a maniacal serial killer!
I haven't seen Fight Club yet, and I've never even heard of The Colour Purple! I need to catch up on my dude and chick fliques a little...
Epicurus said:
Like Desh said, Fight Club is our Color Purple.

Only... good.

Damocles said:

I guess I don't understand how people can be so impressionable. I've never seen seen a film where I'm so emotionally caught up in it, I want to harm myself or others as a result. You peons intrigue me.
I guess I don't understand how people can be so impressionable. I've never seen seen a film where I'm so emotionally caught up in it, I want to harm myself or others as a result. You peons intrigue me.

Same from my perch LadyT. I cannot understand it.
I guess I don't understand how people can be so impressionable. I've never seen seen a film where I'm so emotionally caught up in it, I want to harm myself or others as a result. You peons intrigue me.
Who said I want to harm others? Project much?
How is she projecting when this whole thread is filled with you guys talking about how you “used to” like to punch each other’s faces in?
She quoted my post of how I like the movie. There was nothing in that about how I enjoy hurting people.

And I never said I wanted to harm others. In fact, somebody pointed out in this thread that our tournaments are not the same thing.

Why are you even posting when it is her projection? Do you feel that each time the word is used it is a personal attack against you?
She quoted my post of how I like the movie. There was nothing in that about how I enjoy hurting people.

And I never said I wanted to harm others. In fact, somebody pointed out in this thread that our tournaments are not the same thing.

Why are you even posting when it is her projection? Do you feel that each time the word is used it is a personal attack against you?

No, I think that you don’t know what the word “projection” means. And anyone reading this thread from the beginning would see that.