I saw the Hulk Movie this weekend

Modern society has stripped man of much of his primal instincts.

We've become complacent and domesticated; and angry about it.


I'm a pu$ $y and I want to pretend other guys are too to make myself feel better.
I'm not because I fight. But yeah everyone else is sure.


Your arguments are weak today LadyT.

Yeah. I really need to work on my gross overgeneralizations of gender identity vis a vis late 20th century cinema.
Centered men love women.

Men who have recognised their place in the big picture and know where they stand love women and see them and their experiences as valuable.

Society increasingly leaves many young men feeling at the fringes of society, cast aside and lacking value to the society as a whole. These young men will always be too easy to talk into fighting wars. Our society as a whole needs to design education to accomodate these young men in a way that helps them be invested in society. I fear we are sidelining many of our male youth by asking them to conform to a nuetered society.

We're asking them to conform to a neutered society?
You know what Epi, I think I could kick your @$$. I don't know if I could take Damo, but of all the guys on the board, I think I could take you and of course top.
Modern society has stripped man of much of his primal instincts.

We've become complacent and domesticated; and angry about it.

Your primal instincts?

In this country, every 1.3 minutes a woman is a victim of domestic violence. Every 2.7 minutes, a woman is raped.

I think the primal instincts of the male are alive and kicking.
Your primal instincts?

In this country, every 1.3 minutes a woman is a victim of domestic violence. Every 2.7 minutes, a woman is raped.

I think the primal instincts of the male are alive and kicking.

If you consider spousal abuse to be an expression of that.

I don't. No one but a pussyass bitch hits a woman. Nothing manly about that whatsoever.
Your primal instincts?

In this country, every 1.3 minutes a woman is a victim of domestic violence. Every 2.7 minutes, a woman is raped.

I think the primal instincts of the male are alive and kicking.
They are misdirected because they are taught to hide all things that are male rather than learning to direct them in a positive rather than negative way. We are taught to be ashamed of those things that make us different.

Trying to teach men to act like women creates problems rather than resolving them.
I've been doing pilates for a week now. I'm pretty sure that's all it would take.


I'm a creampuff. Living in the hood for years as a white kid did nothing to teach me how to fight.

Break out the pilates and I'm done for.
They are misdirected because they are taught to hide all things that are male rather than learning to direct them in a positive rather than negative way. We are taught to be ashamed of those things that make us different.

Trying to teach men to act like women creates problems rather than resolving them.

Well, instead of all of this fanciful emoting, why don’t you try and be specific? How specifically, do you feel you have been taught to be feminine?