I saw the Hulk Movie this weekend


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Jesus Christ their customers are like the male version of Darla.
Pretty much. But they may have been taking classes on gender differences while taking a psych major.
And again, I believe it harms the young men more than the young women for reasons outlined. Aggression and competition are more central to men in general, taking that lesson out of a large part of their life creates problems for them.

Books such as this:


As well as text books have been written on the subject. Also, you ignored the point of role models missing from life and the "many reasons" portions of my posts so you could play the fallacy of reductio ad absurdam.

I may not be making my point well here, but I often think some are deliberately trying to miss the point. As evinced by taking whole portions of my posts away and pretending they didn't exist.

Listen, I don’t know what you think you’ve got, but just because some asshole wrote a book means exactly jackshit. Books are written about why the earth is still flat, why it’s only 6 thousand years old, and why creationism is correct and science isn’t. Who cares?

Your posts have made no legitimate points, and I haven’t even been able to discern what point you are trying to make. To pretend that competiveness is something that is felt more in males and less in females, is outright stupid on its face. I didn’t know you were actually dumb Damo. I have to say, this comes as news.
I think women sometimes think that getting these young men the direction they need will somehow harm feminism.

Ladies it wont. It will help women coexsit with men. It does not require going back to treating women as second class citizens.

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Jesus Christ their customers are like the male version of Darla.

Does it bother you that I not only know domestic violence and race statistics in this country, but that I post them?
Damo, if I’m not mistaken you are trying to blame domestic violence and rape on feminism. Though you haven’t mentioned the word, don’t think I don’t know what you are trying to do on this thread.

In other words: The bitch had it coming.

That is pretty fucking low mister. Not to mention, completely false.
Listen, I don’t know what you think you’ve got, but just because some asshole wrote a book means exactly jackshit. Books are written about why the earth is still flat, why it’s only 6 thousand years old, and why creationism is correct and science isn’t. Who cares?

Your posts have made no legitimate points, and I haven’t even been able to discern what point you are trying to make. To pretend that competiveness is something that is felt more in males and less in females, is outright stupid on its face. I didn’t know you were actually dumb Damo. I have to say, this comes as news.
My point about the books is that the points I am making are not easy to fit in the framework of a post on a messageboard.

I think you pretend to misunderstand, and I am not quite sure why.

As for your sad little attempt at the ad hominem fallacy. You bore me.
I think women sometimes think that getting these young men the direction they need will somehow harm feminism.

Ladies it wont. It will help women coexsit with men. It does not require going back to treating women as second class citizens.

It’s really best that I don’t answer this.
And again, I believe it harms the young men more than the young women for reasons outlined. Aggression and competition are more central to men in general, taking that lesson out of a large part of their life creates problems for them.

Books such as this:


As well as text books have been written on the subject. Also, you ignored the point of role models missing from life and the "many reasons" portions of my posts so you could play the fallacy of reductio ad absurdam.

I may not be making my point well here, but I often think some are deliberately trying to miss the point. As evinced by taking whole portions of my posts away and pretending they didn't exist.

Lack of a male role model is generally the fault of the s perm donor. Victimless crime or not.
My point about the books is that the points I am making are not easy to fit in the framework of a post on a messageboard.

I think you pretend to misunderstand, and I am not quite sure why.

As for your sad little attempt at the ad hominem fallacy. You bore me.

No, no one is “pretending” Damo. You quite simply, sound like a fool. I don’t speak the fool language. Sorry.
Damo, if I’m not mistaken you are trying to blame domestic violence and rape on feminism. Though you haven’t mentioned the word, don’t think I don’t know what you are trying to do on this thread.

In other words: The bitch had it coming.

That is pretty fucking low mister. Not to mention, completely false.
Hell no. I'm trying to blame it on a society that creates problems for itself. I pointed out far more than "misandry" (silly work IMO), the attempt to make it solely about that is a sad reductio ad absurdam fallacy that has already been pointed out.

We try to fix male aggression by teaching them not to be aggressive rather than teaching them ways to use that aggression positively.

It isn't feminism that is doing this, it is many many things including our constant practice of putting fathers in prison for non-violent crimes and dismissing the importance of the father in a parenting role.

In another thread you tried to blame that one on "Conservatives" because they "glorified motherhood".
Hell no. I'm trying to blame it on a society that creates problems for itself. I pointed out far more than "misandry", the attempt to make it solely about that is a sad reductio ad absurdam fallacy that has already been pointed out.

It isn't feminism that is doing this, it is many many things including our constant practice of putting fathers in prison.

You keep trying to stick that in, as if it had anything to do with your original half-assed and still unclear “premise”. It doesn’t. Give it a rest.
Hell no. I'm trying to blame it on a society that creates problems for itself. I pointed out far more than "misandry" (silly word IMO), the attempt to make it solely about that is a sad reductio ad absurdam fallacy that has already been pointed out.

We try to fix male aggression by teaching them not to be aggressive rather than teaching them ways to use that aggression positively.

It isn't feminism that is doing this, it is many many things including our constant practice of putting fathers in prison for non-violent crimes and dismissing the importance of the father in a parenting role.

In another thread you tried to blame that one on "Conservatives" because they "glorified motherhood".
That's too bad that was one of the only legitimate points posed in this whole stupid thread.

Just the fact that you would think so, goes a long way to showing why I was right not to answer it.

You’re nowhere near as smart as you think you are and about twice as pompous. But, life will teach you that…soon I should imagine.