I saw the Hulk Movie this weekend

This is how you train the little d*&^s wonders Desh. Watch me and take notes. Get a load of this girl, who I have so petrified and feminized she’s afraid to say my name.

That's right, you better not say my name m(*herfvcker! Now, put on that dress I bought you and do a little twirl for Desh.

I may have to relinquish my title of ownage of the week.
Total rubbish. You're not giving much to work from.

Take some advice:

If you don't know what the he** you're talking about, keep your theories to a minimum then.
No thanks. I like talking about new ideas and fleshing them out. I think your feigned incapacity to understand is weak and manufactured, based solely on an expectation to disagree.

Tell me, can you give a specific example of why you think girls will benefit from separate classrooms? Another why you think boys will?
No thanks. I like talking about new ideas and fleshing them out. I think your feigned incapacity to understand is weak and manufactured, based solely on an expectation to disagree.

Tell me, can you give a specific example of why you think girls will benefit from separate classrooms? Another why you think boys will?

Studies have indicated that women do better in same s ex classrooms for a few different factors off the top of my head, teachers tend to encourage boys more than girls particularly more in math and sciences.
Also, I've read in several places that having both genders in class rooms is more of a distraction than if you don't. If I had a preference, I'd prefer my kids (especially daughters) to go to an all girls school or an all boys school.

I'm still waiting to hear about how men are taught to be like women.
This is how you train the little dickless wonders Desh. Watch me and take notes. Get a load of this girl, who I have so petrified and feminized she’s afraid to say my name.

That's right, you better not say my name motherfucker! Now, put on that dress I bought you and do a little twirl for Desh.

I do sense he can be compared to the charactor meat loaf plays in the film.

This is how you train the little dickless wonders Desh. Watch me and take notes. Get a load of this girl, who I have so petrified and feminized she’s afraid to say my name.

That's right, you better not say my name motherfucker! Now, put on that dress I bought you and do a little twirl for Desh.

:321: Bimbo/Lesbo!!
Also, I've read in several places that having both genders in class rooms is more of a distraction than if you don't. If I had a preference, I'd prefer my kids (especially daughters) to go to an all girls school or an all boys school.

I'm still waiting to hear about how men are taught to be like women.
So no specifics then? Thanks.

Again, when I attempted to give quick examples it distracted from the ideas rather than directing the conversation. I prefer to stay away from them, as I learn from my mistakes. I continue to point out the continuing conversation and explanations offered as to meanings larger than that original generalization that started the thread.

I think that attempting to teach non-aggression rather than aggression direction is a mistake. I mistakenly used a generalization and wish to further the conversation from that point rather than continue to make the same mistake.

When I have more time I will return with examples. While at work I am forced to make posts more quickly and often miss some of what I am trying to say.
So no specifics then? Thanks.

Again, examples distracted from the ideas rather than directing the conversation. I prefer to stay away from them, as I learn from my mistakes. I continue to point out the continuing conversation and explanations offered as to meanings larger than that original generalization that started the thread.

I think that attempting to teach non-aggression rather than aggression direction is a mistake. I mistakenly used a generalization and wish to further the conversation from that point rather than continue to make the same mistake.

"So no specifics" my @$$. I gave you A SPECIFIC examples: kids tend to be distracted by the opposite sex and that teachers don't encourage girls as much in math and sciences. Don't project your nonspecific bull$hit on to me.

Again, I just don't agree that kids aren't taught to focus their "aggression". There are plenty of sports offered at schools and recreationally. Its up to the parents or teachers to encourage specific activities for certain children.

And you're completely wrong in that men are trained to be women.
"So no specifics" my @$$. I gave you A SPECIFIC examples: kids tend to be distracted by the opposite sex and that teachers don't encourage girls as much in math and sciences. Don't project your nonspecific bull$hit on to me.

Again, I just don't agree that kids aren't taught to focus their "aggression". There are plenty of sports offered at schools and recreationally. Its up to the parents or teachers to encourage specific activities for certain children.

And you're completely wrong in that men are trained to be women.
Those are as much generalities as my specific posts about studies done that showed boys did better under certain circumstances and that they thought and acted differently because of direct differences that can be found on actual brain scans.

Studies have shown... Is exactly what I talked about, as well as the books written on the effects of those studies.

And I agree, that was a poor generalization, and as I said, I am not going to repeat that same mistake.

Did you note that those same studies specify that teachers pay more attention to the boys because they are more aggressive?

Did you also note that those same studies specify that girls do better and are more aggressive in the absence of males?
Those are as much generalities as my specific posts about studies done that showed boys did better under certain circumstances and that they thought and acted differently because of direct differences that can be found on actual brain scans.

Studies have shown... Is exactly what I talked about, as well as the books written on the effects of those studies.

And I agree, that was a poor generalization, and as I said, I am not going to repeat that same mistake.

Did you note that those same studies specify that teachers pay more attention to the boys because they are more aggressive?

Did you also note that those same studies specify that girls do better and are more aggressive in the absence of males?

Well I'm glad we agree. You made a poor generalization.

I didn't notice teh highlighted part, but I do think I have seen a study before that substantiates your last sentence.

Wow. Something you didn't pull from your @$$ today. Good job.
I just thought I would add to the story that started all this subject. My son always tells me everything but somethimes it takes a diversion. This story is just one case of such diversion. It turns out the fight club story was half truth. His friends did do a fight club night but he wasnt there. It turns out his fight was a differnt fight. He is dating anew a girl he dated in high school. She had a boyfriend in between. Her X is a 6'6' 280lb mich who prides himself on being a tuff guy. This big fella has been stalking his little 5'2' adorable little girlfriend. My son walked over to her house one night to see her after she got off of work late one night. When my son was walking home he saw this guy cruising her neighborhood. He ran back to her house and stood in the street and eyed them(driver and big guy as passenger). They pulled over and the big guy acted all tuff so my son said "throw down fella if you think you can". My boy said he saw the fear in the guys eye and knew he had him. My son took a couple in the face as they sparred and the guy saw he could not rock him. The guy tried to take him to the ground and my Boy turned it on him and rode him to the ground and porceded to pummel him until he went limp. Then he got up and just walked away without even looking back. The big guy has not bothered his girl so far. I sure hope that is the end of that. Im sorry but its hard not to be proud of my boy in this one.
Well he was fighting to protect her.

This big guy has been calling her and watching her since she broke it off with him.
One of the coolest thihgs about this is the girl does not even know it ever happened. He did not tell her.
I have always told him to talk things out with people. That fighting was a last resort and a failure of commmunication. I just cant contain my pride in his actions. I was understanding of the fight club thing for just this kind of Idea. Men used to have to physically be ready to defend their loved ones. Im sure every boy imagines having to do so in their fantasy world much like girls will fantaize about their boyfriends doing so. My son now knows he will not wilt. That he is capable of doing what is needed if it ever comes to that again.

I remember having this same rush of pride and a sense of I will take control at all peril to defend what is mine when I stood up to my father. I became a woman that day and my son very well may have become a man that day.

I think I want to start a fight club for women. Just kidding girls.
I just thought I would add to the story that started all this subject. My son always tells me everything but somethimes it takes a diversion. This story is just one case of such diversion. It turns out the fight club story was half truth. His friends did do a fight club night but he wasnt there. It turns out his fight was a differnt fight. He is dating anew a girl he dated in high school. She had a boyfriend in between. Her X is a 6'6' 280lb mich who prides himself on being a tuff guy. This big fella has been stalking his little 5'2' adorable little girlfriend. My son walked over to her house one night to see her after she got off of work late one night. When my son was walking home he saw this guy cruising her neighborhood. He ran back to her house and stood in the street and eyed them(driver and big guy as passenger). They pulled over and the big guy acted all tuff so my son said "throw down fella if you think you can". My boy said he saw the fear in the guys eye and knew he had him. My son took a couple in the face as they sparred and the guy saw he could not rock him. The guy tried to take him to the ground and my Boy turned it on him and rode him to the ground and porceded to pummel him until he went limp. Then he got up and just walked away without even looking back. The big guy has not bothered his girl so far. I sure hope that is the end of that. Im sorry but its hard not to be proud of my boy in this one.

Well, that's a whole nother ball of wax!

Of course he deserves kudos for that!