I saw the Hulk Movie this weekend

Just the fact that you would think so, goes a long way to showing why I was right not to answer it.

You’re nowhere near as smart as you think you are and about twice as pompous. But, life will teach you that…soon I should imagine.

Oh noozors I'm twice as pompous as I think I am????

Well you're half as smart as I think you are.
You keep trying to stick that in, as if it had anything to do with your original half-assed and still unclear “premise”. It doesn’t. Give it a rest.
I think you personalize here because you want to defend what I haven't attacked. Remove all thought that it is empowering women that does this to young men. It isn't.
Somehow both sides have managed to lose this thread and look stupid in the process.

I commend you all. A truly amazing feat.
Lack of a male role model is generally the fault of the s perm donor. Victimless crime or not.
Selection of donor may also be a portion of somebody else's responsibility.

Either way, we need fathers to be daddies, not donors.
Lack of a male role model is generally the fault of the s perm donor. Victimless crime or not.

This is part of it.
There are women who raise Men by themselves and do a fine job. Its likely because they understand Men.

Girls if we get a handle on this issue we will raise an entire generation of males who see women as equally gifted.

Women have LONG repressed our own agrression. Men dont for the most part know about the power women have to protect our own. Never get inbetween a lioness and her cubs or you will discover the agression women truely hold.
I think you personalize here because you want to defend what I haven't attacked. Remove all thought that it is empowering women that does this to young men. It isn't.

LOL. Whatever Damo. No idea what you’re talking about, and no longer care. Just glad you’re not my problem. That goes twice for epi. You two pussies have fun whining about how you feel society has forced you to feel like women.
I feel bad for ya, but that kind of psychosis is above my pay grade. Good luck.
Somehow both sides have managed to lose this thread and look stupid in the process.

I commend you all. A truly amazing feat.

Speak for yourself I just lightly grazing a issue that is such a deep well you will be lucky to understand it when your in your 90's
Somehow both sides have managed to lose this thread and look stupid in the process.

I commend you all. A truly amazing feat.

Oh there we go. The ‘smart one” is above it all and better than everybody again but has added nothing.
That must have been some shit that went down that instilled that need in you.
But, whatever gets you through the night.
LOL. Whatever Damo. No idea what you’re talking about, and no longer care. Just glad you’re not my problem. That goes twice for epi. You two pussies have fun whining about how you feel society has forced you to feel like women.
I feel bad for ya, but that kind of psychosis is above my pay grade. Good luck.
This is very weak. Pretending there is no problem in misapplied aggression and continuing on in the path that is already failing is, IMO a sign of denial.

As we learn more about the distinct differences between men and women shown in brain scans and through other means in studies that are consistently being done and released, we need to use the information to more effectively teach all of us to be the most effective people we can be.

Why is it we can use these scans to prove that "Gay men have similarities to women" in the scans, but we can't use them to recognize that these differences exist and use that recognition to improve our methods?
Learning how to teach and mentor kids of all types is a good thing in my mind. That is all me and Damo are talking about.
Are you going to pretned that Desh's post was your entire point?
Are you going to pretend that my posts in this thread don't exist and continue with reductio ad absurdam?

It was the point of my posts. I believe that recognizing the differences can get us to move from the one size fits all system that is failing us in so many ways.
Are you going to pretend that my posts in this thread don't exist and continue with reductio ad absurdam?

It was the point of my posts. I believe that recognizing the differences can get us to move from the one size fits all system that is failing us in so many ways.

Bull$hit alert!
This is what you said and have been asked to explain:

Damo said:
They are misdirected because they are taught to hide all things that are male rather than learning to direct them in a positive rather than negative way. We are taught to be ashamed of those things that make us different.
Trying to teach men to act like women creates problems rather than resolving them.

Don't try to act like you were all about one love, peace and happiness now.
Bull$hit alert!
This is what you said and have been asked to explain:

Don't try to act like you were all about one love, peace and happiness now.
I was pointing out differences and how one size fits all systems are failing us.

I used charged language for sure, but it was what I was doing. How else do you get people to talk on a subject with as much heart as we have seen here? I was seeking input as well as working on defining how to say what I mean. Working on the fly and having fun speaking of ideas. It is what I do.

Sure, I wound up seeking a better way to say what I was trying to say. And saw that Desh had a less charged way of saying what I was trying to say through examples.

I believe that teaching will be far more effective when we recognize and teach to those differences and that our society will benefit from it.
I was pointing out differences and how one size fits all systems are failing us.

Who's applying this "one size fits all solution" you keep talking about? Some kids are aggressive and their parents try channeling it through sports, others aren't. Once again you're gross generalizations just don't hold up across the board.

Damo said:
I used charged language for sure, but it was what I was doing. How else do you get people to talk on a subject with as much heart as we have seen here?

Ahhhhh the board martyr excuse.......did I call that or what?:cof1:

Sure, I wound up seeking a better way to say what I was trying to say. And saw that Desh had a less charged way of saying what I was trying to say through examples.

I called that one too. You are pretending Desh's point was yours. +2 for Tiana.

I believe that teaching will be far more effective when we recognize and teach to those differences and that our society will benefit from it.

Again, I'm going to need specifics to retort so you can't weasel out of it.
Who's applying this "one size fits all solution" you keep talking about? Some kids are aggressive and their parents try channeling it through sports, others aren't. Once again you're gross generalizations just don't hold up across the board.

Ahhhhh the board martyr excuse.......did I call that or what?:cof1:

I called that one too. You are pretending Desh's point was yours. +2 for Tiana.

Again, I'm going to need specifics to retort so you can't weasel out of it.
I believe that society does in our education system, that we can improve things by recognizing the differences we have found in studies and applying education differently. As well as changing laws to ensure that we are not, as a society, setting up a large section for failure through ineffective punishments for victimless "crime".

As for more examples, you have already proved that they are ineffective in getting my point across. If I don't learn from the past I am doomed to repeat it. I believe that this is an extension of the importance of men that we were speaking of yesterday.
I believe that society does in our education system, that we can improve things by recognizing the differences we have found in studies and applying education differently. As well as changing laws to ensure that we are not, as a society, setting up a large section for failure through ineffective punishments for victimless "crime".

As for more examples, you have already proved that they are ineffective in getting my point across. If I don't learn from the past I am doomed to repeat it.

Can I just get one ro two examples of how a girls education would differ from a guys education?

BTW - personally I'm all for separating kids by gender at school. I've personally seen studies where both genders do better.