I saw the Hulk Movie this weekend

They are misdirected because they are taught to hide all things that are male rather than learning to direct them in a positive rather than negative way. We are taught to be ashamed of those things that make us different.

Trying to teach men to act like women creates problems rather than resolving them.

1) is this an attempt at humor again?

2) If not, what exactly are you talking about?
It is as I have suspected. The generation that I think, has become nearly color-blind (and that is very exciting), has not become gender-blind, and will continue the history of misogyny.

Just as it is possible that the rap culture has color-blinded them, all of the brainwashing about hoes and bitches, and how we should strip those hoes naked and fuck them bloody, has not done gender relations any good.

This means another generation of sexual violence and misogyny.

This is disheartening for me.
Well, instead of all of this fanciful emoting, why don’t you try and be specific? How specifically, do you feel you have been taught to be feminine?
When men are taught that competing is wrong...

When contesting anything is removed from their early development...

On and on, we consistently see where things that make men different are described as "wrong". Being aggressive is not a bad thing, unless you are never taught to direct it properly then it can very easily become a very bad thing.

There are many different things that contribute to this. One of them, IMO, being the idiotic Prison syndrome we got going that removes the male from the life of their children most often for those who live in inner cities for crimes that are non-violent and victimless.

We create our own problems, and a society that gives the ripest environment to ensure exactly what we expect from all those inner city people....

I'm a creampuff. Living in the hood for years as a white kid did nothing to teach me how to fight.

Break out the pilates and I'm done for.

I think I totally could. You looked pretty lanky in your photo. What are you? 115?
When men are taught that competing is wrong...

When contesting anything is removed from their early development...

On and on, we consistently see where things that make men different are described as "wrong". Being aggressive is not a bad thing, unless you are never taught to direct it properly then it can very easily become a very bad thing.

There are many different things that contribute to this. One of them, IMO, being the idiotic Prison syndrome we got going that removes the male from the life of their children most often for those who live in inner cities for crimes that are non-violent and victimless.

When are men taught that competing is wrong? You’re losing the competitions, with more women in college than men now, consistently. Is that what this whining is really about?
Modern society has stripped man of much of his primal instincts.

We've become complacent and domesticated; and angry about it.

can't tame the beast within ourselves , for the most part. Why we will never advance much as a society at least in our lifetimes. And will likely deliver serious setbacks to our spoecies in the future.

Bring em on, if you are not with us you are against us, nuke the bastards, etc...

We are just tool working animals for the most part.
When are men taught that competing is wrong? You’re losing the competitions, with more women in college than men now, consistently. Is that what this whining is really about?
No, it is more about kids getting in trouble on playgrounds for playing tag, for removing sports from some schools because some kids get picked last, etc.

By the time the kid reaches college, any damage is already done.
I think I totally could. You looked pretty lanky in your photo. What are you? 115?

I'm around 180 now. The photo you saw was probably during my coke addiction where I dropped down to around 130ish, but I haven't been as low as 115 in years. Plus I've been taking HGH supplements and they've been drastically increasing my size.

I'm not huge though, especially compared to some of the people I know. My MO has always been this: If it looks like you are going to beat me in a fight, there won't be a fight. I will just lift my shirt up to show my Ruger and suggest that everyone goes home.

I got my ass beat pretty bad a few times before I learned to carry a pistol.
On and on, we consistently see where things that make men different are described as "wrong". Being aggressive is not a bad thing, unless you are never taught to direct it properly then it can very easily become a very bad thing.

There are many different things that contribute to this. One of them, IMO, being the idiotic Prison syndrome we got going that removes the male from the life of their children most often for those who live in inner cities for crimes that are non-violent and victimless.

We create our own problems, and a society that gives the ripest environment to ensure exactly what we expect from all those inner city people.

Instead of teaching young men to be men, we try to make them into something that they are not. Instead of working to bring out the best from what makes them who they are, we try to get them to stuff all that away in some compartment that should never be opened....


Whole books have been written on the subject by people who have spent years studying this phenomena.
When men are taught that competing is wrong...

Competition is not exclusive to masculinity. If you truly believe that, you're completely wrong.

When contesting anything is removed from their early development...

Being aggressive is not a bad thing, unless you are never taught to direct it properly then it can very easily become a very bad thing.

You have a habit of hiding behind vague descriptions, implying things and then denying them totally. Please specifiy what you mean by "aggressive".

we got going that removes the male from the life of their children most often for those who live in inner cities for crimes that are non-violent and victimless.

What does this have to do with teaching men to behave like women?
No, it is more about kids getting in trouble on playgrounds for playing tag, for removing sports from some schools because some kids get picked last, etc.

By the time the kid reaches college, any damage is already done.

Oh, so it’s based on nothing then, that’s what I figured. Thanks. I’m really sorry you feel like a woman though. There’s surgery for that.
I'm around 180 now. The photo you saw was probably during my coke addiction where I dropped down to around 130ish, but I haven't been as low as 115 in years. Plus I've been taking HGH supplements and they've been drastically increasing my size.

I'm not huge though, especially compared to some of the people I know. My MO has always been this: If it looks like you are going to beat me in a fight, there won't be a fight. I will just lift my shirt up to show my Ruger and suggest that everyone goes home.

I got my ass beat pretty bad a few times before I learned to carry a pistol.

Well, if you're not going to fight fair then forget it.
Desh tell your son to come to Zen Fight Club in Ottawa so i can kick his ass....Thanks....


He would love to do that.

I would pay for the trip myself but I dont want him hanging arround confused fools like you.

He loved this new experience so much because he has always done things like paly guitar, studied and debated. He had no interests in sports because of the idiotic social scene that surrounds them in the vast majority of schools in the US. I could never talk him into doing any sports.

The young man is 6 foot and naturally muscular. I keep telling him he would be a brick wall if he began a course of muscle building exersizes. He has been in a couple of scuffles in his liketime and always came out the victor and felt he protected the people he was protecting but he had never been able to test his natural ability without the fear of a knife or gun appearing in the middle of contest. Luckily he never had to face a gun or knife but in a large city you really dont know what can happen when people who just show up to a party or gathering.

He was allowed for the first time to see what these natural tools he has can do. He found that when he was hit in th face that the pain was muted by the adrenaline. He found it just made his refexes faster. He found he was not as fragile as he thought. He found he could take on two guys at once and still dominate. He discovered a glimpse of the extent of the physical gifts he has been born with. Those muscles can do more than create a sweet rif on a bass guitar.They can do more than just carry really heavy stuff for Mom. They can do more than pick up and carry his girlfriend. He scimmed for the first time in his life the things they were designed to do. They were designed to extend his life in a world that was designed to limit his life. He now knows a little bit more about the power he wields by just being the particular being he was born.

Its very similar to a plain woman getting a makeover and realizing she is attractive. She has never walked down the street and turned heads but walks out of the door to see mens heads snap for the first tiem in her life.
She realizes that she is more than want she has been settling for in her life so far. Or a Woman who for the first time trys to build something with the tools in the garage and realizes there is not great mystery and that those tools work just as well for her as any male. She builds a planter box or table that looks fantasitc and will stand the test of time and realizes she is a builder and doesnt have to wait for some man to help her. She has a power she never realized she had.

It really is not about hurting people its about knowing what your body is capable of and recognizing the unique gifts that are part of what makes you ,you.
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No, it is more about kids getting in trouble on playgrounds for playing tag, for removing sports from some schools because some kids get picked last, etc.

By the time the kid reaches college, any damage is already done.

Once again, playing tag and picking team mates is not a 'masculine characteristic'. Girls like those games too.
Oh, so it’s based on nothing then, that’s what I figured. Thanks. I’m really sorry you feel like a woman though. There’s surgery for that.

I can't believe what I'm reading.

I wonder if he'll try to weasel out of it by saying he just did it to stir up convo or that he was being sarcastic.
Competition is not exclusive to masculinity. If you truly believe that, you're completely wrong.

When contesting anything is removed from their early development...

You have a habit of hiding behind vague descriptions, implying things and then denying them totally. Please specifiy what you mean by "aggressive".

What does this have to do with teaching men to behave like women?
Again, years are spent studying this, text books have been written on it, yet you expect me to sum it up in a minute post on a thread on a message board.

Pretending that the differences in men and women are not striking because women compete too is only pretense. Acting as if teaching young men to direct aggression in a positive role rather than a negative one would be a bad thing? Bad judgment, IMO.
Okay All Knowing-LadyT name a feminine characteristic and a masculine characteristic.

Feminine: Good drivers (as evidenced by lower insurance rates)
Masculine: Bad drivers (as evidenced by higher insurance rates)
Once again, playing tag and picking team mates is not a 'masculine characteristic'. Girls like those games too.
And again, I believe it harms the young men more than the young women for reasons outlined. Aggression and competition are more central to men in general, taking that lesson out of a large part of their life creates problems for them.

Books such as this:

Amazon.com: The WAR AGAINST BOYS: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men: Christina Hoff Sommers: Books

As well as text books have been written on the subject. Also, you ignored the point of role models missing from life and the "many reasons" portions of my posts so you could play the fallacy of reductio ad absurdam.

I may not be making my point well here, but I often think some are deliberately trying to miss the point. As evinced by taking whole portions of my posts away and pretending they didn't exist.
Feminine: Good drivers (as evidenced by lower insurance rates)
Masculine: Bad drivers (as evidenced by higher insurance rates)
Yes. It's one of those areas that young men could use some direction in how to use aggression and competition in a more positive light.